tender touch

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touch my heart
and tickle my soul

"I love weekends."

He hums in agreement, his fingers tracing circles on my hip where my hoodie is riding up.

"Me too because I beat you at Scrabble twice."

"You're an English teacher Zayn." He laughs brightly and kisses my temple. "I can't believe we went a week without touching. It felt like eternity."

His love felt so unattainable yesterday but now he's within reach so I indulge in a kiss, savoring his taste and the dip of his upper lip.

His tongue slips into my mouth and my body quivers.

I want to devour him. He's afraid of moving too fast but reflecting on time made me realize it's never too soon for anything.

Take nothing for granted and cherish each moment.

He sucks little bruises on my neck, his hands tugging at my chocolate curls before our lips re-connect. It's swift and sloppy but so indescribably good.

"Need you like I need cigarettes," he exhales.

"Breathe you in like I breathe air," I pant and he presses his nose to mine as we heave, struggling to catch the said breath.

He bites at my lip and I come undone, my mind static like a fuzzy television screen. I find myself in his lap and he palms me through my tight jeans.

red raw lips
and dark
black lashes
touch me
and again
until i forget

"S-shit, I'm intoxicated."

His hand stops moving and he sends me an unsure look.

"Drunk on you," I clarify.

"Ahhhh, I see. We're drunk on each other. Very cute wordplay."

"Wordplay," I tease. "Is that our form of foreplay?"

So this time we go slow and delicately, our lips softly meeting. He parts my tongue tentatively and I sigh into his mouth.

When he pulls away there's a glint in his eyes I've never seen before.

"You are sheer joy," he murmurs against my neck. "Pink cheeks and bright eyes."

He presses a kiss to my throat and I shiver. "I could feel your pulse strumming under my lips."

I can't contain myself any longer and stroke him through his pants. His eyes flutter closed, his mouth parting obscenely.

Soon his hand does the same and we pant against each other's mouths, maddened but unsure of what to do next.

He rolls the heel of his palm against my crotch as he continues to kiss me.

Just kisses and kisses and kisses.

My nails dig desperately into his back, leaving shallow half-moon marks in his skin. He tugs my sweatshirt up over my head and my stomach lurches as he pulls me impossibly closer.

His teeth catch on my nipple and I hiss, my body flinching as he tugs gently with his teeth.

"Zayn, Zayn, Zayn," I moan out delirious.

His thumbs circle over my sensitive buds until they're hard, his tongue sweeping over them. I gasp as he gives a little pinch and my eyes are lidded as they close. I'm sure my cheeks are flushed and I look like a mess but I don't care. I've never been touched like this.

"You're so beautiful." My eyes open slowly and I drink him in.

"Usually you touch me with your words but I'm getting used to your gentle hands and the taste of your lips."

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