Make a wish

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Genderbend? Yes. Also, I would like to point out that bergamot essensial oil is used to promote hair growth and baz is described as smelling like cedar and bergamot plus he has long hair sooooo

Basil as Baz (but pronounced Baesil like the herb, not Bassil like Baz) - Simona as Simon - Victor as Vera - Edd as Ebb - Nickola as Nicodemus - Peter as Penny

But yeah this is going to be a quick genderbent version of chapters 53-62 I believe

Simonas pov to start


I have to tell her about all of this. As soon as Edd told me about Nickola I knew damn well that I couldn't wait to tell her. Plus, she did invite me. It took forever to get here; a two hour train ride and a 5 mile walk after the 30 minute cab ride. Now i'm standing at her front door nervously waiting for someone to answer. It just now occurred to me that I don't have my wand as i'm ready "Clean as a whistle" the mud and grit off of me. Bloody hell i'm a git. How did I forget my wand??? Well I guess i'm useless with my unpredictable magic anyways. My long locks of curls are damp from the snow and I can feel my nose and cheeks turning pink from the cold. I ring the doorbell and soon after a small man answers the door.

The guy is short and hair grey hair, slicked back, wearing a black suit. He looks me up and down with a questionable glare. I clear my throat nervously "Is Basil here? I'm her roommate back at Watford..." I confirm why i'm here and the man nods. He opens the door wider and I step in "Stay on the rug please." he instructs and I do. I'm a mess. My boots and tights are soaked with mud and snow, my skirt is soaked too but only from snow not mud. My hair is a knotted clump of wet curls. The man walks awake and goes up some stairs.

As I wait I notice the gothic feel to the house. Everything is dark. The staircase has deep velvet red carpet and mahogany rails. It feels like forever but is probably only 10 minutes before I hear someone walking down the stairs. Basil. She's walking down the stairs gracefully, something I know only she could make happen. "Snow" she greets "You're a fucking mess." Of course that's what she says. She pulls out her wand from her pocket and casts "Clean as a whistle" as I would have done myself earlier. All the mud is gone but i'm still dripping wet head to toe. Basil shakes her head and gestures for me to follow her "Let's get your cleaned up Snow."

I trudged to the stairs and as we begin our descent I notice what she is wearing. Jeans? Basil in jeans? I've only ever seen her is skirts and dresses and pajamas. I never imagined her wearing jeans to lounge in. Along with the black jeans she wearing a blue jumper that is obviously too big for her, it falls of her pale shoulder and her black hair is falling around her face. Normally she keeps it in perfect braids or a perfect ballet bun but I love when she lets it loose or puts it up messily. I honestly didn't realize I was staring at her until we reached the top of the steps and she turned around sneering at me "Take a picture Snow, it lasts longer." I just look up to meet her eyes and stutter "You're- You're wearing jeans?" She laughs "What else would I wear? My Watford uniform?" now she's just teasing me. I shrug "I was thinking more ball gowns and fancy jewelery" I admit.

Now she's shaking her head at me "You never cease to surprise me Snow" she dazes and turns to the large door in front of us. She opens the door and walks in, I follow. Basil goes over to a long, short dresser and opens a few drawers, pulling out a jumper like the one she's wearing but in white, a pair of jeans that are light blue, and a mismatched pair of socks. I look at her feet and noticed her pair is mismatched as well. Hmm. She hands my the clothing in her hands "Second door on the left" she states pushing me out the door.

After I have changed i'm ten times more comfortable and very, very warm compared to who I was outside. I walk back to Basil's room and see her sitting on her bed and she looks up to see me. "Okay Snow, so why are you here?" she questions. "You invited me." I say in a bored tone.

Snowbaz one-shots (fluff and angst)Where stories live. Discover now