scorch me

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*mature SamanthaAMMY ZarryForeva14

"You're late Styles."

"It's your fault."

He leans across his table and whispers "I didn't even have to touch you."

A shiver runs down my spine as I find the courage to say, "you were wrong."

"Excuse me?"

"I had a decrescendo. You're the English teacher, look it up in the dictionary."

"Diminuendo has such a prettier ring to it, now take your seat."

That fucking smirk. He thinks he won this battle.

"Robert Frost guys. What do we know about him?"

"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood," Liam responds.

"Fantastic," he says enthusiastically. I'll never understand how someone can be so cheery this early in the morning and go off on a tangent about symbolism and the landscape of poetry.

I let out a small yawn and rest my head on my folded arms. 

"Harry, you aren't going to fall asleep during his lecture are you?"

"Shhhh, I'm just resting my eyes. I'll stay awake."

I lied.

I fucking fell asleep.

Fingers card through my hair and my head snaps up, meeting a pair of amused amber eyes.

"Nice nap?"

"Why didn't you wake me up," I frown. "I'm sorry, you're obviously not boring, I just-"

"You speak entirely too fast Harry. Breathe."

I let out a nervous laugh as his lips tug upward into a smile.

"I figured you were tired. I know I'm not being very fair because I normally don't do this for students but I'll send you my lecture notes."

I give a lopsided grin and he pokes at my dimples.

"Thank you," I blush furiously and twiddle with my thumbs.

"You're always an exception. By the way, I see no fault in saying diminuendo. A decrescendo and a diminuendo are very similar things. Then again, I teach English, not music theory," he adds cheekily.

"Nice save smartass."

"Don't you have another class to scurry off to?"

"Nah," I make a grand display of stretching, revealing the pale patch of skin beneath the hem of my shirt. "Besides, I've read Robert Frost stuff before, I don't think I missed anything."

"Just me flirting with Liam," he teases. "He's very fit."

"You think you're so funny."

"No, I know I'm funny. There's a difference."

"Teachers," I scoff. "Always acting too smart for their own good."

"Students," he tsks. "Always sleeping in class and doing anything for extra credit. Such sluts for turtlenecks."

My mouth falls to the floor. "You did not go there."

He just chuckles lightly and pats my head. "There there Harry, it's all in good fun."

" enjoy it," I spurt back.

"If it was anybody else I would say no but here's the catch Harry," I hang onto every word.

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