Chapter 23

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I go through biology in a haze. I can't think, or function. My mind is all on Jack and I have so many questions.

How did his eyes change that color?

Why did his eyes change that color?

Why didn't Stacy and everybody else notice?

Biology finally ended and I walk down the hall like a zombie. I walk by Stacy's locker but she just snickers and me along with her little gang. I find the bench me, Kayla, and Tyler usually sit and I sit down. I don't hear Kayla or Tyler approach when they sit next to me.

"Are you okay?" Kayla asks me. She know me too well.

"I'm fine," I lie.

She says in a lower voice, "do you want to talk?"

"No" I say firmly.

"Okay, if you want to talk I'll be here."

I mutter something in return and go back into my delusional state of mind. Was I imagining it? No, I was sure I saw it. They were so red. Like wine had been poured into his eyes.

School goes by and I'm still a mute. Eventually school ends and I catch a ride with Kayla.

"So I heard Stacy is up to her old tricks again," she says.

"Who told you that?" I ask.

"I overheard in English. Some bitch that's part or Stacy's group was saying how much of a slut you are."

"Oh. Well they are right"

"No they are not. They just don't get that a beautiful girl like you can have so many guys that like you at once and you just want to go out with them. Nothing serious."

"I guess," I say in a small voice. Should I tell her about Jack? I don't really keep secrets from her. Unless its about who ate the last cookie.

"Well I told that whore to fuck off and she shut up so don't worry about her." she reassures me.

"Okay" we pull up in my driveway.

"If you want to talk just call me and I will be here."

"Okay, but I just want some time alone now," I say.

"Okay, text me."

"I will."

She pulls out of the driveway and I walk into my house and head straight up to my room. I lay on my bed and plug my earphones in.

I need to think.

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