black coffee and amber eyes

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bursting in
vivid technicolor
the flames in
your eyes
were enough
to light
my soul
and fuel
a burning desire;
a passion
that rages
more than
any storm

I press my nose to his and he exhales deeply.

"I'm scared."

"Nobody saw us, the door is closed. Unless someone is stalking us outside the widow."

"No Harry. I'm scared of us. It's stupid but-"

"To be sensitive? No it isn't."

a soft hazelnut
tainted rich
flecks of gold
drowning in
the amber pool
the warmth of
a thousand suns
enough heat
to melt
my soul

those eyes
those soft brown eyes

"Harry," he chuckles. "Did you hear me?"


"I asked about your girlfriend. Weren't you supposed to give her a ride?"

"Girlfriend," I snort. "Who cares? Fuck that."

i'll never understand
your heart,
which stole my breath
from my lungs
but still warmed
my veins

"I'm getting an A in this class, right?"

"Don't be silly. You still have to earn it."

I moisten my lips with the flick of my tongue, my eyes glimmering.

"Not like that," he smirks. "And I'm strictly teaching you English."

"But I have so many questions."

He arches his brows and tilts his head. In the glint from the sunlight I swear he's glowing.

"Like what?"

My lips trail over his neck and tickle his earlobe. "I'm just a little curious about your body."

His neck flinches ever so slightly and his breathing shallows. My mouth notices the change in his pulse and I know this isn't just some fling.

He isn't temporary.

He's a constant.

The sun, the moon and all my stars. I don't even care if it's cliche as fuck.

"Can I touch you?"


My tongue licks the shell of his ear and his pupils dilate, his eyes growing darker.


"Not here," he gasps as my teeth tug at his earlobe. "Harry," he warns.

I've never been obedient.

"I'll fail you," he laughs quietly. "I swear I will."

"Is there any way," my hands ghost down his body, stroking his ribcage before stopping at his hips. My thumbs slip up under the soft material of his shirt and draw mindless circles onto his hot skin. "I could get extra credit?"

"Fuck Harry."

"Watch your mouth," I tease.

"This isn't the right time and place, okay? We aren't doing this here."

"Doing what?"

"God, you're stubborn."


"This is where I get to be hypocritical. Don't fucking smoke."

"Your mouth is so dirty today."

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