Baby lahey

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A/n a massive good luck to everyone getting their results today I'm terrified personally but I have faith in all of you and I know you'll smash it. Good luck 💚
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Isaac's pov
I was walking through my old house just about a year my dad died when we where about to sell the house when I saw some files for a toddler under the name Daniel Lahey I got confused so decided to look further into it, I found out that he was my baby brother, he turned 2, 6 months ago and he was given up for adoption as soon as he was born but he was in a orphanage 2 weeks ago close to beacon hills... I took the file and headed straight for Derek's, once I got there I shouted for him "DEREK, dad please I know you're here I need your help!" He came down the stairs with one hand covering his ear "if you knew I was here why'd you yell Jesus Isaac, what's wrong pup?" He asked as he descended the last of the stairs "I have just found out I have a baby brother and he is in an orphanage about 20 minutes away from here, please dad we have to go and get him!" Derek walked past me put his shoes on grabbed his keys and signature leather jacket and said "come on then lets go get baby lahey" I smiled "thanks dad".

After about 25minutes we finally got to the orphanage, both Derek and I walked in to be greeted by a woman who must have been in her early 20's who was seriously giving Derek heart eyes, I leaned in and whispered "stiles would definitely kiss you right now if he was here, just to get her to stop looking at you like that" I could tell that Derek was trying to conceal his laughter so he cleared his threat and said "hi I'm looking for a Daniel lahey" the woman nodded and then went behind the desk to look through the files she looked up and smiled "yeah Daniel was brought back from a family just last week who said he was a handful" both Derek and I smiled "can we take him please, I'm his older brother Isaac, I didn't even know about him, I found a file in my dads house" the woman smiled and said "unfortunately we cannot permit children out of here with 'supposed' relatives your father will have to come and get him" this time Derek spoke up "his father is dead now I would please like to adopt Daniel, I don't care if it costs money, please get the paperwork" the woman nodded and then gave me a sympathetic smiles and then walked off to retrieve both Daniel and the paperwork, as soon as I saw her come back with Daniel I held onto Derek holding back my tears "he looks just like you" Derek whispered I nodded and wiped a tear that had escaped from my cheek. After Derek had filled in the paperwork we took Daniel back to the car and sat him on my lap while we drove home as we didn't have a car seat or anything "is, is" Daniel said while making granny hands at my face I looked over at Derek shocked "how does he know who I am?" I asked "I have no idea is" Derek replied. Once we got back to the loft Derek carried Daniel up all the stairs while I trailed behind and then while I opened the door, once we got in I could hear stiles heartbeat so I took Daniel off Derek while he went in search for his mate, I found them in the kitchen and Derek was scenting stiles mumbling about "some chick kept eying me" once he was finished scenting he brought stiles over to me and Daniel and said "baby meet Daniel isaacs younger brother and my now 2nd adopted son" stiles looked at me wide eyed and then cooed at Daniel "aww he's such a cutie looks exactly like Isaac" I started blushing and then said "mom, stop" in an embarrassed voice stiles just hugged me and then said "sorry baby didn't mean to make you embarrassed just telling you the truth, now gi'me" he said gesturing to Daniel, he walked over to the island got out and Apple and a knife set Daniel down on the island and then proceeded to cut the apple into little pieces then feeding it to him while he just ate it happily I looked over at Derek who was smiling goofily at the scene before him as well as me and then stiles looked over at us and said "Der, we'll have to go grocery shopping because I don't think he's gonna be able to eat what I make for the pack, and we need to get him clothes, diapers and some toys, as well as a car seat because he can't keep sitting on issy's knee" Derek just nodded and then said "I'll make a run for diapers and a car seat and then you and Lydia can go clothes shopping tomorrow and you, is and I can all go shopping for groceries tomorrow after you come back with Lydia because you can get one of the pack to mind Daniel" all of us nodded with Derek's plan and then he headed out to get the firs supplies which included diapers and car seat. Both stiles and I stayed in the kitchen with Daniel when he piped up and said "what would you like for tea baby?" I looked up at him to clarify that he was talking to me and then shrugged "will you make your special chicken noodle soup please mom?" I asked he smiled then nodded and said "anything for you is" I smiled and looked up at Daniel who was still eating his pieces of apple happily on the island, when Derek came home we all ate tea and stiles eve got Daniel to eat a bowl of it with no fuss at all he actually quite liked stiles' cooking but I mean how could you not like stiles' cooking he's like the best cook ever when it was time for bed we al kind of looked at Daniel and then at each other then stiles sighed and said "I'll add it to my list for tomorrow, it's lucky we have like 3 spare rooms beside all the rooms for the pack" I nodded with Derek and then I looked at them "do you mind if he sleeps with you I man I know you two can calm him down and I don't know if I'll have nightmares but if I do and I'm moving around or something I don't wat to hit him or make him fall off the bed" I asked slightly guilty. Derek looked at me smiled, soon up walked over and gave me a hug "oh course pup, night" I smiled and hugged him back "night dad, hey just think you now have two adopted Lahey's considering you adopted me last year so I wasn't put into care, thanks for that and thanks for adopting him" I replied, stiles walked over to m and hugged me "well he has a proper family now, just like you, night pup" he said "night mom" replied then went to kiss Daniel on the forehead before going upstairs to my room. While I was lying in bed I could hear stiles and dere asking about how now they didn't have to go through the adoption agency to get a child now which made me smile to myself, I could also hear stiles singing a little lullaby to Daniel while he fell asleep. It was then hat I knew this amply had been fully completed, all that had to happen was other Derek turning him which I really didn't mind or him staying human with stiles and liv a good human life like stiles, but in a way I wanted him to turn into a werewolf because I knew that stiles was going to ask Derek to turn him next week so they could get they could improve the mate bond further so I didn't want him to be the only human even if h would have a normal upbringing. This was our life now, and it felt complete.

A/n I'm so so sorry that was a really really bad ending, please forgive me
Please vote and comment though so I know what you think.

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