Blue Eyed Boy (Nash Grier)

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It's summer. I'm at cheer practice. I can't do any of the gymnastics the rest of my team is practicing because I just had surgery on my arm from when I hurt it last year like a month ago. I don't even want to be here, but my mom gave me this long speech about 'needing to support my team' and 'you would want their support' and blah blah blah.

"Who wants to go to Center Courts to help with the future cheer clinic?" Coach asks. I raise my hand along with a few of my other teammates.

"Are you good to help Shae?" Coach asks me.

"I can do a little. Just can't over work myself. But like, helping with pointers and voices and stuff."

"Okay, if you think you're up for it, we'll be leaving tomorrow after practice." When I get home I tell my mom about Center Courts. She tells me not to overdo it but that it's fine.

I spend the rest of my night listening to music and scanning Twitter. I see that @NashGrier is in Michigan but he doesn't say where or why. That's cool. @taylorcaniff has posted a new selfie. @AustinMahone tweets about pizza. @LukeKorns posts about just random stuff. I fall asleep a while later and dream of cheering and cute boys.

The next day, practice passes by uneventfully. I try to teach the fight song routine to the freshies with my good arm. I sit on the side while my team stunts and tumbles, aching to be back to full mobility. 

We leave for Center Courts jamming to music and everyone in the car is talking super loud. The gymnasium is set up with 2 rows of mats. There are a few little girls roaming around or sitting with their parents. I get on Twitter before we start. Nash posted a new Vine of Skylynn talking about Michigan. "@NashGrier you should bring Sky to cheer camp while you're here!" I tweet. I know the chances of that happening are slim, but what will it hurt?? We warm up with the little girls and a few minutes into teaching them the first cheer, another girl rushes in, she must've just been dropped off, there's no one walking in behind her. She looks a lot like Sky, Nash's sister, but it can't be her. There's no way. I go up to the little girl who is shyly hanging back.

"Hi I'm Shaeley, what's your name chica?" I ask her.

"Sky." Okay, it's just a coincidence, don't freak out, I tell myself.

"Hi Sky, do you wanna come and cheer?" Sky nods. She takes my outstretched hand and I lead her to the front row. We continue the cheer and teach a few new ones. Then we move onto gymnastics. I can't demonstrate like usual because of my arm, but I help the little girls and offer support. Suddenly Sky is crying. I rush over to her.

"What's wrong Sky?" I ask concerned.

"I fell and hurt my knee." Sky stands on one leg and holds her knee.

"Aww, is your mommy or daddy here?" Sky shakes her head.

"Who brought you?"

"My brother."

"Let's go see if we can find him. Do you want a piggy back ride?" Sky nods and I lift her onto my back. She is still sniffling as I tell Coach what happened and take Sky out to the lobby area to find her brother.

"How old are you Sky?" I ask trying to calm the little girl down.


"Wow you're big huh?" I feel Sky nod against my back.

"Do you only have one brother?" I have to ask.

"No I have 3." Hmmmm.....

"What are their names?"

"Will, Hayes, and,"

"Hi I'm Nash, Sky's brother." I turn around and look straight into the brilliant blue eyes that normally look back at me through my phone screen. I suck in a breath, but Sky's voice snaps me out of my daze.

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