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I do not promote the smoking of cigarettes especially for anyone underaged
Seeing Baz smoke during his confrontation with Nicodemus was a shock to Simon. Honestly, Baz is flammable! He assumed it may not be something that happens often considering he never saw Baz do it at Watford.
Coming home to Baz sitting on the window ledge of the Snow- Bunce apartment with a cigarette in hand was a shock too. Baz had it perched perfectly between his middle and ring finger hanging just outside the window. He had his eyes closed and his head leaned back against the wall as he breathed out a long smooth stream of smoke.
"Hey Baz im home." Simon spoke and his boyfriends eyes shot open. He dropped the butt out the window and sighed.
"Hey Simon."
"You sound disappointed to see me." Simon observed sadly as he walked closer to Baz.
"No its not that Snow, m'just stressed is all." He said with his head hanging. Thats why he had been smoking and he knew Simon was disappointed and would yell at him for it since hes flammable.
Simon sat next to Baz on the seat of the window ledge and lent on his shoulder.
"Yeah, me too." He sighed and wrapped his arms around Baz, lightly kissing his shoulder. After a moment Simon spoke again.
"Im not upset y'know, just worried." He looked up at Baz who was staring out the window.
Baz sighs again "I know you are but im careful. I just really need something to help me relax right now," He tries to explain more but Simon cuts him off.
"You dont need to explain yourself to me."
"Snow I know how you feel about it and I know you feel better if I dont but,"
"Baz" Simon cuts him off again "wheres the pack?"
Baz digs in his pocket and hands the pack of smokes to Simon expecting him to throw them away. To his surprise, the boy opens the pack and takes one out. He puts it daintely between his lips and lights it. Simon takes a small drag, and starts coughing having never smoked before. He tries again and breathes out a large puff of smoke slowly relaxing. He looks a bit terrifying breathing out smoke and still having wings and a tail. He hands it to Baz who takes it.
"I told you I dont care." Simon remarks.
Baz takes a long drag at the cigarette, his muscles visibly loosening.
"Now why dont you tell me whats stressing you out?" Simon asks as he begins kissing up his shoulder to his collarbone.
"Well, my maths professor failed to inform the class he would be giving a test today." Baz begins and takes another drag. Simon starts across the collarbone leaving small marks. Baz exhales in a small gasp.
"Then I almost fell asleep in Literature." He leans his head to the side allowing Simon access go his neck. Another drag, another exhale.
"And I have to go back to Fiona's tonight." Simon makes for the vampires jawline.
"Penny isnt coming home tonight." The curly haired boy speaks "You can stay." Baz only hums in response. Simon climbs into the boys lap, facing him. He brings Baz's hand to his own mouth and takes a drag of the cigarette before kissing Baz on my mouth. He pulls back to blow out the smoke before returning to his previous activity. 
Then baz drops the cigarette on accident and it lands on his lap making him instantly burn to ash as simon sits there and cries.
Hahahahaha I hate myself this was all written at like 1am and its finals week help

Snowbaz one-shots (fluff and angst)Where stories live. Discover now