Chapter 14

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We ended up driving to god knows where. I think it was a Beach. Cronulla beach to be exact. I looked around confused.

'Are you ready for your suprise? Asked Louis munching on a carrot. Where did that come from?

I nodded. They placed a blind fold over my head and started to walk me somewhere.

When we finally stopped the boys took the blind fold off my eyes. Everything was still a bit of a blur but when my eyes became clearer i saw someone in the distance.

He had a black coat on and grey skinny jeans. He was facing the water. He had tanned skin and blonde hair in kind of a flick. I knew who it was straoght away.

'Cody?' i said softly to myself. No it couldnt be it cant be! I cant face him! Not after what he did.....

*Flashback 4 Years ago*

'So Sara,' Cody said whilst holding my hand. Our fingers interwind. 'Tomorrows a big day! Turning 13!'

It was the 31st of August and my birthday was tomorrow!

'Yeah, im growing old!' I sighed.

'Never!' Said Cody as he turned me around to look at him.

He gave me a soft kiss on the cheek.

'I have a suprise for you tomorrow.' He whispered as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

As we leaned in for our first kiss my phone rang.

'Hello?' As i answered the phone. 'Yes mum ill come right now. Bye.' I hung up and put my phone in my pocket.

'Sorry i have to go.' I said as i looked at the floor.

'Dont worry! I'll see you tomorrow to give you your suprise! Its gunna be awesome.' He gave me a hug and ran away.


I woke up to see a whole heap of presents in my room. I ran downstairs to a amaZAYN ( ;) ) breakfast mum had made.

When i had finished i ran out of the house to Cody's place.

When i got there there was nothing. And i mean nothing.

An empty house with a for sale sign at the front. "What is happening?" i thought as a tear rolloed down my cheek.

I walked up to the door to see a note.

"Im so Sorry Sara. Happy Birthday." It was Cody's writing. I Started to cry as i ripped up the note and ran home.

I ran up to my room and slammed the door.

Mum walked in.

'Sweetheart i just got a call from Cody's mum. They moved up to the gold coast but i think you already figured that out.' She grabbed me into a big hug and i began to cry harder.

I couldnt contact cody. No matter how hard i tried. All the numbers changed and i didnt know his address.

A year later Cody's a popstar!?! What the hell! I knew he could sing but that was unexpected!

I never spole to Cody after the day he moved. And i dont intend to speak to him ever again.


A tear ran down my cheek.

All the boys but Louis reelised.

'SUPRISE!!!!' yelled Louis but then looked at the tear.

'Sara? Whats wrong?' He asked.

I turned and ran. Ran as fast as i could.

'SARA! SARA! COME BACK!' i heard Cody's voice but i kept on running.

The Boys and a little bit more (One Direction/Cody Simpson) - SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now