The good, The bad, and The dirty.

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No smut, sorry loves, just fluff 
Pastel, shy, tattoo artist! Simon
Punk, eccentric, bakery owner! Baz 

Mostly Baz thinking Simon is perfection


Sour cherry scones.

They are the last thing i bake. I make everything at night before i go home and heat them up in the morning for customers. But the sour cherry scones. I always wait till morning to bake them. So, when the cute boy in pastel colours with bright eyes comes in every morning, he will have a fresh, warm scone. His name is Simon Snow. I know because he has given me some of my favorite tattoos and he works in the shop next door to my bakery.

Its now 5 till 9 (AM) and i wait for Snow to come stumbling in the door, a flower crown atop his head of curls and delicate colours making up his outfit. As if right on cue Snow stumbles in, today wearing white pants, a baby blue jumper, and a flower crown of various shades of blue roses.

He smiles at a lady with a baby and walks up to the counter to where i stand at the register.

"Uh, hey, er, morning Baz." He says quietly. Thats one thing i notice about him, he's very shy and only really talks to people he's close to. Like his friend Penny, she works with him at the tattoo shop but mostly does piercings. She did my gauges and eyebrow.

"Morning Snow, the usual?" I greet him and he nods shyly saying "Yes, please."

It doesn't take much to remember the order. 2 sour cherry scones, 1 blueberry muffin, 2 teas. The only difference for the tea is Snow takes it with only sugar and Penny takes it with only cream. I quickly get the pastries into a bag and grab the coffees on the counter; pre-made since i was expecting him. When i turn around to the counter again Snow has the exact change out, we do this every morning so its a set price that he remembers.

"8.73 is your total sir." I tell him anyways even though he knows. He hands me the money and slides 5 into my tip jar on the counter, smiling brightly. "Thank you Basil, see you tomorrow." He says in farewell but i top him "Actually Snow, i'll be in later for some new ink. See you at 1." I inform him. He smiles and nods "1 then, see you at 1." He walks off and leaves the shop, going into his own.

Snow has down a lot of my tattoos and i love them all. He's an amazing artist so i keep going back to him. It may also be because i happen to fancy him. Thats why im getting a scone tattoo today.

See all of the tattoos i have, have meaning. And everytime I get a tattoo Snow wants the story behind it. My family crests on my forearms, one for my dad's family one for my moms. I have the date of my mother's death in beautiful lettering above a hand holding a ball of flame on my ribs. I have one of a smiley face that my little sister drew and its on my right wrist. I have my secondary school football number on my back, along the left shoulder blade. My right shoulder is the scene of the stars in the sky with the moon from the day i was born; it spills onto my back as a sunset. Finally, my left wrist is a watercolour of a rainbow spilling off an equal sign because well, i'm gay. Now how am i going to explain the scone.

Customers come in and out all day getting muffins, biscuits, scones and coffees. As things slow down around lunch time i put my aunt in charge of the bakery (she owns me one, believe me this is pay back) and go to the shop next door.

I hear the bell above the door ring when i walk in and Penny greets me "Hello Baz, ready for your appointment?" she asks.

"Ready as ever, Bunce." I tell her and she leads me to one of the "Tattooing stations", the one i'm lead to i notice is Snows. He keeps a snowflake drawing on the chair at his station.

"Okay Pitch, Simon will be out for you in a minute, he went to go wash his hands since he just ate. Oh and by the way, my muffin was particularly good this morning." She adds and I smile.

Snowbaz one-shots (fluff and angst)Where stories live. Discover now