Marie Montgomery

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Finally back home with Jungkook, everything was back to normal in school. Or at least I thought it was until just now.

"OPPA!" We jerked our heads seeing a girl roughly two years younger than us.

"Marie?" He squinted his eyes.


She ran up jumping into his arms, just when I thought our problems were thrown away this bitch came in to ruin it.

"Oppa, its been so long! Mom says we staying here for the year to see your family. Did you miss me?" She asked when she saw me standing close to him giving her the ultimate death glare when she backed up slowly. "Who's she?"

"I'm his girlfriend, you?" I said taking his hand. He blushed trying to hold back the smile as I raised a brow at her.

Her smile faded. "Oh, well I'm his fiance."

It fell silent throughout the building, being in school hallway you'd think it would be quieter but everyone stopped talking hearing her words.

"Marie, that was only because your family wanted us to be married. We are older now and don't need to be married." Jungkook looked at her as if she was dumb which made me snicker.

"Yeah, so beat it." I snapped, Jungkook glanced at me telling me to be nice but honestly I wanted to punch this chick.

Taehyung laughed awkwardly. "Don't worry, Ty means well just protective over Jungkook is all."

Marie and I exchanged looks, she wanted Jungkook but I wasn't going to let her have him not at all that little brat. Judging how she dresses she is from Britain and is more than likely riches, probably why they were going to get married.

"Ty? That's a boys name, did your parents hate you?" She scoffed. Jungkook went to speak but I stepped in her face.

"Yah, its Tylie. At least my parents were original, Marie is over used." 

She glared. "Well at least my parents love me."

"Like mine don't, spoiled brat."

"I'm rich, you are nothing to me."

"Yeah? Well who's the one who had Jungkook? Oh that's right, I do." 

She gasped making the guys all snicker behind us. Jungkook grabbed my hand trying to pull me back. "Ty, don't be that mean-"

"Its okay, Oppa. You might have him, but at least I'm pretty and not a slut like you." 

That was it. I had enough and tackled her on the ground banging her head into the floor, just who does she think she is saying shit like that?!

She pulled my hair, but I bit her arm making her yell and punched her face. She was pretty strong, but I was by far stronger than her. The guys were chanting my name except for Jungkook who was trying to pull me off. But I yanked my arm as we rolled around in the hallway, at this point the entire school was nearly watching us.

"TYLIE CHOI! MARIE MONTGOMERY!" The principal shouted our names as we froze in place. "MY OFFICE NOW!"

We stood up, Jungkook grabbed my arm seeing I was bleeding from my lip. "Ty, what the hell was that for? You should have been the bigger-"

"Bigger person? A girl hitting on my boyfriend and be the bigger person when she calls me a slut, hmm. I say that's fight worthy."

He tried not to chuckle. "You are really hot, ya know that?"

I blushed trying to catch up to Marie and the principal, she just kept glaring at me the entire time we walked. We got to the office when he sat down making us sit across from him.

"She is a transfer student yet you beat her up on the first day, Ty?" He raised a brow.

My mouth dropped. "Aniyo! She called me a slut-"

"No I didn't. Why would I call such a pretty unnie a slut?" She batted her eye lashes and started to tear up. What a little bitch.

"Detention for a week. Marie go to the nurses office first, then Ty you go after she-" I stood up stopped the principal.

With a scoff I opened the door. "I don't need a band aid like this little bitch does. Yeah I know two weeks of detention."

My friends were all waiting outside the office when I scratched my head looking ashamed walking up to them.

"THAT WAS AWESOME!" My five idiots yelled.

"I will admit, that was kinda fun to watch." Taehyung covered his face laughing.

My eyes met Jungkook, I honestly couldn't tell if he was mad at me or not. I mean, seriously she was being so rude to me when she didn't even know me and acted like she owned MY boyfriend after telling her I was his GIRLFRIEND.

"Aish, my little girlfriend is more badass than my friends. Come on, lets ditch school today and go home to clean your wound." Jungkook intertwined his fingers with mine as we all ditched school going to my house.

While Jungkook was cleaning the wound the bitch made on my lip with her ring, I looked at him admiring his figure. He was built so fine, he smirked seeing how I was practically drooling over his perfectly fir body.


He kissed my nose. "I like it, sh. And no kisses until that wound heals, arasso?" I pouted not wanting to not have his lips on mine.

"So, how did you meet Marie?" I said her name with utter disgust, just thinking about her made me want to punch a wall but I needed to know their past.

He chuckled. "Parents are old friends, her family is rich. Wanted us to marry one another if we didn't find anyone, but my mom loves you."

"Thats assuring. But she acted like she has real feelings for you-"

"She does, has ever since we met. But she always bothered me with the way she was, she was actually the reason I became a nerd. She made me feel so uncomfortable."

I busted out laughing but winced when my lip wound opened a little more. "Good, because she really irritates me."

"Be careful pabo. Did you really think there was a chance of her and I?" He dabbed my lip once again with the cotton ball.

"No, I was just really jealous. The way she was all prissy and wanted you as her arm candy, made me so mad. Spoiled brat." I mumbled as he laughed.

He pat my head before taking my hand. "All set, don't worry about her. I love you, Ty."

I went to kiss him, but he squished my face with his hands shaking his head no. Right, he wasn't allowing me to kiss him until he wound healed. HOW CAN I NOT KISS HIM!?

We went downstairs revealing the six other guys playing video games and eating my food. Taehyung saw us and ran over taking my face to examine it carefully as if he was some doctor or something.

"A cut, bruise on the cheek and you have bite marks on your arm. She did a number on you, didn't she?" He said.

I scoffed. "I did better, she has like five bite marks, a sprained nose, fat lip and a black eye. Little miss priss priss wont be showing her face until it heals." I mocked her voice in the last sentence making everyone laugh.

(A/N Annyeong! Hope everyone is enjoying the story, working hard just to even update it! I know this chapter is a bit out of place compared to the others, but just wanted to say it will be ending soon! Thanks so much for the reads and votes! Feel free to give me a follow, I follow back! THANKS! <3 <3 <3 )

Disturbing The Silence (Jeon Jungkook Fanfic) ~COMPLETED~Where stories live. Discover now