Chapter 5: Magical Bonding

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In our last chapter, Hajarianna escaped the kingdom of Downland, joining all her friends. Restored to full power, she defeats the shadow monsters and cleared the way to the evil castle. However, the pixies are still held prisoner.

Hajari, Hajarianna, Willow, and Bloom are all standing by the entrance of the cave, but because of the avalanche, the rocks had fallen and blocked the passage. 

"Now what do we do? There's no way we can get back in there," says Hajarianna.

"Hajarianna, can you teleport us back using your scepter?" Bloom asks.

"Nope. Not unless you wanna end up in that creep's bathroom," Hajarianna replies. 

"In other words, Hajarianna needs to know the destination very well," says Hajari. "Or teleporting could land us anywhere."

Bloom puts her foot on a rock. "This isn't going to be easy. Willow, do you think you can guess how far the citadel is from here?"

"Well let's see," Willow says as she walks up to the cliff of the mountain. "Well, I'd say it's pretty deep. It's below this valley, but I'm not sure."

"Then let's get down there it's too risky to use the Demoleculizer from up here," says Bloom.

Later in the pixies' jail cell, the shadow monsters are flying around make noise and are irritating the pixies.

"I find the sight of those monsters most unpleasant," says Tune. 

"Go away you, horrible creatures! Leave us alone!" yells Chatson. 

"You've been shouting at them all day and what has it done other than overloading my audio inputs?" asked Digit.

"They're so ugly it's unbearable," says Tune.

"Well listen to this, if your inputs aren't too overloaded: I've been trying my best to get rid of them, sp instead of sitting there in your sandy cove-"

Digit cuts Chatson off.  "Standby mode."

"Digit, just help me and hope we can give them a piece of our minds," Chatson says. 

"It's an nightmare. An antistatic nightmare," Tune then says.

"I swear if I hear another shout, I'll reboot," says Digit.

"Stop it!" Tune yells very loudly and all the monsters go away.

"See shouting was the solution," says Chatson.

Lockson starts to shed tears.

"Lockson, what's wrong?"

"We'll end up like the others, won't we?" Lockson is referring to the other pixies who were eaten by the shadow monsters. 

In the Phoenix's throne room...

"How touching. Of course. It's your own fault." The Phoenix watches the Pixies through crystal ball. "And now I've been forced to call in an expert," The Phoenix then says as he does an evil smile. 

The Phoenix transforms into a snake and terrorizes the pixies. As the blood red snake comes closer to the cell, the pixies all hug each other shimmering in tears.

"Don't worry, the energy will protect us," says Chatson.

The snake slithers right through the cage.

"Oh no!" Lockson cries.

"Keep still, don't move," Chatson says. 

The snake slithers around. "Insolent pixies!" The snake slithers around Chatson and Amouray. "Your silence deeply annoys me. You are so bold and brave. Let's start with you, Lockson."

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