I love you

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Derek's pov
We were fighting. It was becoming our usual routine, we'd all plan out the fight we were about to have with the supernatural nuisances in our town, stiles would even plan it down to the last detail and every scenario he thought of had a plan attached to that as well so there were several different plans we could use if it came to it. Then all the wolves and Allison would go to "hunt". And we'd leave stiles at home so that he didn't get hurt to which he was not pleased because he wanted to be out there with all of us.
——————————time skip—————————
Once we had all returned after the fight I knew that me and stiles had some unfinished business to attend to considering I knew he would hate me leaving him in the house so he didn't get injured alone, he'd have something to say about it. We had been dating for about 3 months now, the whole pack knew as well and were supportive of it. But lately we'd all been really stressed so it caused stiles and I's relationship to strain and for us to have arguments quite a lot recently. Once we had all got back the pack stayed at the renovated hale house so we could all bond and heal together, which caused stiles to become deafeningly silent which he never was so I knew that he was really upset. The whole pack went to sleep in a puppy pile other than stiles because he went straight to the guest bedroom and locked the door. He even took his pillow from our bed into the guest room. I was in trouble.
Once the whole pack had left in the morning just after breakfast and me checking all their wounds had healed nicely, stiles crept out of the guest room and made his way downstairs to hover around me. Silently. After I'd done the dishes I turned around and said "go on then let me have it" he looked up and shook his head "stiles it will help just shout at me I know it'll make you feel better" to which he responded again by looking up slightly and shaking his head, which got me angry "STILES I'M TRYING TO PROTECT YOU BY KEEPING YOU IN THE HOUSE GOD DAMNIT, WHY CANT YOU SEE THAT IM JUST TRYING TO PROTECT YOU" i shouted "DEREK I MAKE ALL THE PLANS THE LEAST YOU COULD DO IS TAKE ME WITH YOU I'M NOT JUST SOME HELPLESS HUMAN I HAVE SAVED YOU COUNTLESS AMOUNTS OF TIMES, EITHER TRAIN ME TO BECOME A HUNTER OR JUST TAKE ME WITH YOU" he yelled back "YOU CAN GET HURT THOUGH STILES, YOU'RE JUST HUMAN YOU DON'T HEAL AS FAST AS WEREWOLVES" I stuck with my point as I shouted at him "YOU GET HURT TO DEREK" he yelled I lowered my voice "why does it mean so much to you if you come along and if I get hurt?" I asked "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, YOU IDIOT, I need you not to die because of this stupid fucking life we live so if I was there I might be able to help you!" He yelled which turned into a soft but harsh whisper as he realised what he'd just confessed "you love me?" I asked in total shock. Stiles just nodded from across the room which I quickly crossed so I was stood right in front of him. He lowered his head which made me put my fingers under his chin to tilt his head up and I kissed him passionately. Once we'd pulled back for a breath I leaned my forehead on his and whispered "I love you too".

This was really bad I'm sorry I feel awful but I've not posted in ages. I've not finished with this story yet but I've marked it as complete because all oneshots are technically complete and I've also entered the wattys 2018🎉
Stay tuned and please be nice, I've not written in ages!
UPDATE: just some spelling errors, I'll try post again soon💚

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