My best friend part 4

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Stiles' pov
The next morning my dad came into my room while I was getting my things ready for school "stiles? Did you cry last night?" He questioned "nope" I replied too quickly "why don't you look at me then?" He responded I turned around "I am dad" he sighed "are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?" He asked "I'm fine dad" I replied "if you don't want to talk to me about it talk to your friends, kiddo" he replied sounding hopeful I turned fully "like I said I'm fine don't worry" I looked at him and he gave me a hopeful half smile. Later on in school at dinner Scott sat across from me " are you mad at me?" He asked "of course not, Scott you just tried to help us" I replied "it's my fault he hurt you so bad tough" he barely voiced "it's not Scott Derek just spoke the truth" I gave him a small smile which he returned "I'm pretty sure he said it because he was angry" Scott said "no, he just said what he was thinking the whole time Scott. I deserved it. I was wrong and he has every damn right to hate me I need to accept it we won't be friends ever again" I replied sadly. Later that day I went to Lydia's because she texted me and told me to go round "okay stop looking at me like that it's scary as hell" I told her "it's annoying as fuck stiles you want him and it's obvious that he wants you too otherwise he wouldn't react like a bitch" Lydia explained "what are you trying to say?" I asked confused "I'm saying i will make him jealous" she announced "no he wouldn't even care lyds it's not worth it he hates me already" I told her she smirked "we'll see" "Lydia no don't even think about it" I tried "yeah whatever" she smiled.

Derek's pov
"....and that's what happened between stiles and me. I made a mistake. I shouldn't have done that it was all a lie" I explained to Peter -which I had been doing for the past hour- I looked up "do you want him as a friend?" Peter asked me I shrugged "I don't care, it doesn't matter I just want him in my life" Peter kept back a laugh causing me to glare at him "I can't believe this is actually happening right now" he stated "what?" I asked "my annoying nephew is in love with an even more annoying teenager. I bet everyone will hate your kids" he joked "stop talking shit Peter I don't love him. I'm not gay if you say that one more time I swear to god I'll kill you!" He smirked "whatever you say big guy."

Later that night in the loft there was a pack meeting and I was stood in the corner listening to stiles and Lydia's conversation " stiles I guess I have to cancel our date tomorrow. My dog is sick and I have to take her to the vet" Lydia explained "um...what?" Stiles asked looking up from his phone "you can come with me if you'd like and we can go to the cinema and get something to eat afterwards" she replied making it more obvious to him what she was talking about "oh um yeah sure lyds" he replied curiosity was taking over my mind I had to ask "what date?" Nobody answered me "Lydia?" I asked "Derek" she replied "what date do you mean?" I asked "stiles and I have a date. Just things couples do" I was flabbergasted by that response "couple? You're not a couple" I said "and why not?" she asked I looked down and mumbled "because I don't want that" she shook her head and looked at me "what?" She asked clearly not hearing me I just put my head back down.

Stiles' pov
After the meeting Lydia came back to mine I was pacing behind her "oh my god Lydia why did you do that? This is so wrong" I said she looked over at me a small smile on her face and said "he was pretty jealous if you ask me" she replied I shook my head and started talking "wait no! What the fuck no he wasn't jealous!" She looked over to me again stopping writing and said "he was and how he was" I shook my head "it was so awkward Lydia! Okay? Awkward! And embarrassing as hell!" I stated getting slightly agitated "he was jealous otherwise he wouldn't have come to me and said he doesn't want to see us together" "what?" I asked "yep I was also surprised and I can't stop imagining you having sex now, I'm disgusted" she told me "Lydia what the fuc-" I started then she interrupted me "shut up 'bottom' stiles" she said giggling I just shook my head.

Derek's pov
I sat down with Scott "when was the last time you saw stiles?" I asked "today why?" He asked me "is he okay? How is he? Any news?" I asked all at once "he's okay Derek don't worry" I let out a sigh of relief at hearing that "and his 'great' relationship?" I asked "you're pretty interested in his life don't you think?" Scott asked me "of course, I am he... He was my best friend and- and I... Uhm will always be interested in his life, you know?" I made up quickly "you're a bad liar Derek.... Just like stiles" Scott told me. About an hour later when I was walking home I saw stiles and Lydia together they looked so happy and they were laughing I just turned around and I walked in the other direction to avoid them.

Stiles pov
I stopped dead in my tracks then Lydia said "was that Derek? You saw him too right?" I just nodded "yep" I eventually said "well fuck, stiles go!" She replied "what?" I asked confused "it was pretty funny when I made him jealous but it's not funny if it's not on purpose! And I don't want to be the reason you two aren't dating.... Go and get him!" She said pushing me a little I ran until I saw him again still walking away so I shouted "Derek?! Can we talk?" He stopped and turned around so he was facing me until I eventually caught up and bluntly said "no" I sighed and carried on talking "okay then I'm talking you listen" I paused "oh you're actually listening to me I thought you were just gonna walk away okay uhm.... I will probably cry later because it's already embarrassing as hell uhm... But I need to tell you this otherwise I'll cry even more. I want you back Derek and I don't care how pathetic it sounds it is how it is, I know we hurt each other and I'm sorry about that okay?" I was interrupted "but you're in love with me" Derek said "I'm sorry for everything but I'm not sorry for being in love with you but it's okay if you don't feel the same way Derek... I just need some time to get over you ... And we can be friends again" Derek looked at me blankly and then said "it's impossible to be friends again stiles" I felt like I was going to cry "why are you saying this?" I asked "because two people who are in love with each other could never be 'just' friends" I was astonished did I hear that right? he loves me too? oh my god "what?" I asked He just smiled at me.

6 months later. (Still stiles' pov)
We were sat in the loft Lydia, Allison Kira, Scott and Isaac around us "so guys now tell me... Who's bottom" Lydia asked and I spit my drink out nearly chocking "oh my god" Scott said embarrassed for me "what? What does that even mean?" Derek asked turning to Scott who put his hands up in surrender "don't ask me ask your boyfriend" he replied "Lydia shut the fuck up or I swear to god" I whisper shouted at her Derek turned to me "what does she mean?" Derek asked again giving puppy dog eyes "it's when-" Lydia started but I cut her off "nothing! It's nothing" I replied. They all agreed to drop the conversation there.
But later that night when Derek and I were in bed he rolled over to me "stiles?" He asked "no" I cut him off not opening my eyes "what does bottom mean" he asked I opened my eyes so wide "what the hell Derek!" I whisper shouted "I want to know" he said giving me puppy dog eyes "why do you want to know so bad?" I asked rolling over to face him he shifted in his place so he could see me better "because I'm pretty sure it's something sexual.... And I want to try it out with you no matter what it is" I sighed laughing a bit "we already do it der, now go back to sleep" I sighed getting comfortable on him.

Hope y'all liked this I'm sorry it was so long please let me know what you think... Would really appreciate it and don't forget to go follow 'ssterekk' on Instagram who I got this wonderful idea from. Thank you.
P.s hope you forgive me for not posting in a while... Will post Thursday morning before I leave for Paris🎉🎉🎉🎉🚍🚢

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