Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

The buzzing blared through the empty apartment. I smacked the phone resting on the floor trying hard to make the annoying sound stop. Finally, silence. I nuzzled my face back down into the pillow and drifted back off to sleep.

BANG! I flew up out of bed, I could hear voices coming from the living room. "God, Alex! Are you trying to break the TV?" I heard a girls voice yell. Shit, shit, shit - what time is it! I grabbed my phone off the floor and glanced at the clock. 11:46. "SHIT!" I yelled as I stumbled out of bed. I tugged my pajamas off and threw on a baggy t-shirt and a pair of black cotton shorts. My new roommate was supposed to arrive at 10:00 which meant I had really overslept. We had never actually met; we found each other on a campus forum for people looking for roommates. I was so nervous I could feel my heart beating against my chest walls. Slowly, I pulled my bedroom door open and peeked down the hall. I saw a pretty blonde girl, hands on her hips. That must be Lacy. One, two...two guys were carrying all her things in. As I stepped out into the hallway she must have sensed me because without a word she spun around in her spot. She was taller than me, pretty blonde hair, sun kissed skin and bright blue eyes.

"Morning sunshine, did these idiots wake you up?" Lacy made a face motioning to the guys lugging in her things. "Uh no... Sorry I overslept I had planned on being up to help." I smiled as I made my way down the hallway. "Samara don't be silly - that's what those boneheads are for." She chuckled and tossed her arm over my shoulder, leading me to the living room. "You can call me Sam." My eyes scanned the now full apartment. There was a large TV now resting in front of the couch and boxes lined the living room floor. "Sam." She nodded in approval as she gave me a squeeze. "Hey boneheads, this is Sam, she's my new best friend so be nice." She glared at them as they entered the room again. Now that I was closer I could get a better look at the two guys. One had bleached hair in a small bun on top of his head, the sides shaved close. His arms were covered in tattoos. The other guy looked a little older but he was covered in tattoos as well, his arms were well toned and his dark hair was a mess on top of his head. They dropped her stuff on the floor and gave me a nod. Lacy pointed to the blonde, "That's my bonehead boyfriend Alex and that...." She pointed at the darker haired guy, "That is my bonehead brother, Trenton. " He gave her the middle finger and I let out a small laugh. "Shit, babe did you bring your whole damn house or what?" Alex cursed, collapsing onto the couch. "Alex don't even start with me." She huffed. "We are done, so we are headed back to the house." Trenton grumbled. She shrugged and gave Alex a quick kiss. "Thanks boys, couldn't have broken all my stuff without you." They shook their head as they headed out the door, Trenton slamming the door behind him.

"He isn't usually such an ass but him and his girl got in a fight this morning." She rolled her eyes and started to unpack one of her boxes. We spent the rest of the day talking and unpacking her things. Even though we had just met it felt like we had been friends for years. The next thing we knew it was 2:00AM. Exhausted I crashed into my bed and was asleep within seconds.

The next few days flew by. I spent most of the time looking for a part time job around town. I had saved up enough to pay my rent but if I wanted to eat or have any extra cash I would need to have some kind of income. By Friday morning I landed myself a job at a small coffee and book store on campus and was ready to spend the weekend relaxing before class started.

"Aye, Bitch!" Lacy landed on the couch beside me, chewing on a rope of candy. "Hey." I laughed, closing my lap top and shifting on the couch to face her. "You're coming tonight, right?" She asked, tugging on the rope of candy with her teeth. "Coming where?" I asked, snatching a rope of candy from her lap. "Do you even listen to me? I told you last night; Party at Alex and Trenton's house. They might be idiots but they throw some of the best parties on campus." Thinking back I remembered her mentioning a party but I didn't think it was an invite I had never even been to a party before. "That's not really my scene." I mumbled through my mouth of candy. "Oh pleasssse Sam?! You are my new B.F.F., I can't go to a party without you." She gave me a sweet pout. "I've never..." My voice trailed off as I took another big bite of candy. "Never ...what?" She asked as if it wasn't obvious. "Been to a party..." I finished, my face was warm with embarrassment. Her jaw dropped and her mouth full of candy fell out and onto the floor. "You are shitting me?!" She nearly yelled. My cheeks were on fire - great she will think I am a loser. "Then you HAVE to go. I won't take no for an answer." I was surprised by her tone, she sounded almost excited. She jumped off the couch and grabbed my arm. "So, never? Have you ever drank?" Question after question rolled from her mouth as she dragged me to her room. She pushed me onto the bed and stared at me as if waiting for me to spill my guts.

"Um... No I've never been to a party...I had wine a couple of times but that is as far as my alcohol experience goes." I didn't feel nearly as embarrassed now, Lacy was one of those girls who made me feel comfortable. "Wow..." She whispered as she sat down and started to do her makeup. We sat in silence for a while; she would start to say something then stop before she could get a word out. It was like her mind was trying to understand what I had told her. "Sam, this is going to be your best year yet." She finally said, looking up from her table of makeup. Deep down I hope she was right, that was my biggest expectation of this year. I wanted a fresh start.

After talking a little bit more about my experience or lack of, I decided I better get ready. I hopped into the shower, brushed my teeth then headed to my room to get dressed. As I dried my long hair I looked over at my closet. What do people wear to parties...? I asked myself. I finished fixing my hair and threw on a little makeup with some soft pink lip color. It was finally time to pick out an outfit. I'm not sure how long I was staring at my closet but I snapped out of the trance when I heard a knock on my door. "Bitch, are you ready? It's time to head over there." Lacy called through the closed door. "Uh yeah I'll be out in a minute!" I grabbed a black tank top and pulled it on over my head. The tank top hugged my curves like a second skin. Grabbing a pair of short destroyed denim shorts I slid them up my hips. Shaking my head as I looked at myself in the mirror; who was I kidding I looked ridiculous. Maybe if I lost twenty pounds. I frowned and tugged a red and black flannel over the tank top and headed to the living room.

Lacy was already waiting by the door, she was wearing tight skinny jeans and a crop top. She was thin and perfect. "DAMN!" She yelled when she looked up at me from her phone. Suddenly I felt even more self-conscious than before I had put the shirt on. "Is it that bad?" I asked, eyeing my outfit again. "Uh babe you have a body to kill for...if I were into chicks I'd do you so hard." She smirked eyeing my curves. I slipped my feet into my chucks and she whistled at me when I bent over to tie them. "Good lord Lacy!" I yelled, almost falling over. "What?! It's not my fault you squeezed that hot ass of yours in those tiny shorts!" She grinned, locking her arm with mine and pulling me out the door.

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