We can do this together

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A/n credit to thenerdyghost for the idea... Much love hope you like it💚

3rd person pov
A week ago Derek was found by the pack in la Iglesia as a teenager this meant that he had lost his anchor and he still thought that his family were alive. This made things difficult for the rest of the pack because Derek clearly wasn't the same and he was super confused which made it more likely for him to transform, his anchor was anger after the fire and then after he fell for stiles his anchor was stiles, his mate but after becoming a teenager again he didn't remember any of that not stiles and not the fire so his anchor was still his family... Until he went to the house and started freaking out. Derek was freaking out at the edge of the burned up hale house and he wouldn't let anyone near him, stiles approached him with caution though and Derek took to him. Stiles then told the rest of the pack to leave, he was safe with Derek. His Derek, even in younger form.

As the moon rose to its peak Derek started to get agitated and fidgety to calm him down stiles sat with him, he had tied him up by Derek's request in the corner of his bedroom.
"Stiles please you need to go I don't want to hurt you" Derek pleaded to the now older boy
" I'm not going anywhere sourwolf I know you won't hurt me just focus, you can do this" stiles calmly replied
They just sat and talked while Derek was in control until Derek started yanking at his chains trying to get free it was half way through the night by now and stiles thought he was doing so well stiles woke up to the sound of the chains being rattled next to him and then was surprised to find Derek wolfed out already. Once stiles woke up Derek's attention was turned to him stiles shuffled back and Derek tried to reach for him with his claws out trying to scratch him. "Please stiles just come closer, really want to kill you" Derek gritted out trying to fight it " come on der you can get through this it's just a full moon. what's your anchor?" Stiles gulped knowing that before this it used to be him "I DON'T HAVE ONE!" Derek yelled back " then focus on me, my eyes, my voice, my breathing, my heartbeat, anything, please der" stiles pleaded as he shuffled closer to Derek "ARRGGHH stiles!" Derek yelled out in pain of trying to control his urges stiles leaned forward pressing his lips to Derek's it took a second but Derek realised what was happening and happily kissed him back then something happened but stiles couldn't bare to open his eyes even after Derek had pulled back. "It's okay baby you can open your eyes" Derek voiced but it was deeper than it had been before the kiss so stiles opened his eyes in confusion to see his Derek there, grown up Derek, who just smiled at him. "Why did that work?" stiles asked curiously "I suppose it has something to do with you being my mate, you reminded me who I was when you kissed me and everything came back" Derek shrugged, stiles just opened his mouth in an 'O' shape and then closed it again, then Derek laughed which confused stiles more "what?" He asked obviously curious "errm, can you untie me now?" Derek chuckled to stiles who quickly scrambled to get the chains open falling in Derek's lap then looking up at him with a mischievous smirk on his face while derek was still tied up. Stiles rolled his hips on the elder mans causing Derek to groan "stiles. this. isn't. funny" Derek gritted holding back his moan stiles just smirk rubbing Derek's crotch through his pants then he got up and unchained Derek walking away " you're such a fucking tease!" Derek shouted after him, stiles just smirked held back a laugh and ran away.
They don't call him mischief for nothing I suppose.

I am SO sorry that I've not updated hope you can all forgive me I will post some more within this week hopefully, love y'all
Oh and please don't forget to send in requests even if you think it's stupid, I'm sure I can make it work💚

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