Chapter 117 Butterflies

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Morning came early to Browntown and Matt had already left the cabin to warm some water for Jill to use. The creek water was like ice and he surmised Jill wouldn't be jumping in there to bathe. Jill rolled over in the bed and didn't feel Matt next to her. Her eyes flew open searching the room and she found herself alone. She slid out of the bed, pulling a shirt over her head and walked to the door. She peeked outside and didn't see Matt anywhere. She walked further out into the pathway whispering his name but got no response. She got a little braver and ventured further down the path. The morning air was cold and she wasn't properly attired to be wandering to far from the trapper shack.

Just as she had passed the tire house, she heard the door open and out walked Gabe. Neither Gabe nor Jill could determine who felt more awkward at that very moment. As soon as Gabe laid eyes on her, he immediately turned away out of discretion.

"Oh God!" Jill groaned realizing, she only had Matt's shirt on. If the ground could have swallowed her whole, she would have asked the sweet earth to do that. "Gabe, I'm sorry. I was looking for Matt."

Gabe, ever the gentleman, removed his jacket and handed it to Jill. She immediately threw it on. Thank goodness it was almost longer than she was tall. "Okay, I'm decent now."

Gabe slowly turned with one eye open, and then the other. "I think Matt went to get some water. You know, you really shouldn't wander around unattended. It's not safe when the bears are active."

"Right, rule numbers two and three." Gabe looked at her with a somewhat perplexed look. They both turned to hear Matt coming up the path lugging two buckets of steaming water in his gloved hands.

"Someone want to explain something to me?" Gabe now turned a perfect shade of red to match his checkered flannel shirt as Matt's eyes bounced between his blushing brother and his half dressed girlfriend.

"It's not what you think... "Gabe stuttered through his words.

"Really, Matt?" Jill now rested her hands on her hips. "Your brother has been a perfect gentleman which is more than I can say for your manners this morning." Jill kissed Gabe on the cheek, unzipped the jacket and returned it to him and huffed back to the cabin.

Matt trailed after her sloshing water all the way back to the cabin. "Babe, I was just joking!"

Matt slammed the door behind him and poured the water into a small basin for Jill to use. "I know you were joking but you could have spared Gabe the ribbing. I'm sure it's not everyday that he bumps into a half dressed woman on his doorstep."

"He's not use to having the fairer sex running around the camp." Matt chuckled as he threw a cloth to Jill to bathe. "How about I give you some privacy while you wash the smell of me off you?" Matt smacked her rear with a rolled up towel before running out the door. "Back in fifteen."

Jill took great pains in washing herself, fixing her hair and makeup and slipping into some fresh clothes from her pack. She knew breakfast would be a family affair and her first chance to make a second impression.

Matt stuck his head back in the trapper to check her progress. "Ready for the inquisition?" Jill shook her head no. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as Matt held her hand and leisurely escorted her to the main cabin.  Today she felt like a butterfly in a windstorm as soon as the door opened and she stepped into the alpha female's turf.

Jill immediately spotted Lila and Bam and she felt a sense of relief that besides the brothers, she already had a friend in the room, one that probably had already walked this same path with Ami.  Lila carried Lily on her hip and walked over to her to hug her. "Welcome to Browntown. I trust you slept well last night." Lila flashed a knowing smile at Matt who tugged at his collar awkwardly.

"Is this one of the Brownies?" Jill reached to hold Lily Rose. Bam brought over Jace to meet Jill. "They're beautiful babies. I know you both are very proud of them."

"I see you like babies." The voice came from behind Lila and Bam. It was Ami and she smiled at the pixie who stood before her.

"I love children." Jill said handing Jace back to Bam.

Ami looked at her eldest son, smiling. "Matthew, aren't you going to properly introduce us?"

Matt cleared his throat and with his hand on Jill's back he pushed her towards his mother. "Ma, this is my girl...Jillian...Jillian Heather." Jill extended her hand to Ami to shake it but instead Ami reached out to give her a hug. That was a good sign.

"It's good to see Matt smile again and I have a feeling you have something to do with that." Jill perked up from Ami's compliment. Billy slipped next to Jill and shook her hand.

"It's good to see you again." Jill's cheeks flushed with a hint of pink as she heard Bear and Gabe snicker. Noah quickly smacked both of them on the back of their heads.

"It's nice to see you again, sir."

"We're not that formal here Jill, it's just Billy." Billy's smile put Jill at ease as he showed the pair to the dining table. "Pretty soon, we're going to need a bigger table."

Billy was right. Now with the addition of Lila and the Brownies and maybe Jill, they were going to need a bigger table to accommodate their growing family.

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