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This is and AU

Baz and Agatha are friends as well as Simon and Agatha

Penny is a waitress who works/lives with Simon bc they are BFFs duh

Imagine they are in college or some shit

3rd person!


"Simon please! I could totally hook you up with this guy if you will just let me!" Agatha whined.

She was telling her friend Simon about her friend Baz.

"Aggie I told you, I can get myself a boyfriend, I don't need you to play matchmaker! I haven't even met the guy before!" Simon declared, wiping down a table. The restaurant Simon works in, Bar 61, closed and he was on clean-up duty.

"He's not wrong Agatha, he should probably at least meet the guy before he goes on a date with him." Penny yelled from across the room where she sat at a booth studying. Agatha groaned at her statement.

"Thank you Penny!" Simon yells back with relief in his voice "Wait Pen, why aren't you helping me clean, you work here too!" he spoke in offence. In reply Penny held up her Uni book to tell him that she has to study, probably for a test tomorrow.

"Okay I see your guys' points but, what if you can meet him first and then go on a date? Please?" Agatha pleaded. Why was she so desperate for Simon to date this guy?

He gave in and told her yes, he would be willing to meet him but she has to tell him where and when soonish. He's quite busy with his work schedule.


Today Simon has an earlier shift, he gets off right before the dinner rush thankfully.

Ten minutes before the end of his shift he delivers a table their check and rushes to get more people to their tables.

5 Minutes till the end of his shift and the curly haired boy finds Agatha and a gorgeous black haired boy entering the restaurant. Practically running to Agatha Simon panics. Is this Baz?

"Agatha" Simon greets her and she smirks "Simon."

"If you will follow me i'll show you your table." He tells the two and grabs to menus. Leading them to a table Simon questions why the yell Agatha s so evil and cunning, but damn she is smart.

Agatha and the boy get seated at a booth in the section that Penny serves in and he mutters to them that she will be right over when handing them their menus.

Simon runs to Penny who is in the staff room about to start her shift. "Penny help!" he shouts when reaching the room. Penny looks up at him curiously and tells him to start explaining why he's yelling and barging.

"Okay, okay so Agatha brought in that boy shes been wanting me to meet! I sat them in your serving section so I was hoping you could scold her for me? I don't know I just , ugh Penny stop laughing!" Simon was mad and tangled his hand in his curls.

"Sorry Simon, I'm not helping you here. You serve their table tonight, i'll take the rest of my own section." Penny smirked and you could practically see the gears in her head turning. Simon was baffled.

"What?" he whimpered in distress "Pen, I can't do that." he frowned and shook his head.

"Simon, you can." She told him firmly and pushed him out the door "Go get yourself a man."

Before Simon went back to the table he checked his phone because he felt in vibrating in his apron pocket. He had 3 texts from Agatha

Ag- 4:56pm

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