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Almost two weeks went by with Taehyung and Jungkook doing my homework for me and rumors spreading about me in school thanks to JB. The day after the night with the guys and JB he spread a rumor how I am a slut and all I want is attention, that was why I acted the way I did at school.

I didn't know who started the rumor until a few minutes ago when Hoseok told me, he said he heard it in the bathroom before he met up with us. Without thinking I went to find him, the guys followed yelling me asking where I was going but I ignored them.

When I found JB, he was talking to his friend Jackson so I went up to him interrupting the conversation and shoved JB on the wall by his jacket.

"Ty, what the hell?" Jackson asked me but I ignored him. The guys finally caught up to me as I was staring at JB, people were gathering around us.

He snickered at me. "Whats wrong, babe?"

"Don't babe me. Why the hell did you start that rumor about me, JB!?" I shouted in his face, he kept on smiling and didn't flinch. Jackson tried to get me off of him but I pushed him down with one arm with the other still holding JB against the wall.

"That you are a slut? You've kissed six guys in one night, pretty sure that's what that means." He said with a smile. I felt tears trying to rise to my eyes, but I forced them no to come up, the worst thing to do was to cry while trying to act tough and badass.

"I don't sleep with more than one guy when I have one." I snapped at him and he smirked.

"Thats because you aren't good enough in bed, Ty." His words made me hurt, I was about to cry. Even though I act this tough and still was, it still hurts getting shot at with words like this but I needed to say something or else I lose.

I let go of his jacket with a smile. "That's why you scream my name every time we have sex, right? Because I'm not good enough. You never even made me moan, JB." And with that I walked off with a bunch of kids laughing behind me. The guys followed me laughing at my comeback, I should be laughing but I felt like I wanted to cry in a corner.

The guys saw me off as I walked into study hall, everyone was whispering when I sat down behind Jungkook and Taehyung. I leaned back and the two guys were whispering about me next to me and everyone could hear them. Their whispering wasn't whispering, it was talking softly enough for the teacher not to hear but enough for students to hear.

Usually I would say something, but I crossed my arms covering my face with my hair. I could feel eyes staring at me and kept hearing people say I was a slut and a whore.

"No wonder she so crabby, she tries to get love from other guys."

"Mommy and daddy must not be around to love her."

"I heard she slept with half the school when she first came here!"

"She is such a slut kissing six guys in one night! What is she, a hooker?"

People were saying things loud enough for me to hear when I felt a single tear run down my cheek. My eyes widen feeling it when I looked up I saw Taehyung and Jungkook looking at me with worried faces. I quickly wiped it away and looked the other way.

"I heard her parents left her alone in Korea because they didn't want her anymore."

"Really? I heard they sold her to a pimp!"

"YAH! You wanna die?! I'M TRYING TO STUDY! You people with your rude comments are annoying! She could kick all our our asses so shut the hell up!" Taehyung shouted in study hall making the teacher look up to see what was going on. My head jerked in their direction seeing Taehyung and Jungkook give me a small smile and went back to their studying, I smiled to myself appreciating them defending me.

Study hall was done and everyone left but the two nerds in front of me, as they were packing their bags I bit my lip then tapped on each of their shoulders.

"Thanks. But I can handle myself." I said pushing my hair out of my face.

"We know, but it looked like you didn't want to speak at that moment." Taehyung said with a small smile.

A smile crept on my face slowly. "You're right. Stupid JB spread rumors about me because of one night I played truth or dare and kissed a few guys." I stopped realizing I was telling them things about me and what I did. Why the hell did I need to explain myself to them and why did I say that of all things?

Taehyung nodded his head. "Its not our business. We don't judge unlike other people, Choi Tylie."

"Call me Ty." What. Only my close friends and my type of people are aloud to call me Ty, not nerds like them. Why was it getting easier talking to them?

"Here." Jungkook said softly handing me my chemistry homework.

"Thanks, by the way I-" I was stopped by Jin and Namjoon yelling my name in the hallway looking for me. "Bye, nerds." I winked walking out to find my friends in front of me. They both looked in then back at me.

"Why were you talking to them?" Namjoon asked.

"No reason. I-"

"OUR LITTLE TY ARE YOU OKAY!?" Hoseok back hugged me rubbing his head on my shoulder as Jimin hugged me in the front.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

Yoongi came up pushing them both off of me knowing I don't like being touched too much. "We heard about what happened in study hall, what people were saying and how Kim Taehyung stood up for you."

My eyes widen. News spreads fast in high school, doesn't it? "Yeah, people were saying things like how my parents sold me to a pimp, or didn't love me and that's why I acted like a slut. Nothing serious."

The guys all looked at me worriedly. Jimin gave me my backpack from my locker, "Ty, that's some pretty harsh stuff. You sure you are okay?"

"I'm fine, it didn't faze me one bit." I lied through my teeth. Taehyung and Jungkook both came out of the classroom behind us and stopped seeing me.

Jungkook gave me a pretty cloth with flowers and gave me a small smile, Taehyung looked at his best friend confused what he was doing. When he saw Taehyung's face he then explained looking at me. "Someone like you shouldn't shed tears. Use that next time you do." And he walked off followed my Taehyung who bowed then ran off to catch his best friend.

"You cried?!" The guys are blurted out at the same time, but I ignored them looking at the pink flowered cloth. It was the first thing someone given me something since I moved to Korea and it was from someone I wasn't close to. The cloth was soft and pretty, why did he have something like this with him?

"Yah, Tylie Marie Choi!" Jimin shouted my full name and it caught my attention finally.


"Why didn't you tell us you cried?" Yoongi questioned me. I rolled my eyes shoving the cloth in my jacket pocket.

"It was one tear, and it was because something got in my eye. Seriously, you guys act like you really care." I shoved my hands in my back jeans pocket.

Namjoon put his hand on my shoulder. "Even though you don't let people care, we do. We all look at you as our best friend, Ty." His words touched my heart, it was so nice knowing people cared enough about me like that.

But I scoffed walking okay. "Don't get all sappy now and lets go smoke. Schools out, why are we still here, dude?"

They all shrugged it off and walked with me leaving the school. I smiled to myself knowing it was nice to have friends like them.

Disturbing The Silence (Jeon Jungkook Fanfic) ~COMPLETED~Where stories live. Discover now