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"Y/n." I heard someone whispering. I turned around and tried to find a silhoutte in the dark forest, I was standing in. I looked into every direction but couldn't see anyone. My hands were really cold and my heartbeat got faster. "Y/n." There was it again. But this time I could feel his breath on my neck. Goosebumps spread all over my body and I turned around. Again no one was there. I tried to swallow the clump in my throat. Suddenly a hand laid on my shoulder and I turned around. It was Joji. I wrapped my arms around him and closed my eyes, trying to find my safety in his arms. The heat of his body warmed me up and I stopped shakig. "Y/n." He said once again and as I opened my eyes he was... gone.

I liftet my head from the desk and looked around. I dozed off, while drawing yesterday night. It was sunday and I have to finish my art project for monday. I checked the time. 2pm. I thought about the dream and knitted my eyebrows. I have to see Joji as soon as possible.

I changed into a black hoodie and blue jeans. I grabbed the keys to Joji's apartment and got up. My carkeys where there and I had to pack some clothes for him. I slowly opened the door and stepped in. After I found my keys and was about to leave I looked at the couch. My eyes started watering again as I saw the mug on the table. I walked to the table, grabbed the mug with the cold tea and brought it to the kitchen.

I parked the Rover and jumped out. I got really excited, that I was able to talk to Joji today. I walked in and talked to the receptionist. "Excuse me. I wanted to ask if I could get the room number of a patient." I asked shyly. The middleaged woman looked up. "Name?" She asked grumpy and I raised my eyebrows. "Joji.." I shook my head quickly. "I mean George. It's George Miller." She typed in her computer and looked up again. "Room 531." She said and I thanked her. She didn't answer and I got pissed because of how rude someone has to be. I mean jesus if you hate you job that much then get the fuck out. As I stood infront of the door I took a deep breath and knocked at the door. "Come in." I could hear Joji's voice. I opened it slowly and as my gaze met his he smiled. My steps got faster and I put my arms around his neck. Joji embraced his arms around me and pulled me in for a really close hug. My eyes filled with tears of joy. "I'm so glad to see you y/n." He said quietly and looked into my eyes. With his right hand he fondled my hair and laid his lips on mine. It felt like 4th of july in my chest, as his lips touched mine. I discontinued the kiss, placed the bag next to the bed and sat down on it. "I packed some clothes for you." I said and smiled. He nodded and grabbed the snickers, which was laying on the table next to him. We sat there in silence, I lowered my gaze to my hands and rubbed them into each other. "So..." I started to talk. "I heard that was a seizure." Now I looked at him. "Yeah. It's something common."
"How are you all so chill with this? I literally cried so much yesterday." Joji smiled at me and had a mercifull look in his eyes. "It's actually not that bad." My knees got weak, as I thought about that night. "Do you remember anything such as pain or so?" I asked quietly. He shook his head. "You know the feeling, dozing off somewhere after a really exhausting day and waking up after 3 hours, asking yourself what time it is or if Kanye West is already president." I chuckled and nodded. "It's something like that. All I can remember is your taste on my lips and after that nothing." I scratched my neck. "It looked so horrible, I didn't know what to do." Joji laid his hand on mine. "I cried so much, you can't imagine how worried I was. I thought, you would leave me..." While these words rushed out of my mouth my eyes started watering again. "Y/n." Joji said and squeezed my hand lightly. "I would never leave you voluntarily." His hand wandered up to my cheek and I rested my head in his hand. He brushed my lips with his thumb and leaned forward. Our lips conflated and a ticklish feeling went down my spine. I'm so glad that he is with me. And I'm so glad, that he'll always stay with me.

BOIS IT THE 1ST OF FEBRUARY AND IT'S MY BIRTHDAY. Pop the champagne hoe. Oh yeah it's lit, laying in my bed, 2 am and writing Cancerous Love man. But I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. Have a nice day and please get me Joji as a gift yeee? Thank uuu Buh byee <3

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