The Roof

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It was the next morning, being Saturday when Tylie woke up seeing two of her friends had stayed the night, Jimin and Yoongi. She rolled her eyes getting out of bed and walked up the stairs seeing the others, Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok asleep on her couch.

"Don't you have homes?" She whispered and scoffed walking into her kitchen. She grabbed a glass of milk thinking about Jungkook and the way they kissed yesterday. Her fingers traced her lips thinking about his lips on hers. To think that was his first kiss and he kissed like that, was nearly impossible.

The door opened as she jerked her head seeing shirtless Jimin walk in half asleep still rubbing his pink hair. She smirked rolling her eyes as he grabbed a glass of water leaning against the kitchen counter. He hadn't even noticed her standing there until he looked over seeing her in a t-shirt with spanks and he choked on his water coughing it up. She started to laugh but covered her mouth trying not to wake her other friends.

"Yah, put some clothes on." He said gasping for air over the sink.

She calmed her laughing down to chuckling. "Its my home, fool. I'll dress how ever I want, you should be the one putting clothes on."

He glared at her while Yoongi came in plopping down in a kitchen chair, he was still sleepy barely moving. Tylie went over and poked his cheek making him jerk his head in her direction then rolled his eyes.

"Rude, I was falling back asleep." He rested his head in his arms on the table when Hoseok entered as well.

"Those two snore so loud, I ended up waking." He sighed sitting up on the counter next to Jimin. 

Ty rolled her eyes once more and grabbed the cereal, milk, spoons and three bowls setting it on the table for them to get breakfast. If she didn't they would starve themselves until they left because they hate asking. They all grinned sitting down and started fixing up their cereal when Yoongi looked up at her.

"Are you going to date that Jungkook guy?" He asked, she spat our her milk all over the floor hearing him say that. 

Jimin and Hoseok both looked at Yoongi then to her waiting for an answer. "Aniyo! I only kissed him to see how he was is all. Nothing will ever go pass that and I wont allow him to do that again."

"Right, just like you said you wouldn't become friends with a nerd. You broke that rule of your own, and also how you would never kiss a nerd. YOU BROKE THAT CLEAR AS DAY, TY!" Hoseok laughed shoving his spoon of cereal in his mouth. 

She threw her spoon at him. "It was one time, never am I breaking it again."

"You're becoming soft.." Jimin mumbled chewing on the Reeses Puffs he poured. Her eyes widen out of anger and she smacked the back of his head hard enough for the other two to hear it.

"Shut up, Park Jimin. Remember who I am, brat! Watch, on Monday I'll show you I am the same old me I was before I met those two nerds. Mock my words." She snapped pouring some cereal and the others just looked at each other not knowing if they should believe her or not.

Monday came finally and the five waited to Tylie to show up to school, they were curious of how she was going to act when she came in. The door opened and she was back to wearing her eye liner, leather jacket and combat boots. She snickered seeing some guys stare at her, she knew she was one of the hottest girls in school and she used it against them. 

She passed a girl who had a donut and coffee from the place down the road, Ty took it out of her hands making her gasp. "Yah! That's mine!"

"Mine now, peasant." Ty spat her gum at her feet and walked over to her friends who were at her locker. She took a sip of the coffee and a bite of the donut.

Disturbing The Silence (Jeon Jungkook Fanfic) ~COMPLETED~Where stories live. Discover now