Save me

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A/n Hope y'all like this, *trigger warning* it took a lot of effort to write this to what it was so I really really hope you like it. There will be some mature content in this and sexual abuse so if your not comfortable with that please skip it, I don't know what's happened in your lives but I care about y'all to much for you to get triggered. Love y'all
This hasn't been edited all mistakes are mine sorry if there's a lot. ----------------------------------------------------------------
*6 months ago*
stiles pov
It was during the lacrosse game, I was finally playing, the whole pack and my dad in the crowd, well the pack members that weren't on the team. I had just scored 3 goals for our team I was over the moon. That's when the final buzzer went signalling the end of the game. I looked around for Scott when the whole field when black and something was being put over my face, I couldn't struggled I was being dragged back and this smell was intoxicating it was knocking me out... Someone help me I thought to myself before I blacked out. When it came to it was freezing and dark but from what I could make out I was in some sort of basement I went to rub my head with my hand because it was sore when I noticed the chains on my wrists keeping me attached to the wall and then I noticed I was naked.

Derek's pov
The field when black and I couldn't risk exposure so I didn't flash my alpha eyes to see, it was about two minutes before the lights came back on again, i looked around and immediately ran over to Scott "Scott where's stiles!" I yelled he looked around and then frowned "oh god no, I can't lose him Derek, please we have to find him" I shook Scott off nodding "I've got it, come with me" I was about half way through the woods when his scent left me, I still had his scent, it was my favourite thing with him being my mate and all even though he didn't know that and we weren't even a couple, but his scent just disappeared and didn't pick up again. I looked everywhere for 5 weeks straight. I barely slept I didn't want to loose him, I knew he wasn't dead cause I'd feel it and I was thankful for that, I had to find him, the only reason I stopped looking everyday and night was because Isaac made me sleep with the promise that we'd find him eventually. And that the pack would also help look but I couldn't look as often as I was because he said I was killing myself and sleep deprivation is very dangerous Derek. I just had to find him.

*present day*
Still Derek's pov
It was coming up to 6 months that stiles has been missing for and it was driving me crazy, I was at on the couch when Isaac came up to me "come on Derek!" He said I just looked at him with a raised eyebrow "I want you to come to a slave auction with me" I just sighed "Isaac I don't want a slave and neither should you" I told him bluntly he just scoffed "I don't want a slave Derek I want to save someone if I can" I looked up at him that was the kindest thing I'd ever heard him say so I just looked till he continued "I've been though all the abuse, granted not as a slave but I still know what it's like to be abused and Lord help these slaves because their 'masters' must be absolute shit holes God knows what's happening to them so please Derek come with me" I looked at him sympathetic and then sighed grabbing my keys and signature leather jacket. Isaac directed us to some building it looked like an abandoned warehouse, we walked in and I told Isaac I was only staying for 2 hours at most. We sat down, near the back.
It was about half an hour in when I smelt it, it was him but I had to be sure, was I really smelling stiles?
The sales person smiled as the last slave walked off stage going into the back and waiting for their new owner "this ones a new one, slave 483, strapping young lad, extremely sarcastic and feisty so if that's what you're looking for this is your guy, and then stiles was walked out butt naked and in chains he didn't look up, constantly looking at the floor, my heart broke at seeing him  and I nudged Isaac who was looking at a piece of paper, he looked up and looked at me and I nodded. He was placed onto his knees while the bidding started it got up to 10,000 before it was about to stop, I hadn't put a bid in yet I let it get to the point where the auctioneer was counting down then I said "15,000" to which he took into consideration and then counted me down. I held up Isaac's number card thing and then walked out the back to get my baby with Isaac in tow, as soon as I got to the back and stiles noticed it was me he looked like he was going to cry so I just shook my head signalling him not to give us away, once I paid the man went to put a collar and leash on him I just looked up and snapped "don't!" I yelled to which he responded by putting them down, they didn't give him any clothes or anything so I took my jacket off which was even bigger on him not than it would have been 6 months ago because he had lost weight and had bruises and cuts all over his body. I wrapped my coat around him and then we walked to the front door I then noticed that the car park was stones and I didn't want stiles to get even more hurt than he already was so I stopped him at the door and gestured to ask whether I could pick him up, he just nodded sadly. I picked him up bridal style and walked to the car, I had spare clothes in the boot of my car so I handed them to stiles, he put on my sweatpants and a tee shirt with socks and then got into the car, Isaac got into the back of the Camaro and stiles in the front, stiles had been silent the whole time since we got him, silent tears rolling down his cheeks which broke my heart, I took him back to the loft, because I felt he had to take his time into getting back into seeing everyone but he was used to Isaac and I. Once I parked the car I front of the loft I picked stiles up bridal style again and then let Isaac out of the car before locking it be find him. Stiles just clung onto me crying into the crook of my neck, I walked up to the loft and went immediately into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water because I knew that stiles would most likely be parched, I took the glass back into stiles and he downed to whole thing in one go before saying in a raspy voice "thanks Derek" i then went to run him a bath, once it was done I placed a nice strawberry bath bomb in it and then went down to get stiles I gestured again to ask if I could pick him up and he nodded, I carried him to the bathroom, took all his clothes off gently showing I wasn't going to hurt him even if he did flinch a couple times and then I set him in the tub, just as I was about the walk out stiles grabbed my wrist and looked at me with pleading eyes "please please don't leave me" I turned around at sat at the edge of the tub stroking his hair gently "never again" I whispered back. Once he had gotten out of the bath I dried him off gently and then put on a pair of his own clothes which he had left here before he had gotten taken, even they were too big for him now, and then took him back down to the living room and placed him on the couch where he immediately curled up to Isaac, I hovered above them for a second before asking "what do you what to eat?" Stiles looked at me like the sentence was a complete mystery to him "stiles? Did they feed you at all?" He shook his head no in response and I let out a sad sigh "what would you like?" I asked again he looked up and me and then said "spaghetti?" Innocently I nodded and said "if that's what you want" to which his just nodded, while I was in the kitchen I text Scott.

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