Chapter 5

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My head was pounding and my body felt like I had been hit by a truck - a very, very large one. A groan escaped my lips as I tried to move my body, but I couldn't move. My eyes flashed open, the bright light pouring into the room from with windows made my head feel like it was splitting open. Where am I? I though as I tried to get my wits about me and that's when I noticed a muscular arm covered in tattoos hugging my waist. "Shit! Fuck!" The words flew out of my mouth, surprising myself at how loud I was. The arm jerked, pulling me closer. A deep voice flooded the air around me. "It's too early Princess, go back to sleep." His voice was rough and tired. Slowly, my eyes moved up to meet his face. "Liam?" I whispered in shock. My heart began to race as I tried to recall the events from the night before. Oh, god, my heart was beating so hard and fast I was sure it would break through my chest.

My body jerked away from him, causing me to slide off the bed and smack onto the hard floor. "What the hell?!" Liam flew up in bed, leaning over the edge. "You okay?" He asked, his eyes were heavy with sleep but he still had a playful smile on his lips. My head was spinning and I couldn't focus on anything. Is he shirtless? OH GOD! Am I wearing his shirt? Where are my pants? I couldn't breathe. I gasped for air - my head was pounding - the room was spinning. Suddenly I felt the embrace of warmth. "Shhh..." He whispered, his lips pressed to my ear. "I need you to breathe...Sam...Breathe." My body instantly started to relax, I focused on his warm breath against my skin and his firm hold on me. I took a deep sharp breathe. The cool air burned my lungs like fire. He held me firmly to his chest, rocking slightly back and forth on the floor. He pulled back slowly, cupping my face in his hands. "Are you okay?" He asked, his eyes locked on mine. I focused on his deep green eyes, they had light flecks of gold, they were so warm and inviting. "Sam?" The deep voice rang through the air, snapping me back to reality. I swallowed hard, slowly pulling myself away from his touch.

"I-I'm fine..." I lied. The heat of embarrassment crept up my chest and onto my cheeks. I buried my face in my hands; I could feel the sting of tears building in my eyes. Embarrassed was an understatement. "You don't look fine." He said, scooting closer to me. "Did we..." My voice trailed off, the warm tears now dripping slowly down my cheeks. "Did we what? Oh... did we do the deed?" He asked, a touch of amusement in his voice. My eyes snapped up, glaring at him. The smile on his face immediately disappeared when he saw the tears now streaming down my cheeks. "Oh, shit, Princess..." He frowned, shaking his head. "We didn't do anything. You passed out, then puked all over the place and then passed out again." He shrugged, acting as if it were no big deal. "Besides, you'd remember if we had." He winked, humor playing in his voice. "Besides, I'm not that ugly." He laughed, lifting his body of the floor. Ugly? Was he kidding me? His body look like it was crafted by the gods - his face screamed perfection.

"Here, your clothes are trashed, you can borrow these." He pulled a pair of gray sweatpants out of his dresser, tossing them to me. "Bathroom?" my voice cracked as I slowly stood up, my head pounded against my skull. He motioned to the door behind me as he collapsed back onto his bed. Keeping one hand over my backside so the shirt kept me covered, I darted into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. "Oh shit!" I jumped when I saw myself in the mirror. My hair was matted on one side, mascara smeared down my cheeks. So this is what death looks like. I splashed cool water over my face, rubbing the black streaks from my cheeks. "I cannot believe he saw me like this..." Scanning the counter I grabbed his tooth paste, using my finger to try to scrub the after taste from my mouth. Once I was finished I tugged on his sweatpants and looked at myself. I looked ridiculous. His clothes were way too big, his t-shirt fell off my shoulder, the sweats barely hung on to my hips, the legs of the pants bunched at my feet. This would have to work - I just need to get home as soon as possible. After taking a deep breath I pulled the door open and tip toed back into his room. "Thanks..." I whispered, clearing my throat slightly. He looked up at me, folding his arms behind his head as he inspected my outfit. "I have to say...that outfit is a hell of a lot sexier on you than it is on me." The playful smirk now returning to his lips. God, why did he have to say that, I could feel my cheeks burning, again. "I um I need to go. Thanks again." He jumped off the bed and grabbed his keys from the top of his dresser. "Alright princess, hold your horses, can I at least get dressed first?" He questioned as he tugged a pair of jeans on. "Why do you need to be dressed?" The words came out of my mouth before I could stop them. His smile got even bigger and he moved closer to me. "Why? You enjoy the view?" He bit down on his lower lip, his body now too close for comfort. "What? I mean no!" He burst out laughing as he grabbed a shirt hanging off the back of his door. "Chill I need to get dressed so I can give you a ride."

"I don't need a ride - I'll just walk." My eyes watched his stomach muscles closely as he pulled his shirt on. "Don't be kidding, I'm not letting you walk home." Before I could say anything he picked my purse up and tossed his arm over my shoulders, ushering me down the hallway. Mmm...he smelled delicious. What?! I had to get my head out of the gutter; this guy was bad for me.

The ride to my apartment was quiet. He focused on the road and I focused on keeping my breathing under control. Being so close to him made me feel ways I had never felt before. As he put the car in park in front of my apartment he shifted in his seat to face me. "So what's the deal? Am I just not your type?" He asked, a more serious tone to his voice now. The question took me by surprise, "What do you mean?" A nervous laugh escaped my mouth. "Just curious, the look on your face this morning when you thought we had hooked up... To be honest you looked like you might puke again." His shoulders shrugged lightly, his eyes still glued to me. How was I supposed to answer that? I don't even have a type. "You mean I'm not your type. Trust me. I saw that blonde last night." Wait, why had I said that? Of course I wasn't his type but I definitely didn't want to hear him admit it. Even if the thought of being another notch in his belt made me sick a little part of me wished I could experience him. "You're right, you aren't my usual type...but damn if I don't want to rip those clothes off of you right now..." His voice was deep and needy.

My breath caught in my throat, had he really just said that? Another loud nervous laugh left my mouth before I could stop it. "Right..." He had to be joking, there was no way this god would ever want to be with me. "Thanks again..." Before he could say anything else, I slid from his car and ran to my door. As soon as the door shut I flung my body against it. This was insane.

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