Leicester City 3-1 Liverpool

18 2 6

MotM- Phillipe Coutinho

(He finally looked back, maybe La Manga did do someone some good. Actually made Schmeichel have to save a few times before hitting the net, too bad I'd lost attention by then)

 I started this at half time. Dad's abandoned the game, I've not- that'd be awkward if we were in the stadium. Usually I can't cos I think it's unlucky/ somehow affects the game but I'm certain it's not gonna get better for us now. It did get a bit better, a bit.

I don't want to whinge but what the fuck? Why does this keep happening to us? What the fuck have we been doing in our "preseason"?! I've waited what feels like far, far longer than two weeks to see this, was distracted all day, excited to finally be back and this is what we get in return. Is this really our no more excuses response cos it's absolute crap!

We managed to create a perfect storm for us to lose, a long break with a trip abroad, Henderson injured Can in his place, the Foxes are shite relegation fodder, Ranieri sacked, caretaker manager ready to put all that poetry in motion and he's even called Shakespeare.

And anyone who believes the players saying they didn't boot Raneri out, no. You don't suddenly turn up like that after all this time of being crap after having a caretaker manager for about a minute. You're disgraces what you've done to him. You're worse than the Chelski scum that did it to Mourinho.

Us though. We STILL can't do what we need to do, we can't cross, we can't pass, so many times Milner had to deal with a poor pass that stopped any advance in its tracks and the moment we start trying long balls we might as well get on the bus and go home. Someone pointed out that we've not got a player in the top goal scorers table and I was like it's fine, bullshit about sharing our goals around but that's suddenly vanished and we can't turn to the bench cos they're no better or they're young kids we can't expect to carry grown men.

From word go Vardy made it clear we weren't gonna be able to control him and almost injured Mane in the process. We couldn't get a grip of the game at all and just about hang in there for a while. There was one shot where Clyne had to head it wide and I had Carragher own goal flash backs for some reason, it could've easily been our luck for that today.

Vardy's goal was some major déjà vu. I genuinely feel like we might as well not have a goal keeper at all at times. I thought I'd made my peace with Mignolet and he was getting better, was doing well to keep us in this match, again but then it's crushed again by a chav from Sheffield.

Did Mignolet have to play outfield in those La Manga five a sides cos he spent a lot of time outside his box today or off his line. At least 2 speculative shots like the kind Alonso scored back in the day were attempted today, luckily they didn't work but Leicester should not have the cheek and the balls to have a go at that against us but we let them because we are too nice.

Drinkwater's goal though, wow, no one was expecting that. We used to be able to score goals like that. It was like Henderson's against Chelsea and

Yay you'll never win again followed by the Gerrard song! That's what we love to hear.

Oh good we've found very high possession, can we do anything with it?

We've let Vardy score again, that's what. Half an hour more, how many goals can Leicester make up in this match? Ha you only got 3!

Moreno! Origi! Just the players this match needs!

Yaay! Coutinho scored! It's so good to see him hitting the back of the net but it feels hollow right now 67 mins in. I didn't particularly cheer. Maybe if other previous attempts had gone in and the ref had been a little more considerate when it came to penalty shouts, maybe it would've meant something. I started thinking Arsenal and Wee Joe Allen's mad last ditch goal to make 3-3 but we just don't have that momentum in us this year.

Those clapper things the Leicester fans have are awful on the ears, agh it's really getting to me, horrible noise. Why can't you clap normally? 

Woo Woodburn's making an appearance, didn't think we'd be seeing him unless we were 3-0 or something but I suppose he does need experience of the crap times too. Plus it was a bit better with him on and he got to do some good moves.

I'm pretty mad at sky sports commentators MotMing Vardy when all he had to do was be just not off side and then be faster than the likes of Lucas which just isn't that impressive. Why not the players hoofing the ball to him? Well done Leicester you've finally found the net after betraying the man who allowed you to have the one thing you're boasting and trying to mock us for. I loved them singing they're staying up/ not getting relegated cos that's typical Leicester. 

Fuck top four, we clearly don't deserve it let alone aiming for anything higher when we're either the best or we are absolute shite, unless we have the prefect conditions we just can't do what we're meant to do and that's not what it's like for a successful team. I thought we finally had the consistency down to make it but we are doing everything in our power to fuck up. So much for punishing the Juduses, instead we're the laughing stocks again.

Something really, really needs to change. I don't know what that is since we obviously can't get new players until the summer, can't you guys just go back to doing what you were doing perfectly well most of the time August through to December?!  We need to stop thinking jetting off somewhere nice for a bit is the answer cos it's clearly not.

I'm reluctant to press submit as if, if I don't press submit it's not true and it didn't happen because I don't want to spread this news to you lot but I know you already know, you watched too and we have to share this moment just as much as the good or the great.

Least Leicester didn't make us sit through a full on bus park yet again.

Can't even go watch Ball Street cos it's Ball Street South and they're crap even though I like James and Flav but South's videos are always crap, up the North!

In much better news PES added Robbie Fowler, Ian Rush and Micheal Owen I wish I had a PS4, one day the next GTA is gonna come out and I'll upgrade consoles and I'll be playing PES 2017 when everyone else is like 3 installments ahead. Rushie looks soo good with his jet black hair and icy blue eyes, if only the matches on Youtube were anywhere near that good quality but that's 80s/ 90s filming for ya.

Plus I handed my dissertation in today. I hope my tutor appreciates quotes from Carragher and Shankly .

Next up Arsenal at home! Saturday 4th March, 17:30. 

If we beat them we win the top 6 league which definitely counts for something.

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