Rosebud girl

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:)))))))) this takes place like 5 years after carry on. Simon and Baz are married now. And about to have a baby.

Baz pov


A year ago after Snow and I got married (yes, married. We had a beautiful wedding, mostly my family attended since Simon doesn't have any but the Bunce family came.) Now, we are expect a baby. We talked to Penny and she agreed without much convincing to carry the baby for us. Snow did the thing where he essentially puts his baby-making-stuff in a cup. Now, Simon and I couldn't be happier. Bunce and Micah are also married now, and they live in London down the street from us. Which was convenient as hell the second she called us today to tell us her water broke, and Micah was at work. Snow got our coats and the keys and I grabbed the car seat before we sprinted to our car and to Bunces house. She was panicking because she had no idea what to do but mostly because she didn't want the water to ruin her wood floors, typical. We got her to the hospital and hours later, Micah joined us in the waiting area. Soon a nurse came and said we could see Penny, and the baby. After 7 hours of labor we finally got to see out baby girl.

Yes, it was a girl. Rose Ember Grimm-Pitch-Snow. She has a hell of a name but it's nothing compared to mine still. As we stepped into the room I saw a sleeping Bunce on a hospital bed and a sleeping baby wrapped in a blanket. Shes so small. This was my first thought. It's been quite some time since i've seen a baby but still, Rosey is so little. Only 5.7 lbs and 16 inches long. But then as I got closer to her and could see her better I noticed her full head of soft brown curls. And her golden skin. Her long eyelashes. She looks just like Simon.

This shouldn't surprise me as much as it does but there was that chance that the baby would look like Bunce, considering her DNA was taking a part in this too. It was only when Simon wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek that I realized I was crying. And so was Simon. I laughed "Crowley Snow, you're so emotional." He smiles his warm smile at me and jabs my side with his elbow. I hear Bunce laugh behind us, she must have woken up. "No rough play guys, I did not just suffer that long for you guys to kill your daughter as soon as shes born." That's the Bunce I know and have learned to love. The four of us have become a little family, and now we have a fifth member.

Bunce did spend most of the time in the hospital holding Rose. She didn't have much else to do since she was there for 5 days. Once she was released from the hospital, she handed Rose over gladly. See the reason Penny agreed to this was because she wanted us the be happy and have a child, but also because she knew she wouldn't get too attached to her since shes not ready for a child of her own. Plus, shes going to be seeing Rose all the time.

-3 months later

Having a baby has been wonderful. But tiring as hell. That said, I wouldn't trade it for the world. Snow and I wake up at odd hours of the night to change diapers and give bottles, but we get along just fine. Tonight at about 3am I hear Rosey crying and Snow gets up to go see what's wrong. After a few minutes the crying stops, but in awake now. A few more minutes later Snow hasn't come back to bed so I get up and go to the nursery. Im leaning on the doorframe and I see him standing at the window with her, talking to her quietly.

"Y'know Rosey, dada and I used to hate each other" he sighs "It was terrible. We would fight and fight but it was never any good. I'm so glad that I went to his house that day, if I didnt you wouldnt be here right now." I think he's crying now cause his voice shakes "I love you so much babygirl, with all my heart." By now both Simon and I are crying. I walk into the nursery and hug Simon from behind. I lean my chin on his shoulder and kiss his temple. I'm in love with Simon Grimm-Pitch-Snow and our little baby girl. Our happy little family.

- when Rose is 1

Rose is so big now and she is the spitting image of Simon. Her bronze ringlets frame her face of freckles and golden skin. Her eyes are big and blue. The only difference is her dimples. She has them on both cheeks and under her eyes. Shes always bouncing and smiling so it's hard not to see her dimples. Currently Snow and I are chasing our little girl around our flat. She can only crawl so far but Crowley, she can crawl. It's nearly impossible to catch her. Once Simon finally manages to corner her and scoops her up she starts giggling and yelling "dada dada!!" The sight it precious and I can't help myself when I take a picture.

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