bend before you break

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"I know your secret Harry."

"Sam I'm not interested in your bullshit."

"Mr. Malik," she hisses.

I stop dead in my tracks, my heart thudding in my chest.

"I knew it. I knew it!"

"How," I respond breathlessly.

"You've never been one to keep secrets. Walk away and I won't say a word."

"The hell I will," I shout.

Rage is boiling inside me, my fists clenching.

"I missed your birthday party," she frowns. "How tragic. Did I miss sloppy sex? Did I miss your mouth tracing his skin? Did I miss an English lesson?"

"Fuck you. You bitch," someone pulls me back as hatred spews out of my mouth. "I hate you so much, you don't understand-"

"Funny because you used to tell me you loved me when you were deep inside of me."

I'm so mad I can't even see straight.

"So are you really into guys or do need a grade bump?"

"Harry," Liam warns. "Come on."

"She knows Liam. Oh my god, she knows, she," I gulp for air.

"Breathe Harry. Let's go find Zayn."

If my hand wasn't already fucked up I'm slam it into a locker, I'd ram my head into the wall. I'd smash my skull into a billion puzzle pieces.

"Bitch," I scream as Liam drags me down the hall. People are staring at me flailing in Liam's arms, my neck flinching, my veins popping.

"Harry," Zayn's face drops, his smile faltering as he sees the terror in my eyes.

"I swear I didn't tell her Zayn. I swear on my life. Please, please," I tug at his shirt, my lip quivering.


"Sam," Liam finishes.

"No," Zayn tugs harshly at his hair, his hand trembling as it slides down the side of his face, stopping at his chin. "Harry what in the hell am I supposed to do?

"Hey," Liam's jaw sets tight. "This isn't his fault.

"Fuck. This is my fault. Getting involved with a student-"

"Student," I spit. "What am I to you Zayn? A mistake? She gave me an ultimatum. We can break it off now. I understand how complicated this must be for you, getting entangled in-"

"Stop. I didn't mean it."

"It fucking hurt anyway."

"You know I love you, yeah? M'not giving up on us this easily."

He pulls me into his arms and Liam sighs happily. His fingers ruffle my hair.

"I'm sorry babe. Sorry I made you upset."

And maybe it isn't the best timing but I kiss his desperately, drinking in his taste, my tongue parting his lips. He moans into my mouth and my heart pounds, pounds, pounds.

I pull away and he moves a stray curl. "Do you think it was Mason?"

"Only one way to find out."

He puts him on speaker.

"Did you tell someone about us?"

"Are you bloody kidding? No! I want to protect you. I see how happy he makes you, it's something I just never could do. I like Harry. I swear to God Zayn. This can get you fired, why would I ruin your career? All you ever talked about was teaching the art of poetry and translating words into emotion and I never really understood but it was beautiful. I didn't get it but Harry does."

Something inside me tells me trust Mason and I pray it isn't a mistake.

"I have an idea Zayn. Is Harry with you?"


"Let's set up the snitch. What if they're the one in a sexual relationship with you? You get where I'm coming from?"

I have to admit, it's genius.

"Okay," Zayn's hand scratches over his stubble. "We should set up a camera in my classroom. How do I get her to touch me though, she isn't into me?"

"I think I have an idea," I smirk, the wheels turning in my head.


"You've got to be kidding me babe. Can you even walk in those heels?"

"Don't I look pretty? Do you like my wig?"

"Her tattoos Harry. She has colored arm tattoos."

"Shit, I need to change into a long-sleeve dress."

"Are you wearing lipstick?"

"Shut up. I need to wear something more flowy. I'm too stocky to be a female."

I quickly change back into my clothes and wipe off the lipstick with a tissue.

"Mason will be here soon to set up the camera. We better think of somehing."

There's a knock on the door. Expecting Mason I open it.

And regret it immediately.

"Mr. Styles," Principal Jones smiles fakely. "Come with me."

My heart knocks around like a pinball before settling at the bottom of my chest. Her eyes land on Zayn as she adds "you're next."

I glance back once, tears blurring my vision. Zayn doesn't even look at me, his eyes focused on the tiled floor.

"Please take a seat."

"How are you today? Well?"

I shoot a charming dimpled little smile but she frowns in return, ignoring my question.

"Is there a reason you were alone with Mr. Malik?"

"Needed extra help with something. Is that a crime?"

"Certainly not, we encourage extra guidance here. That doesn't change the complaint I received."

"Complaint," I play dumb. "What do you mean?"

"Have you ever been sexually involved with Mr. Malik?"

I huff, crossing my arms.

"Are you calling me gay?"

This catches her off guard. Just act Harry. Play the game.

"Who is your source?"

"They wish to remain anonymous."

"You know Sam is mad at me because she thought I was flirting with someone else at my birthday party. I feel really guilty about it. I wasn't trying to come onto anyone, I really do love her-"

"I didn't say anything about her. We're talking about you. You know you can be expelled."

"For what? You don't have any proof."

She taps her fake nails against the cherry colored desk.

"Do you think Mr. Malik will give me the same story?"

"There's nothing to hide," I assure.

But I gulp, swallowing the lump in my throat.

I hope Zayn doesn't break.

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