twenty six letters

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"Harry, when will your mum be back?"

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit." I glance at my alarm clock and spring up from my bed frantically. "I look like a mess. Oh god, the bandage. I need to shower. I can't believe-"

"Breathe babe." He tugs me back down. I sit up on the edge of the bed, my eyes glued to the wall.

"Ahhh fuck. My hand hurts. How am I going to write? Everyone is going to ask what happened. It's so embarrassing, what am I supposed to say?"

"You should have seen the other guy."

I laugh, my head falling onto his shoulder.

"Don't go to school tomorrow love."

He wraps his arms around me, his lips brushing across my neck.

"My teacher is telling me to skip school," I gasp dramatically, clutching my chest. "You should be fired."

"I'm fucking you too. I don't see you complaining about that."

"How can you say such eloquent things in class and then spit out such filthy comments outside of school?"

He chuckles, his knuckles grazing along my jaw.

"You can stay at my place. I'll make sure Liam picks up all your assignments."

"What did I do to deserve you?"

"I dunno but I'm sure this beats extra credit, yeah?"

I want to knock the smirk off his face.

"Get out of my house," I joke.

"You don't even pay the bills. Wait until you have to."

"I better become a male prostitute."

"Oof," he smacks my cheek. "Don't talk like that. You're going to uni."

"I don't really want to. I'm not good at anything."

"Are you joking Harry? You're a straight A student. You're extremely talented, you just sell yourself short."

I sigh and stare blankly at the ceiling.

"Nothing interests me."

"What about me?"

I smile and roll over to kiss his cheek. He knows he's an exception.

"I should have warned you about touching my jawline."

I furrow my brows and he gestures to my bandage.

"Sliced you up pretty bad, too sharp."

"God you're so self-absorbed."

"I should probably go. Just come to my place anytime tomorrow. You have my spare key, right?"

I nod and he presses a lingering kiss to my forehead.

"Drink lots of water and take your pain medicine. Get some rest, okay?"

"Zayn," I groan. "I'm not a baby."

"You're my baby."

It's about the most cliché thing I've ever heard but my heart still does a backflip. So much for knocking John Greene for being sappy.


I toss on a long sleeved hoodie and listen for the door.


I rush into the kitchen to help her put some groceries away and kiss her cheek.

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