He's my (not) boyfriend

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A/n hope you like💚

Stiles' pov
I was working in the cafe around the corner from my university, it was a Friday afternoon (all my lectures were in the morning) and all the regulars were already in having there own separate conversations, some studying or just sitting alone waiting to go to a lecture like they sometimes did when a guy who looks like a Greek god bursts through the door panting luckily he didn't disturb anyone and he came over to me hurriedly and announced "I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend... Psycho in 3,2,1" then a girl with dirty blond waist length slightly curled hair came in she was thin and looked slightly older than him. She prowled over to this Greek god and sat next to him "Derek, I shouted you why didn't you answer, anyway I was going to ask you if you wanted to come over and study tonight" the guy- Derek- hadn't took his eyes off the bar so I intervened and kissed him as passionately as I could over the bar he was surprised at first and then kissed back raising his hand to rest it on my cheek, I even went as far as to slip my tongue into his mouth which also startled him a bit but he didn't pull back and I mean I had to make it convincing right? Once I pulled back I licked and bit my bottom lip a small blush settling on both of our checks and I looked over at her, her jaw pretty much lying on the counter and announced "sorry I think he's a bit busy, considering I'm the one getting action from him tonight and not you" that comment made him smirk a little as her jaw dropped more if that was even possible and then I added "now if you could leave my boyfriend alone, it would be much appreciated. Why don't you go find a man slag that's single to fuck you tonight bitch" she got up with a huff mumbling about 'stupid gays' and the 'attractive ones always being taken or gay' which made me hold back a laugh as she left the joint I then looked down to Derek as he looked up at me "I'll wait a minute to make it seem believable... Sorry she wouldn't leave me alone or take no for an answer... Hope I didn't scare you off" I nodded said "not at all" and asked if he wanted something to drink he nodded and asked for black coffee, I placed it I front of him and said "on the house, I'm stiles by the way" before he could get the money out of his wallet. He smiled up at me in thanks took a sip and then said "that was one hell of a kiss" my jaw dropped slightly and then I said "well firstly I had to make it believable and secondly when a literal Greek god asks to to be his fake boyfriend you're gonna wanna run your tongue over whatever he lets you" Derek blushed and looked down "you think I'm attractive then?" I laughed and then replied "no I think you're a Greek god which is so much better than just the boring old adjective 'attractive'" I said the word attractive as though it was a bitter taste on my tongue. Derek smiled and then said "so stiles, I was thinking if you're not busy tonight I would like to actually take you on a date, if you want to" he shrugged but seemed hopeful I just wanted to kiss him again so I did biting his lip a bit toward the end then I whispered "I finish work in an hour, you can pick me up or you're welcome to stay" I smiled which he returned "I'll stay" I smiled again and nodded. While I was finishing work I kept sneaking glances at Derek who had sat down in a booth just to my left and he had a book out and a pencil, sometimes I noticed him sneaking glances at me and I smiled toward him to which he seemed to blush a little and put his head down continuing with his sketch which I presumed was probably of me due to the glances I was getting, when I finally finished work I sat with him in the booth and he held his drawing up for me to see - it was of me - it was the best drawing I had ever seen in my life, I smiled and leaned over the table to peck his lips "so, that date?" I asked he nodded packed his stuff away and got out of the booth. I joined him and then we walked out of the cafe hand in hand. Smiles on our faces.
Derek took me to the park and we just strolled around getting to know each other better, I found out that he was 23 and that he had a degree in law and was just starting out, I told him that I was going to be a deputy with my dad who's the sheriff after I finished uni. He then took me to a nice restaurant and we ate dinner and continued our conversations. Then at the end of the night he leaned in and kissed me in our most passionate kiss of the day considering we'd already shared about 5 kisses today anyway. Then he walked me back to my dorm and just before I went in we exchanged numbers and I kissed his cheek before walking into my room with a smile on my face.

*3 years later*
I was sat in the loft with Derek and the rest of the pack - after he told me he was a werewolf - he introduced me to all his pack after university when we both moved back to beacon hills. We had been dating for just under 4 years but our anniversary was coming up. We were having a pack bonding night I was seated on Derek's lap our hands clasped together my head on his chest listening to his heart beat more than the film that was playing. Scott and Isaac were laying on the floor cuddled into each other as they watched the screen Lydia and Allison on the other couch situated just left of me and Derek and Erica and Boyd were seated next to Derek and I on the couch. Derek's heart beat was lulling me to sleep as my eyes started fluttering closed, in the arms of the man I love. When I woke up I was in our bed wrapped up in his arms I looked at the clock to see that it was 3:30am I turned around so that I was facing his chest and give his collarbone a kiss before he pulled me closer after giving me a satisfied grumble, I smiled and closed my eyes again to go back to sleep. The next time I woke up sunlight was filtering through the curtains and I could smell bacon and I couldn't feel the warmth of my lover that was normally securing me in his arms, I woke up threw one of his t shirts on along with a fresh pair of boxers and went downstairs. I saw Derek down there topless with a pair of sweatpants on I walked up behind him wrapping my arms around his waist and putting my head in between his shoulder blades as I took in his scent. And let out a happy noise as I whispered "morning" into his back he chuckled and then replied "morning baby" as I smiled into his back pressing kisses around his triskelion tattoo. He turned the bacon and eggs off then turned in my arms putting his around my neck and embracing me further "d'you sleep okay?" He asked I just nodded in response so he smiled into my hair. I looked up at him and kissed him softly on the tip of his nose which made him smile more and kiss my forehead then I finally let go of the warmth as he dished up breakfast and I sat at the island propping my head up with my hand as I watched him hand me a plate I mumbled my thank you's and then ate my delicious breakfast with Derek before the pack came down stairs. As Derek made breakfast for them as well as they mumbled "morning mom, morning dad"  both Derek and I just smiled toward them as Isaac came over to me and leant his head on the island, I started unconsciously running my free hand through his hair as he purred happily before Derek took my finished plate and set a plate in front of Isaac, giving me a quick peck before announcing he was going to get in the shower. I watched my mate walk away and smiled happily to myself. This was my life, I loved this life, I loved him and I loved my pack.

A/n sorry it's probably only short I'll try and make it longer but I didn't know how to end it.
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