Fight me

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lmao okay so this isnt in any specific year of their schooling but its an AU so yeah 

POV...... Baz..... What a surprise. 


I want to wear my black and white striped t-shirt under my jumper, but I cant find It. Ive torn apart the whole bloody dorm and I cant find my fucking t-shirt. This week has been stressful enough with Snow getting in my hair. Damn him with his golden bronze curl and his stupid cobalt blue eyes. 

I spend at least an hour ramaging through every drawer and basket trying to find my shirt; then Snow walks into the dorm. Hes wearing the fucking shirt. 

"Snow you better have a damn good reason to be wearing my shirt. I swear I will curse you, I dont even care about anathema taking me away." I say in a low hoarse voice. Snow looks scared. 

"I didnt know it was yours, fight me about it." he isnt looking me in the eyes when he talks and he sounds pissed. His eyes wander until they reach me. His eyes start to look up at my slowly, then they stop at my neck to avoid my eyes. I stomp over to Snow, seeming angrier than I am. If im going to be completely honst im not that mad, I just wouldve liked to know that he was wearing my shirt before I spent so long searching for it. I grab him by the collar of the shirt. At first I was going to yell, but I didnt have anything to say. Simon started cringing backward ready fr the screaming, but my face softened and I did quite the opposite of yelling at him. I kissed him. 

I honestly dont know what I was expecting, but I certainly didnt expect Snow to kiss me back, but he did. Holy shit, Im kissing Simon Snow.  After a minute I pull away, both Snow and I are breathless. His pupils are blown up to the point where you can barely see the ocean of his eyes that I drown in everyday. My hands are on his neck, his around my back. I slowly drag my thumbs across the sides of his face. Neither of us speak, and I pull him in to kiss him again. 

My skin is so cold, and his is so hot; together its the perfect temperature. Within seconds I find myself on top of Simon, us laying on his bed, still kissing. I have no idea how much time passes, but we were kissing for a long time. I got to run my hands through his mess of curls like ive always wanted to do. At some point Simon put his legs around my waist, witch is fine with me. We only pulled apart to breath, that is until Bunce comes in. Fuck. I shouldve figured she would be here at some point. 

Snow and I were still making out on his bed. I assume Bunce knocked and we dont hear, so she just walks in. As soon as she walks in I hear an astounding "FUCKING CROWLEY" coming from the door. I panic and jumped off the bed, landing on the floor. Simon sits from where he is laying on his bed, his face flushed and his hair a mess. Bunce was standing in the doorway, her jaw practically hitting the floor. 

Simon laughed uncomfortably and rubbed his arm "haha Hey Penny..." his voice was a bit rough, it sounds like it does when hes just waking up.  Bunce just stares at him and then looks at me, furrowing her eyebrows. I dont really know how to react but all the blood in my body rushes to my face (I... hunted last night). 

Bunce just rolled her eyes and walked over to my bed, sitting down "I fucking knew it." she dialed a number on her phone and within a few seconds whoever it was picked up "Hey Agatha" I looked at Snow, both of us had wide eyes. "Agatha you will never guess what just happened." there is a small pause "Well I dont really need to explain but, I won the bet. You owe me 50 quid." are you fucking kidding? Bunce and Wellbelove had a bet???? Why am I even surprised. 

Bunce hangs up the phone and then looks at me and Simon. "Okay, so how did this happen" she asks. I look at Simon and Simon looks at me "I told Baz to fight me, and I found out that htere is something that I like better than fighting" he tells her. 


not very long only like 750 words

i hope yall like ittttttt

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