The Boys and a little bit more (One Direction/Cody Simpson) Chapter 1

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The Boys and A Little Bit More


1.    Work Experience

I was sitting in class, chilling out listening to my iPod. It had been a really long day and it was last period, History. Half way the period there was a sudden year assembly with our year advisers. Usually when you have a sudden year assembly half way through a period you think, “Oh great, someone hasn’t been using their laptop properly,” or “I bet we are all in trouble,” but this was different. Work Experience.

‘Hey guys, don’t worry you’re not in trouble.’ Said Miss Tracey.

A sigh of relief comes from everyone. And slow chitter chatter starts.

‘Shhhh guys, come on, we have some exciting news for you. Work experience!’ Said Mr Cooper. ‘Yes it is the time for work experience.’

This year we are going to give you a form, you can take this form to where you would like to do your work experience and get them to sign it. As soon as that’s done you can bring it to us to put on your file.’ After we got the form we were all allowed to go home.

When I got home mum and dad were in the kitchen. I went up to them to give them the form. When I gave my dad the form he said, ‘Why don’t you call your uncle to see if you could do work experience at Acer Arena. I think there a celebrity there next month when you’re doing it.’

I got the phone and called my uncle

‘Hi uncle Sam.’

‘Hi Sara, How are you?’

‘Good thanks and you?’

‘Yeah, alright. What can I do for you today?’

‘I was wondering if I could do work experience at your work next month? You know because your Head manager and all.’

‘Yeah, that would be great! We have some celebrities here at that time so we could use the extra hand.’

‘Thank you so much!! I really appreciate it!’

The next week everyone already had their sheets all signed and ready to go.

‘I’m doing work at the primary school.’ Says my best friend Scarlett. ‘What about you?’

‘I’m doing it at Acer Arena.’

We went to hand in our sheets and go to class. I already knew that work experience was going to boring……

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