What derek lives for

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Derek's pov
I live for him lying in bed next to me waking up in Sunday's and knowing that we don't have to get out of bed so when he wakes up he just rolls over puts his head to my chest and whispers "I love you" just because cause he knows I'm up so I pull him closer, eyes still shut and kiss his forehead.

I live for the days when he gets home from college in a great mood and wants to tell me about his day even if he can't remember all the details he just remembered that he had to tell me.

I live for the days when he's in a crap mood after what has happened over the duration of the week and he comes into the loft pulls my book out of my hand, placing it down on the coffee table so I don't loose my page and plonks himself on top of me so we're just lying down on the couch, I rub his back giving him the comfort I know he needs as he just lies there not saying anything, sometimes he'll tell me what happened just so someone else knows then I pull him impossibly closer and whisper sweet nothings in his ear as he falls into a much deserved sleep.

I live for the times after we've had an argument and one of us walks out, because we never ever go to bed mad at each other and we'll always come back to one another no matter how bad the argument is, one time after our biggest argument I walked out, walking around the preserve for hours thinking over what happened. Then eventually i went back to find him lying in our bed still crying after what had happened, I'd crawl in behind him after taking my jeans and shoes off and pull him towards me, he would roll over and cling to my t-shirt as if I'd disappear if he didn't and we'd tell each other "sorry love you" before we fell asleep, I'd kiss his head and he'd kiss my collarbone and we know that everything will be fine in the morning.

I live for the days that stiles feels he needs to show me off to the world and show everyone I'm his... these usually consist of dates we'd walk around town holding hands and laughing. Go on dates to restaurants or movie dates and we'd order popcorn to share, just because we could. After the night was over we'd lay down on the couch watching a movie wrapped around each other, or we'd head straight to the bedroom and show each other a better time than we've had all night (if you know what I mean).

I live for weekends that stiles would spend at mine and on Saturday mornings I'd go down to find him cooking and dancing in only my t-shirt and boxers, I'd go up and wrap my arms around his waist leaning my head on his shoulder as he continued to sing to the radio that was playing softly.

I live for the days when stiles stays the night and he has to go to college the next morning, he would always get up and go to the bathroom, sometimes when he brushes his teeth I go in wrapping myself around him (picture^) because I can't bare the thought of not having him around. Other times I would lay in bed awake till he'd come back out kiss me and tell me he'd see me later, as he left I'd still have a smile on my face just because he kissed me.

I live for the days when he would just talk for hours about something that makes him happy and I'd stare at his content smile as he told me. Seeing his eyes light up when he mentioned something that made him even happier and hearing his happy heartbeat when something good happened no matter where he was.

I lived for when he would tell me he loves me no lies behind his words as he would either kiss me or hug me after saying it, he always made it an occurrence to tell me because he felt he didn't tell me enough even though he told me all the time. I live for when he sees me and his eyes sparkle and his heart rate increases just because he's looking at me.

I live for the days when I get to kiss him. His pink soft silky lips against mine and his tongue trying to explore my mouth as he threads his hands into my hair and I pull him closer landing my hands on his ass, us both smiling as we kissed each other never wanting to let go but eventually we have to breathe so we break off gasping then we'll look at each other and just peck one another one more time, before whispering those 3 words.

I live for him. Because even when I don't want to live he always gives me a reason, gives me love. And I love him for that.
Do y'all want a sequel to this a "what stiles lives for" or is one enough...

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