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I felt the bed moving, but I kept my eyes closed. It sounded like Joji stood up to get something. I turned around, laid on my stomach and burried my face in my pillow. Suddenly a bright light, met my eyes and I knitted my eyebrows. "Babe." Joji said and got back to the bed. "Wake up." I groaned and pulled the blanket over my head. "Babe. Come on we have to get up. Or we will be late." Late for what? I sat upright and scratched my head. I finally opened my eyes and looked to Joji. His dark eyes considered me and I didn't want to know how I looked right now. I smiled. "What are we going to do today?" I asked and climbed off the bed. Joji kneed infront of my suitcase and pulled some clothes out. "You'll see." He said smiling and handed me the stuff in this hand. I raised one eyebrow. So that was the outfit that I was going to wear? I changed and stood infront of the mirror. A jeans shirt, on top of it a cute oversized pastel pistacho sweater and black skinny jeans. I turned around and looked at Joji. "Eyyy... not bad." Joji laughed and digged his head through the hoodie hole. "Glad you're liking it." I brushed my hair real quick and sat down on the bed. My eyes wandered all over Joji. What on earth did I do, to deserve someone as precious as him? Suddenly i got lost in deep thoughts. What if this isn't real at all? And what would happen if this all was god's joke? "Y/n?" That feminine voice again. I looked up and saw Joji. He laid his hand on my shoulder and looked into my eyes. "Y/n. Do you listen to me?" I shook my head lightly. Why on earth do I hear these voices. Am I driving crazy? Should I tell Joji about it? "Come on let's go get some breakfast." Joji said and grabbed my hand. Joji and I got down to the lobby. We walked into the food lounge and sat down on a table. My toughts were still stucked by the voices in my head. I swallowed and felt how dry my mouth was. "What are you going to take?" Joji asked and I looked up. The waiter stood next to our table. "Oh. I am going to have french toast with a black coffee, please" I said quickly. The waiter nodded and walked away. Focus y/n. Focus on Joji. He looked at me without saying anything. "Is something wrong?" He finally asked and laid his hand on mine. I shook my head and smiled. "Everything is fine. Just a little bit tired." Joji still looked into my eyes. I was able to read the sadness out of his eyes. "Don't you like it here?" He asked. I shook my head immediately. "Joji. I freaking love it here!" I said and smiled. I really appreciated everything he did, to keep me happy. The waiter brought our food and we started to eat in silence.

As we finished Joji and I got out and called a taxi. The taxi arrived and we both got in. Joji showed the driver the adress with his phone and he started driving. Joji put his arm around me and stroked my arm, while I was resting my head on his chest. I was asking myself, where he was going to take me. But I would find out soon. We drove for almost 40 minutes and I didn't want to know how much that shit costed. The taxidriver, tried to explain the quantity of euro Joji had to pay. He typed in his phone and showed it him. Joji handed him the money. "Merci." He said and we stepped out. "Where are we?" I asked and looked around. "Versailles." He said and put his sunglasses on. The sun was shining and a pleasant weather was filling the atmosphere. Joji took my hand in his and we both walked a little bit. Suddenly we both stood infront of a huge garden. The grass was green and the flowers growed out in bright colors. I looked around and could see couples walking around hand in hand or people sitting on the meadow and jamming along with their guitars. Joji turned around to me and smiled. "There is more to see." He said and we walked down the alley. I considered the beauty of this place. It was breathtaking, also a romantic place. Joji and I stopped infront of a garden folly. It was huge, white and again the architecture was incredible. In the middle under the roof there was a statue of an angle. "Temple de l'amour." Joji said and I could hear the difficulty in his pronunciation. I looked at him. I wasn't able to see his eyes but I knew that he was looking at me. "This is so beautiful Joji seriously." I said and put my arms around his neck. Joji leaned forward and laid his lips on mine. A ticklish feeling went from my feet up to my head and I smiled on his lips. Joji's touch made me experience a mixture of hell and heaven. He was the person, who made me escape from reality. I broke the kiss and walked up the stairs to the statue. I considered it, took some pictures and as I finshed Joji and I got onto the meadow and sat down. Joji laid his head on my lap and I ran with my hand through his messy hair. "You know I believe in something like..." He started talking. I looked down to him and he took of his glasses. The sun was shining in his face. "Like a forever." I smiled and felt how my heartbeat got faster. "You know y/n, no one made me ever feel the way like you do." My face started to get hot and I looked away smiling. Joji laid his hand on my cheek and gently turned my head back to his direction. "I am glad that I met you." He said and stroked my cheek. Joji sat upright and looked into my eyes. "I have something for you." He said and let his hand wander to his jeans pocket. Joji pulled out a small squared box and gave it to me. "You didn't really have to." I said smiling, while unboxing it. It was a silver necklace with a J as the pendant hanging on it. I looked up at him, trying to hide the fact that I was really confused my it was a J. Joji pulled his sleeve up and held his wrist infront of my face. He was wearing a silver bracelet with a (Your first letter) hanging on it. "You know, if alzheimer kicks in, after we married and got old together you can just look at this necklace and remember the first letter of my name." Joji said and grinned brightly. I closed my eyes. "Joji you're awfully sweet." I said and jumped on him. I wrapped my arms around him and we both fell back. Now I was laying on top of him, feeling how his his chest moved as he laughed. "I love you so much Joji." Joji stroked my back. "I love you too y/n." He whispered into my ear and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

Dhdhdhshddjfdnjfnsjfidd I hope you guys enjoyed this crap chapter. If you did faving would be cool 😏. Share this gayass story with people, who should get cancer. Okayyy habe a nice day b0ss byeeee xx

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