Becoming Friends

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Tylie's P.O.V

What the hell happened to the two nerds?! I take them out for shopping and when they come back after break they totally changed on me. Taehyung with blonde in his hair and Jungkook taking action and actually talking to girls, what kind of parallel world did I wake into!?

It was lunch time and I sat down with my friends at our normal table and for the first time, I actually noticed when Taehyung and Jungkook entered the cafeteria. Girls were surrounding them asking for their numbers, I could tell they were enjoying it so I walked over to ruin it for them.

"Yah! Get lost horny little bitches!" I shouted making them all run away in seconds which made me snicker.

Taehyung raised a brow at me with a smirk. "Aw, were you getting jealous?"

"ME?! Jealous!? You're hilarious, just remember you wouldn't have ever became like this if it wasn't for me." I laughed. 

"Do you regret it?" Jungkook asked which made me instantly look into his eyes, I didn't mean to just hearing his voice with confidence was clearly something to look at.

I scoffed rolling my eyes. "Why would I regret it, nerds? I made you like this so you owe me now to keep doing my homework." 

Taehyung gave Jungkook a look that had a sly smile, what were they up to? Before I could try figuring out my own question, Jungkook turned me around pinning my up against the wall that was behind him. "Instead I could just go to your house and tutor you."

My heart was slowly beating faster and faster, he was really close to my face as in I could feel his breath down my neck. I could see the entire cafeteria was staring at us including my friends, I saw Jungkook's arm above my head. He was trying to take control, act like he was the dominant one here.

But the one thing I knew would make him back up was a girl touching him in any form, so I smiled looking up at him. He had a confused look on his face until I licked his cheek and he stumbled back into Taehyung.

"Just cause you look like one of me, doesn't mean you can take control, Jeon Jungkook." I bit my lip to tease him walking up to him, I took my hand and acted like I was going down his pants and his eyes widened. But I laughed going into his pocket and took out his phone punching my number into it. "You can tutor me, text me after school."

As I was walking away I heard Taehyung whisper to Jungkook. "You seriously need to get used to girls touching you." I laughed a little to myself and sat down at my table, the guys were staring at me shocked.

"Yah, that was different from you." Hoseok poked my arm.

I shrugged taking a lollipop and put it in my mouth. "Honestly, he got too cocky so I put him in his place."

"Aniyo, not that. Tutoring?" Namjoon raised a brow.

They were shocked I was going to let someone come to my place and teach me things. "Meh, I can't really make him do my homework anymore. You saw what he did to Jimin, I only got away with it because I'm a girl. Now that the kid has confidence, I'm almost a little worried at what he could do." I looked over seeing Jungkook rubbing the back of his head chuckling awkwardly at the girls surrounding him. 

My stomach dropped when I saw JB walk over to him. Since they were close I could hear everything they were saying.

"Hey, Jungkook. Nice style, heard you are after Ty?" JB questioned Jungkook, he looked up at his hyung and gave him a glare.

"So what if I am?" He shot back. 

JB smiled at his comment. "Just want to say, been there done that. She's nothing special like she acts like." 

Jimin was sitting next to me so he could hear everything he was saying and looked at me. I was trying hard not to tear up when Jimin threw his sweatshirt that had a hood on me to cover my face. Even though we fought, he was still there for me.

Jungkook shoved JB off his shoulder. "Why do you say that, because you couldn't satisfy her in bed?"

My friends busted out laughing and my eyes widen hearing Jungkook defending me. JB glared at him but rolled his eyes with a smirk.

"Yah, I satisfy everyone in bed. She can't do anything for me." His friends laughed and gave him a handshake. Jungkook laughed too, but you could tell it was against JB, Taehyung laughed with him.

"Sure! That's why whenever you went to her place, people like her friends could hear you shouting her name!" Taehyung stuck out his tongue being cocky and Jungkook snickered.

JB took the hoodie off my head and pulled me up. "Tell them what you really are, Ty. That you are nothing but a slut who can't satisfy anyone." I shoved him off of me and scoffed.

But before I spoke Jungkook cocked his head with a cocky devilish smile. "She satisfy's me, and I know damn well I satisfy her." 

My mouth dropped hearing those words leave the nerds lips. Taehyung eyes were even widen shocked at his best friend, and my guys covered their mouths from laughing.

"You slept with him when you were with me?" JB asked me.

"I wasn't tied down to just you-"

Jungkook put his arm around my waist digging into it. "Just because I looked liked a nerd on the outside doesn't mean I wasn't a beast in the sheets. She actually screamed my name, name one time she did yours."

JB stuttered trying to remember a time that I said his name when we did things, but he couldn't. He grabbed Jungkook by the shirt bringing him close to his face. "You are nothing but a want to be, Jeon Jungkook. You expect us to believe you actually slept with Tylie Choi?"

"But he did." I smiled innocently yet had attitude with it. "And let me just tell you how he is bigger than you. Bye now." His face dropped and his eyes widened to anger, he wanted to hit me but wouldn't because I was a girl. His friend pulled him away as he was glaring at us, Taehyung burst out laughing.

"That was great, you two should act more often!" He whispered loudly enough for my guys to hear. 

Jungkook looked at me with a lustful face. "Oh? It almost sounded like you wanted me, Tylie Choi."

"In your dreams, nerd."

Jimin stood up with Yoongi and they took a step in front of me. Yoongi's body was positioned like he was watching their every move. Jimin crossed his arms and glared at them both, I was going to yell at them when Jin came up.

"Thanks for defending our girl." Jin took out his hand waiting for Jungkook to shake it. He looked at Taehyung and nodded.

"Anytime. She's worth it." He took the hand and winked at me. Hoseok came up with a bright smile followed by Namjoon who studied the nerds like Yoongi.

Hoseok eyes widen with a smile. "So can we be friends?"

All of us looked at him like he was an alien, there's no way we could all be friends because Jimin wouldn't allow nerds with us. To be honest, I shouldn't either because it would make it seem that if anyone changed like this I would accept them.

"Sure." Jimin surprised me with speaking first. For some reason I smiled and kissed him on the cheek. He was shocked and looked over at me.

"First and only time, Park Jimin." I looked over at the nerds. "Listen, you being friends with us could ruin my reputation."

Jungkook smirked. "Sorry, babe." Hearing the word babe from his voice made me feel lust towards him, and I didn't understand why. 

"Anyway, you can. But I swear to god if you nerd out on us or in front of people at school, I'll kill you both. Got it?" I asked. 

Taehyung nodded. "So only nerd out after school, got it."

We all agreed and said our goodbyes, but Jungkook grabbed my wrist before I left the cafeteria. "Yah, we still on for the tutoring?"

I bit the bottom corner of my lip trying to tease him and it worked because he looked away taking a gulp.

"Dae, I'll text you my address." 

Disturbing The Silence (Jeon Jungkook Fanfic) ~COMPLETED~Where stories live. Discover now