Chapter 6

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"Hey Bitch." Lacy's perky voice ripped me from my thoughts. "Hey Lace..." I mumbled, tossing my purse onto the kitchen counter. "So you spent a long night with Liam, huh?" She continued, as she made herself a cup of coffee. "What? No...I..." My voice was panicked as I tried to explain. Lacy had warned me about Liam, I didn't want her to think that I had just thrown myself into his arms for the night. She busted out laughing as she watched me scramble for the right words. "I'm kidding, Sam. He texted me last night and told me what happened. I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you with that least Liam was there." As I grabbed myself a cup of coffee a look of sheer confusing washed over my face. "What jerk?" Now that I thought about it, I couldn't remember much from last night. "He didn't tell you?" Her body rested against the counter and sipped on her coffee. Tell me what? I thought, now desperately trying to remember what had happened. "We didn't talk much..." I shrugged, still raking my mind for a clue of what she was talking about. "Travis Parsons. He is some asshole frat guy. He likes to think he is gods' gift to women. Apparently he was all over you to the point where you were screaming to get him off. Liam beat the shit out of him. It's hilarious; the fight is all over Instagram this morning." She pulled her phone out of her back pocket and flipped through instagram before sliding it across the counter to me. Did I really want to see this? I thought, hesitating before I hit play. A sick feeling washed over me as I watch a video of Liam pulling a guy with sandy blonde hair off of me - his fist pounding into his face - then I moved back into the frame just in time to pass out. "This is so embarrassing..." My eyes traveled down to the comments on the video - bad idea. My eyes widened when I read some of the comments about me.

"I need to shower." I rushed past Lacy and headed straight for the shower. The water was hot and comforting. All I wanted was to wash away the events from the night before. Why did I let this happen? My first party and I had already gotten myself a bad rep. Trying my best to block all the negative thoughts I let myself get lost in the hot water and steam. By the time I got out the water had turned ice cold and my fingers were wrinkled up like raisins. Frowning at my scrunched up fingers, I wiped away the steam on the mirror, looking at myself hard as if I should look different. I just wished that I could remember what had happened. If What Liam said was true, why was he so nice to me? "Just forget it!" I told myself out loud, wrapping my towel around me and heading back to my room. All this made me so uncomfortable, I have spent the last few years trying to build a way for me to control my life and now everything was all over the place. I couldn't help but feel a spark of freedom deep in my belly.

I slept the rest of the day and when I finally woke up the glow from the street lights flooded my room. There was the faint sound of laughter and mumbling from the TV in the living room. The laughing sounded familiar but I just couldn't place it. Still dazed I pulled on Liam's shirt again, enjoying the smell of him on the fabric. The warm scent of his skin and cologne filled my senses. Letting out a soft sigh I tugged on some underwear and headed down the hall towards the kitchen. I hadn't eaten all day and the growling was uncontrollable at this point. My jaw dropped and I froze as I stepped into the living room only to see Liam stretched out on the floor and Alex and Lacy curled up on the couch together. Liam bit down on his bottom lip when he saw me, his eyes glued to my body. "I could get used to seeing you in my clothes." Liam said with a satisfied tone, his tongue licking slowly over his bottom lip. That's when I realized I was just standing there in his t-shirt and underwear. The heat traveled up my chest and onto my cheeks - I had to be as red as a beat now. I turned on the spot and darted back to my room. If I really thought this day couldn't get worse I was so very wrong. Why was he in my living room? That feeling of losing control washed over me. I couldn't handle this, I need to have control and he is the exact opposite of control. He is hard to read and makes me want to break my own rules. That just screams bad news. I threw myself onto my bed hoping that the safety of the blankets would wash away all the thoughts flooding my brain. His perfect smile - God and those lips. I buried my face into my pillow and let out a loud groan. After just a few minutes I could feel myself drifting back to sleep.

The next morning I was glad to wake up to an empty apartment. It wasn't that I didn't like Lacy's company I was just so used to being alone that sometimes it was how I was most comfortable. I decided since class would be starting Monday that I would spend the day cleaning and doing my laundry. I knew once school started and work started that these quiet moments might be limited. By the late afternoon I felt so accomplished. I had cleaned the living room, kitchen and bathroom - and I had done all my laundry. "Being alone isn't that bad." I said out loud to myself as I made a turkey sandwich. "I guess talking to myself isn't that healthy but other than that I can't figure out why people are so worried about being alone." I continued my conversation with myself as I turned on the TV. The rest of my night was quiet and relaxing. This was how my life should be - basic and controlled.

The rest of my weekend went about the same. I lounged around the house, read some of my new book and spent time by myself.

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