Chapter 12

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12. Wheres Ted?

'Sarah? Sarah? Are you okay?' I asked the half consious girl.

'What? Yeah, Im fine thanks.' She said as she tried to get up.

I think she forgot about One Direction. Zayn giggled as he wrapped his arm around me and gave me a kiss on the temple.

'We missed you sooo much Sara!!!' Zayn whined.

'Don't start cuddling up to me boy! You have some apoligizing to do, all of you do!' I said with a stern voice and wide eyes.

'We will do anything for you Sara! Anything!' They all yelled. Sarah just stood there wide eyed. (I think shes in shock!)

'Anything hey?' They all noded. 'Alright, You, all of you have to be my slaves for an entire month!' I said with a smirk on my face. They all looked at each other.

'FINE!' Yelled Zayn,Harry, Liam and Niall.

'NO!' Yelled Louis. We all looked at him in suprise.

'Alright, fine then, all of you never talk to me again.' I said as i began to drag the still shocked Sarah away.

'SARA!' Liam yelled. I turned around. 'Just a sec!' They said as they dragged Louis around the corner. I told Sarah to go back to everyone else and she did.

Next thing I know i herethe boys yell at Louis and there is whining and so on. When they came back out Louis was looking at the ground.

'I would love to be your slave Sara.' He said.

'Great! Now can i ask a favour?' i said with my brown puppy dog eyes.

(A/N : Sorry i didnt describe how Sara looks guys. She has brown/black hair that falls straight/wavy under her shoulders. She is tanned skin and brown eyes. She is about 165cm tall and is quite curvy. Sorry guys! xx)

'Yeah, anything.' They all said.

'Do you mind seeing my friends?' I asked as nicley as i could.

'Ofcourse!!' Harry yelled.

'Great! Because now its a year assembly so lets go to the playground where my year sits.'

'Ok!' the boys said as they followed me out. But before we turned the corner...

'WAIT!' I screamed.

'Shit Sara! Whats wrong?' Zayn sId as they all looked at ne worried.

'Stay here and when i Say "One Direction" then thats when you come out! Ok?' I said looking at them with a massive grin.

'Yeah!' Said Liam.

I began to walk back around the corner. As i made my way everyone began to look at me and whisper. All the 1D girls waved with massive grins. That included Brittany my other 1 D buddy and my two male directioner buddies Jayden and Jackson. I waved back. I walked up to Mrs Tracy and asked if i could make an announcment. She nodded her head.

'Hey everyone. As many of you may know Im Sara. Now i k ow your all wondering why i ran out of the hall crying just then and im gunna tell you why. You see, my friends went away for a little and we promised we were gunna keep in touch. But that didnt happen. After a while i recieved this tweet basically saying to piss off. I was devestated. As many of you may know. May friends came back to apoligize and they are still apoligizing now by being my slave. They are going to do me a favour now. Everybody, I want you to meet my best friends in the whole world, ONE DIRECTION!' I announced.

They walked out waving. All of the girls and Jayden and jackson screamed. There were security guards everywhere!!

The boys came up to me and we all stood in a line with our arms around each other. Everyone was screaming and shouting!

'Hi Everyone!' Yelled Harry, 'How is everyone?'

Everyone screamed.


After the meet and greet with the boys and my year the boys and i started to walk towards their tour bus.

'Guys wait,' I said as they all turned around. 'I just gotta hand in some homework before we go. I'll be right back. I promise!'

'Ok, if your longer than 10 minutes then im sending someone to come and get you!' Liam screamed at me as i walked back. Daddy Direction!

After i handed my homework in i started to walk out onto the playground. It was in the middle of 3rd period so not many people would be in the playground.

A couple of girls squeaked and waved at me. Is this 1D best friend thing making me famous?

I smiled and waved back at them and continued to walk. As i came around the corner I heard a voice.

'You think your so cool dont you?' The voice said. Kelly. The school bully. The schools "miss Popular" (so she thinks). The schools sl**.

'What are you talking about?' i asked her a little confused.

'You know exactly what im talking about, you think you are so cool and famous because your "Best Friends" with One Direction. I BET YOU PAYED THEM TO SAY THAT!!' She screamed.

I got angry. How dare she say that!

'Look, you dont know me and you dont know my life so just shut your face and move along.' I said as i tried to start walking again but she stopped me.

'WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!!' She yelled as she slapped me across the face. Well that hurt!

'YOUR A SKANKY LITTLE BITCH WHO LOVES HERSELF TOO MUCH TO SEE IT!! YOU LITTLE SHIT!!' But as i braced myself for another slap a hand came to stop her.

'what did you say to sara? A little bitch? Who do you think you are? Saying that shit.' It was Zayn and he looked angry.

'Zayn, what are you talking about? I didnt say any of that.' She said all huggy up to Zayn. He just looked at her.

'What? Get off me!!' Zayn yelled. 'If you ever get anywhere near Sara again....You see what happens!' Zayn warned her. She looked scared. Really scared.

Zayn grabbed hold of my shoulders and dragged me away.

'Dont listen to her Sara, your an amazing girl.' Zayn whispered in my ear. I cuddled uo to him as a tear fell down my cheek.....


When we got back to the bus alk the bous got up worried. After Zayn told them what happened they all gave me a hug each.

'Dont believe what she says Sara. You're a Beautiful girl and never ever forget that!' Said the charming Harry.

'Thanks guys!!' I said as i jumped on all of them. We tackled eachother to our hearts content until Louis got hurt.

'MY LEG!!!' Yelled louis.

'Awww sorry Louis.' I said giving him a peck on the cheek but he grabbed me and then i was tackled again!

'Guys wait!' They all looked at me.

'Whats wrong Sara?' Asked Niall.

'Wheres Ted?'

We all looked at each other.....

The Boys and a little bit more (One Direction/Cody Simpson) - SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now