warm hearts and cold pizza

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"Holy fucking shit. Fuck," I mutter.

"Harry," he chuckles. "Chill babe."

Louis snorts as I muster the strength to get up, my legs unsteady.

"It's really hot in here," Lou winks.

Kill me now.

"Had to teach Harry a lesson on something?"

Zayn just smirks and pats his back, leaning in to whisper something in his ear. Louis blushes furiously, mumbling something about going to find Liam.

"Let's go get you cleaned up, yeah?"

"What did you...okay," I agree with a sigh.


"He what," Zayn gasps.

"Said your ass was flat."

"Oi, now I'm all insecure."

I chuckle as I ease off my boots and scoot to the edge of the bed.

"We gave him a show, the little shit. People would pay to see that."

Laughter is spilling out of me now, partially because of the alcohol in my system.

"Why are you so giggly?"

"No reason, pancake."

His jaw goes slack as he pushes me down and climbs on top of me, his eyes dark.

"Say it again Curly, I dare you."

I gulp and remain silent, debating whether or not I want to see feisty Zayn.

My fingers tug at his hair, my pulse drumming in my throat.

"That's what I thought," he clicks his tongue.

"You're sexy when you're angry."

"Ha, I'm always sexy."

"God, I can't believe you're a teacher."

He laughs and rolls off of me, his head hitting the pillow with a thud.

"I'm at your house more than mine."

"Well its yours too babe. What's mine is yours."

I sigh happily, my body moving closer to his.

"Are you hungry? I'm starving."

"Pancakes sound really good right now."

I bite back laughter and he rolls his eyes playfully.

"Forget round two, you can get off on your own."

"Zayn," I whine.

"What babe? Are you gonna beg for it?"

I definitely would.

He gets up and switches on the lamp, his fingers dialing a number on his phone.

"Know it by memory, best pizza sauce ever."

"Why don't you just add the pizza place as a contact in your phone smartass? Teachers," I scoff. "Think they know everything."

"Oh, so now my ass is smart?"

I groan at how witty he is and bury my face in the pillow.

"I'll do that though. You're so brilliant babe."

"Whatever," I laugh. It's silent for a moment before I add "hey Zayn."

He taps his mouth to his finger as he orders a large cheese pizza.

When he hangs up he flops down on the bed beside me, a smile on his face.

"What love?"

"I was wrong for hating Mason."

His knuckles graze across my jaw.

"He hurt me Harry. I'm sure he didn't mean to, I was so bloody fucked up. I cam see why he cheated on me. I used to..."

He trails off, tugging his bottom lip with his teeth.

"Zayn," I whisper, my lips pressing to his cheek. "Be here with me."

My arms wrap around his slim figure protectively, my fingers gently massaging his sensitive scalp.

"Does that feel good babe?"

He nods and I give a small tug, unknotting a tangle.

We moans softly so I do it again just a bit harder.

"Tell me what you want Zayn," my lips move to his neck, my teeth biting down gently into his tan skin.

A tiny noise bubbles from the back of his throat, sending shivers down my spine.

"You're beautiful," I mumur, my breath hot under his earlobe.

I bite on his soft skin there too, tugging a bit before licking the inner shell of his ear.

"I had a pain kink," he blurts. "Mason knew that. I mean...the pain of him cheating on me was completely different and now I don't even want to think about it. Suddenly it doesn't turn me on the way it used to."

He shudders and I press a kiss to the corner of his mouth.

"I like this though," he sighs contently.

"What's that babe?"

"Taking things slow. The sensuality of your touch," his tongue peeps out of his mouth for a moment as he gets lost in thought.

"Your lips," he breathes softly. "They skim my skin, they explore; they delve. It isn't rushed or frantic or mindless. I don't know how to explain it. It's like you're eager to discover something new, your hands grazing across my spine like I'm a newly released novel."

I love his words so much and the way his fingers trace over my chest, not missing a single heartbeat.

I smile up at him as his knuckles brush across the sliver of skin between my shirt and the waistband of my boxers. Up under the soft cotton blend of my shirt, his fingers spreading out across the small of my back.

There's a light rap at the door and Zayn sits up, slipping on some Nike slides to get the pizza.

We move temporarily to the kitchen and I find joy in spinning around on the barstool.

The cheese is gooey, a messy string getting stuck to his lips and I laugh at his stuggle. He does the same because there's sauce on my face that he dabs away with a napkin.

His beaming smile is just as bright as the Edison bulb shining above the bar. He catches me staring but in my defense he's glowing.

He sets down his partly eaten slice to take a sip of water and my mind tries to grasp how I can be with someone so lovely.

I grab his hand, my fingers tracing the back of his palm. He presses his nose to mine and dips down to kiss me.

"I love everything about you Harry."

It's so raw and honest my heart hitches.

"Kiss me again," I mumble.

He does and I part my lips for him. His mouth is hot and wet and familiar and chills spreading across my skin.

How does he always do this to me?

When he pulls away, he tucks a curl behind my ear and all I can think to say is "I want to lick your heart."

It makes entirely no sense but he smiles with his eyes, taking my hand and moving my hand over his chest. I can feel his heart strumming and something tells me I've already touched him there.

"The pizza is getting cold," I chuckle.

"Some things grow cold. Other things don't," he murmurs.

And nothing has ever affected me so much.

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