I'm not leaving you

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⚠️Trigger warning will contain mentions of self harm, please do not read if this might hurt you ⚠️
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Derek's pov

I was laying down on the couch waiting for stiles to come home, I had my glasses on and a book in my hand. It was one of my favourites and I could hardly ever put it down. As I was just about to start a new chapter stiles came in. He looked tired and he looked as though he was on a mission. I looked over at him briefly as he came into the living room "hey baby" I said as he looked over at me before I went back to my book "hey" was the reply I got. He plonked himself down on the chair by the couch and stayed still and quiet for about 2 seconds. Then he started taking my ear off "so this professor in college keeps looking at me as though I'm proper dead stupid and I know I'm not but its making me feel really anxious and I really wan tot like drop out of college because of him and all but then this other one keeps looking at me as though he is skinning me alive which makes me feel really uncomfortable, and there are some guys in my class who keep looking at me flirtatiously and I feel really uncomfortable there I mean there's a reason I don't look or talk to them obviously but I mean one of them keeps asking me out and I'm like there's a wedding ring on my finger for a reason but then he's like yeah a fake husband how cliché and it just makes me feel really sad " stiles finished with but in my head I heard most of it but some of it just sounded like "blah blah blah" so once he was finished I just hummed which made stile angrier because then he got up and stormed to our bedroom muttering something like "yeah that's hat I thought". Then I heard our bedroom door slam which re-awakened me from my book and I looked around to see that stiles had gone upstairs so I huffed and got up to go and see what was wrong with him. Once I had gotten upstairs I let myself zone in on the noise to find that he was crying gently, I let myself into our room and walked over to the edge of the bed. Stiles was still in a ball but he stilled once he sensed my presence. "what's up baby" I asked gently he looked at me got up and there were still silent tears rolling don his face "you don't listen or pay attention to me anymore, its like I annoy the hell out of you and you don't even like me enough to talk to me" he whisper yelled tears rolling freely down his face, his voice cracking slightly. I stood back a bit " no stiles! I've listened to you every day for 9 years 7 of which we have been together and 5 of which we have been married and never not once have I not listened to you all of it I have listened t all of it and half of it wasn't even worth my time but  still listened like I always do! its not my fault you never shut up" I yelled at him which made him look up at me in surprise, the hurt look on his face made me regret every word I had said and then he just looked down and whispered "get out" I folded my arms also going in front o the door so that he couldn't leave and said "no" he looked at the door behind me as though he wanted to leave but instead he just turned around so that he didn't have to look at me and I dint blame him for doing it  wouldn't have wanted to look at me either "you said you loved me" he whispered again more ears running freely down his face " yeah I still do but sometimes I hate how much you talk and how much sarcasm you use" he looked back at me " no you don't get to say that wen you once told me they were my best qualities. that you loved me for who I am and you always would, or was that just a lie you told the both of us so that I  would marry you?" I looked down at my feet now which seemed to answer his question for him even though I hadn't said anything "get out Derek, just leave. its what you do best" he yelled the last part his voice breaking during several different words. "no stiles I'm not leaving you, because I know what you'll do as soon as I leave this room, this house you'll start cutting again like you used to and that will kill me just like it used to. I cant stand seeing you hurt" " you're hurting me Derek so just leave and oh yeah because I just keep my blade in the bathroom with all my other supplies, is that the only reason you married me Derek? because you took pity on me?" he asked " I know you do sti I've seen the blade in the cabinet beside the mirror and no I married you because I was hopelessly in love with you and that would never change will never change, sti come on you know I love you you're my mate and my husband I wouldn't have put a ring on your hand if I didn't want to marry you  or if I didn't love you." he slowly turned round to face me and then sighed "I love you but I feel like you don't even want to tolerate me sometimes an di cant handle feeling worthless, not by you" he said curling in and around himself. "sti baby you'll never be worthless not in my eyes" I said walking over to him, once I got close I lifted his chin up and kissed him passionately which he melted in. Once we pulled back for breath I wrapped myself around him and lied us on the bed him cuddling up to me to get more comfortable and I made a mental note to never ever hurt him again, he was the love of  my life and I hated to see him so vulnerable and breakable.

That night was the first and only fight we had. It was brutal.


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it means so much to me when ya'll do.

sorry I have been absent for so long, teen wolf ending hit me hard like really, really hard but its okay because the fandom will always live on...

love all of you, if you need to talk to anyone don't be afraid to end me a message me or comment.

I'll always be here for you.

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