What stiles lives for

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Stiles pov
I live to wake up next to him on a lazy Sunday morning where all I do is roll over and bury my face into his chest. He'll pull me closer and kiss my head as I fall into a deep sleep again knowing I'm next to the man of my dreams.

I live for the days where I come home from college after something incredible happened that day and I immediately tell Derek even if I can't remember all the details but he'll know it was incredible just because I was excited about it.

I live for the days when I come home to find him deep in a book, and I'll watch him from afar because he doesn't know I've come in yet and I'll watch the little smile on his face when he reads something he likes or the scrunched displeased look on his face when he doesn't quite like what he's reading, I'll clear my throat and he'll look up at me, then once he sees me he will get a humongous smile on his face which reaches his eyes (his genuine smile) which makes me smile at him.

I live for the days when I've had a bad day or week and I come home to him laying on the couch so I'll go over and plonk myself on top of him, he'll snuggle me and pull me closer even though we can't get any closer and rub my back because he just knows. Sometimes I tell him what's happened and he'll whisper sweet nothings into my ear as I drift of into a peaceful sleep. I live for those days because even when I don't want to smile he still manages to put one on my face.

I live for the nights when he comes home after a fight -either one of ours, or a supernatural fight- and I'll already be in bed crying because I don't know if he's coming back then when I feel the dip in the bed and myself being pulled towards him, I'll stop crying and roll over gripping his t-shirt as though he'll disappear if I let go and I'll just cry into his chest tell him I'm sorry -if it was one of our fights- and tell him I love him, he'll do the same and then kiss my head so I kiss his collarbone and we both try to go asleep curled against one another.

I live for the days when the pack comes over and Derek will still be all affectionate to me. If I'm having a bad day he will just hug me as he talks to the pack or if I start having a panic attack and lock myself in our room he'll know immediately what to do and calm me down before it's barely even begun.

I live for the days when he looks at me like I'm his whole world when I'm talking about something he most definitely doesn't care about but he doesn't seem to mind because he's looking at me like nothing will ever change the way he feels and as though he couldn't live without me.

I live for the days when he'll come home from work and I'll be cooking so he'll just mutter a hello and wrap his arms around my waist as he leans his head on my shoulder placing a gentle kiss there first, I'll turn my head slightly and place a kiss of my own on his temple and I'll continue cooking for the two of us.

I live for the mornings after, when we're both lying next to each other completely naked and he'll be tracing some sort of pattern on my arm or back with his fingers when I wake up and then we'll shower together and go for round two.

I live for the days when I get to show him off because he never gets annoyed and he does it equally to me. We both love walking around holding hands not caring about the world just us as if we're on our own planet.

I live for the days when he tells me he loves me and he just looks so sincere that I knew he wouldn't be lying to me, he'd let me feel his heart rate because he knows I can't hear it and he'll tell me so often that I never doubt that he doesn't love me. I'll say it back and afterwards we will just cuddle on the couch because I love my cuddle monster that is Derek "tell anyone and I'll kill you" hale

I live for the days when he kisses me, his soft plump lips a complete contrast to his scratchy stubble but I wouldn't have it any other way, his tongue exploring my mouth as he sometimes pins me up against a wall or lifts me up as we kiss passionately until we both have to pull away for a breath because unfortunately breathing is still a thing but once we've caught our breath we'll always place one more gentle kiss on each other's lips.

I live for the times I get to spend with him because nobody knows me better and he always knows what to do no matter what. I live for him.

Hoped you liked my sequel type thing...
Love y'all

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