Ame soeur

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A/n a good friend requested this one so this is for talita and the title means 'soulmate' in French for all who are wondering just so you know... Love you guys💚 sorry if you don't like this there will be sexual content in this so if you don't like that I suggest you don't read it because you won't like it. Thank you if you'd stay to read this it might not be my best one but I'm trying, thank you for being my inspiration!!!

Derek's pov
When you're 14 you get a tattoo on the side of your right wrist of the first words and the first name of your soul mate. The name on my wrist was Mieczyslaw (stiles) and the first words he was going to say to me was "dude! seriously you need to fuck me... I mean fuck off! Leave Scott alone I think you're the psychopath" I always wondered what situation that would be in and what I'd most likely say back that was until I met him. The love of your life my ame soeur.

I was walking out in he woods looking for Scott the teenager my psychotic uncle bit just yesterday turning him into a werewolf, I knew he was in the woods because I could smell him and hear him talking to someone I had no idea who though, I stood near by observing them, they were searching the ground no doubt Scott was looking for his no longer needed inhaler. That's when the teenager noticed me "what do you want, who are you?" Scott asked cowardly "I could ask you the same question Scott, my uncle bit you last night I know, I know he's a psychopath, my names Derek and we're brothers now Scott you and I, we're both werewolves." That's when the human boy finally spoke "dude! Seriously you need to fuck me... I mean fuck off! Leave Scott alone I think you're the psychopath" I looked down at my right wrist smiled and looked back at him and said "trust me I'm not Mieczyslaw and you're friend is a werewolf which puts you in real danger" he looked at me in a confused way and then spoke again saying "how the fuck do you know my name have you been stalking me?" I laughed simply at these words and finally said "no... Your name is imprinted in my arm with the words that you just said and I bet my name and the words I fist spoke to you are on your right wrist too" I said holding up my right arm. I heard the boy gasp and then look at this arm then he looked a his newly turned friend and nodded, then he walked over to my side pulled my arm around his shoulders looked up and me and finally said "think I should get to know you then sourwolf" Scott followed along too as stiles and I walked to my house we had so much to talk about all three of us I mean Scott's friend was literally going to be mated to an alpha werewolf considering I killed Peter last night for crossing me then brought him back to life so that he wasn't an alpha anymore and he was actually much nicer after the death experience. Stiles and I spent the whole night and the next day just talking even when Scott went home the night before, till he finally said "so I'll say it again... seriously dude fuck me" I just laughed and we've been in love ever since.
*end of flashback*
I woke up cuddled next to stiles we had been together since he was 17 and tonight was the night I planned to propose it was his 21st birthday and I just felt that it was right I asked his dad last week for his blessing and he just told me to "go get your man" I smiled and hugged him thanking him. Tonight was the night, while he was out I decorated the loft with pictures from our relationship rose petals and a tonne of lights when he walked in he certainly wasn't expecting me to be there down on one knee with a small green box in my hand as soon as he saw me I asked "Mieczyslaw stilinski you have been and will always be the love of my life, the first day we met I thought that you were definitely someone I was going to love and I did/ do, would you give me the pleasure of becoming my hus-" I dint even get to finish my sentence when he said "YES!! OMG SOURWOLF THOUGHT YOU'D NEVER ASK!" He then jumped on me kissing me hungrily I placed the ring on his finger and kissed him again he then pushed me onto the bed taking both of our clothes off "now I need you to fuck me because I'm too happy not to fuck you right now" I just laughed and fucked my mate, kissing his neck and making him feel pleasure. I was ready for this to be my life.

A month later we got married in front of all our friends and it was the best day of my life but I knew I had more to look forward to if the rest of my life was going to be with stiles, we spent a month long honeymoon on a small island i don't know the name of and the majority of the time we were there we were just fulfilling sexual desires, it was/ had to be the best honeymoon ever, a honeymoon full of sex what's not to like.

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