Why can't i see grey anymore?

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A/n so pretty much you cannot see colour until you kiss your soulmate. All you see is grey so I mean kinda awkward because you don't know how to colour coordinate your outfit so what if your wearing a illuminated bright pink t-shirt with yellow jeans and that just so happens to be the day you kiss your soulmate = #awkward. Anyway hope you like don't forget to request. Love y'all
Derek's pov
Stiles was unconscious in my arms I was carrying him back to the hospital I had told him not to come with us because I knew he would get hurt and I felt like shit because I couldn't protect him.
The berserker came round the corner I was fighting one off keeping an eye on stiles every couple of seconds because he was behind me defenceless because his bat had been thrown half way down the corridor we were in. We were in the high school. I had just finished fighting off my fifth berserker when I turned around to see stiles upper arm get slashed it wasn't extremely deep but he was losing a lot of blood and that scared me. I shouted Scott telling him that I was getting stiles out of here which I knew he heard because obviously we were werewolves he shouted back okay and then I got out of the high school rushing to the hospital.
*end of flashback*
"Can someone help him please he's losing a lot of blood" I asked nearly shouting it Melissa came round the corner "DEREK follow me" she demanded leading me into a room with an empty bed I lay stiles down trying to make myself scarce because I didn't know if she'd need me or not "Derek have you took any of his pain?" She asked most likely knowing the answer "of course it was the first thing I did and then he passed out... I couldn't get to him in time" she looked at me sad while still trying to help stiles "Derek! This is not your fault!" I just looked at her blankly tears starting to fill my eyes. She had stitched stiles' arm and put something over it and even bandaged it before leaving the room to go to see other patients. I just sat down with him until he finally woke up groaning at the pain I just held his hand taking his pain, I hated not being able to see colour as his beautiful grey eyes opened, they were dark so I didn't think they were the same colour as mine ... What ever that was. I sat up as he came to "d-der-ek" he groaned while putting his hand on his head "I'm here sti, not going anywhere" he was now looking at the wall "oh god id recognise these spotlessly clean grey walls anywhere" he groaned "yeah sorry you were losing a lot of blood I had to bring you here" I said looking down and feeling guilty then is tried removing my hand off his, I moved it slightly and he just held onto it again which made me smile. I then looked up at him "SHIT I didn't phone your dad, I'll be back in a minute" I said looking up at him he just whined "just ring him in here i don't really wanna be alone" he pleaded "okay". I rang his dad and his dad came almost immediately asking me to get out and go home because I had "done enough" I sighed and did as he asked because I didn't really wanna get arrested.
A few days later when I knew stiles was better and out of hospital I went round to his house climbing in through the window he was sat at his desk doing research on colour which I found confusing because I didn't think stiles could see colour yet and if he did he neglected to mention it. "What're you doing" I asked as I walked in "just researching colour because I want to be able to see what they look like in grey because then maybe I'll be able to identify colours without actually seeing them in colour... Does that make sense" I looked at him slightly amused thank god, he hadn't kissed his soulmate already and then id never be able to tell him I loved him I just smiled to myself "you should smile more" he stated with a dumb grin on his face "you should listen to me more" I said more angry now. He got up out of his chair "NO I wanted to help you cannot stop me from doing that!" He yelled knowing exactly what I was talking about "But you got seriously hurt I can't believe that, if you'd just stayed here you wouldn't have gotten hurt" I yelled back "you can't tie me to my bed Derek just so I don't follow you out into the wilderness" he said sarcastically back to me, I had him pinned against the wall and just for a brief second he looked down at my lips, after he did it I did it back showing him I was just as interested in kissing his lips as he was mine. And then out of the blue he just kissed me it surprised me at first but then I kissed back adding more passion and love. After we had finished kissing we both lay down on the bed cuddling each other, drifting off to sleep. When I up I could see stiles wall but it wasn't grey anymore it was in fact red. I heard stiles heart beat slowly start to pick up pace showing me that he was waking up he woke up and looked at me saying "green " I looked at him so confused "what?"I asked "your eyes they're green...wait how do I know that?" He asked himself "your walls red... I know that because I could see colour when I woke up because I'm guessing you're my soulmate" he smiled and kissed me "oh thank god for that my soulmate is really attractive and I've had a crush on him for 5 yea- wait I didn't mean to say that" I just kissed him again harder this time "you should've said we could've found out sooner" I said slightly annoyed "but still my soulmate is my wolfs mate as well so I mean I could've told you that a little sooner considering I've know that for 4 years but didn't want to hold you back so didn't tell you" stiles just looked at me astonished "how dare you, how could you ever hold me back, you are and will always be the love of me life" I just kissed him "I love you too, and brown by the way" he shook his head "what?" "You're beautiful eyes are brown" he smiled up at me "shh sourwolf"

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