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*mature content (also that's what I pictured Zayn's room to look like just so you know)

"He's fine. You're fine. Lighten up Harry."

"I shouldn't be here. He just got out of the hospital."

"Come on," Louis groans. "You never hang with us anymore. Just a few drinks."

"I should be with him to make sure-"

He rolls his eyes, folding his arms over his chest. "That was a week ago. Besides, he's a grown man. It's a Saturday night. Live a little."

"A, he's probably tired of you worrying. You're making things worse," Niall posits.

That isn't enough so I turn to Liam who nods in agreement and says "I think you can live one day without stressing about him. He isn't going to overdose and he isn't going anywhere. He made a promise."

I inhale sharply, the strum of the beat making my feet electric, my pulse quickening.

"You haven't been out in ages."

So I start with one drink and my body buzzes. Adrenaline courses through my veins as my hips sway to the beat. I tell a shitty joke and Drew throws back his head in laughter.

my tongue
and sputtering
my body
shot glasses
and an
empty mind,
my hands
for something

One drink turns into a couple and then I lose count.

"H-hey," I slur to Liam.

He's still stone cold sober, trying to put up with Lou's antics as he grinds up against him, complaining about his growing erection. Liam's cheeks redden and his tongue flicks over his bottom lip before he leans down to whisper something in his boyfriend's ear. Louis smiles, satisfied and slumps into his arms.

"Harry, I don't think you should have another."

"I wanna see him," I manage to get off the bar stool and stumble a bit, gripping onto the countertop.

"He wouldn't want to see you in this state. I'll drive you home."

"No, my mum," I whine. "She'll know."

"We can all go back to my place."

"Noooo, please Liam. I want to see him." I tug on his shirtsleeve like a child and he sighs.

"Fine. I'll drop you off there but don't blame me if he lashes out."

"Why," I pout. "I'm cute. He'll be happy to see me."

"Right," he replies flatly.

But Liam is true to his word as he leads me to Zayn's place.

"This is where Mr. M lives? It's so...industrial, I was expecting something more quaint."

I shrug him off as he knocks on the door. Zayn opens it up surprised, his hair disheveled. He's barefoot, wearing distressed gray jeans and a tight fitting black t-shirt. Liam scratches the back of his neck nervously, trying to muster up some excuse.

"Sorry. I told him not to bother you like this but he's...I dunno."

"Persistent," Zayn finishes, amused smirk on his face.

"Exactly," he chuckles and Zayn grabs my hand, pulling me through the doorway.

"Thank you for looking out for him Liam," he calls.

Be awkwardly scratches the back of his neck. "It was nothing, I uh...guess I'll see you on Monday."

"That was awkward," I giggle, my fingers getting lost in his quiff.

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