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Tylie's P.O.V

It had been a few days since Jungkook had talked to me, and for some reason I feel really empty, bored, hollow. We didn't have school on Monday so it was Tuesday, Jimin and I were the only ones at school out of our group because the other four got sick with the flu. He tilted his fresh dyed hair at me, it was a dirty blonde look.

"Yah, Ty. Whats wrong?" He asked me rubbing my back. I didn't realize I had been staring off into space on the roof, we decided to skip class to have a smoke on top of the school.

My head nodded but my heart said no, I took a big puff off the smoke and stepped on it. "Fine, why?"

"You are staring into space. Is this about what happened with Mark at the mall?" I lightly slapped his chest.

"Aniyo, shut up. I just kinda miss my Kookie.." I mumbled and he busted out laughing, he held his stomach to try to calm down but he couldn't. "JIMIN!" I groaned his name out of irritation.

He pat my shoulder. "Sorry! The mighty Ty calling her boyfriend Kookie, its adorable." Jimin pinched my cheeks, I rolled my eyes walking away. "Yah, come back!"

"RUDE!" I stuck my tongue at him and walked down the stairs, when I turned the corner I bumped into Taehyung. "Oh, Tae. How's Jungkook?"

Probably seemed a bit desperate asking for him but I really missed him, I missed picking on his nerdy stuff. Taehyung chuckled a little rubbing his head, he was blocking me from seeing whatever he was hiding behind him.

"He's fine, still upset about Saturday, that's all." He said quietly, I raised a brow and pushed him aside. My eyes widen, Jungkook had his arm above another girl on the lockers talking to her the same way he did to me. 

"O-Oh. Forgive me, please tell him I'm sorry." I started to tear up, Taehyung tried grabbing my arm but I let out a yelp yanking my arm away. Jungkook looked up and saw me standing there, his eyes got wide.

He went to walk over to me but I didn't give him the chance and ran off. I really didn't know where I was going, but home sounded great. We've only dated for about a week and I already feel this heartbroken? Seriously, what was wrong with me this year?

When I arrived home my phone was blowing up from Taehyung, Jimin and of course Jungkook himself. I opened my door seeing my parents there waiting for me, they knew I skipped classes clearly.

"Tylie, why did you skip?" My mother asked me, and I instantly started to sob. "Oh my, what happened?" She pulled me in closer to her and looked at my father with a concerned look. 

"Did a boy happen?" He questioned rubbing my mid back, I stopped for a second nodding at him. "Well, we came home to tell you how your grandmother is."

I pulled away from my mom and looked at them both. "Whats wrong? Is she okay, is she still remembering things?"

My father shook his head. "She doesn't remember any of us now, she is at the stage where she thinks she's a kid. We are taking care of her as nurses at this point. We were going to see if you would like to come with us to stay with her and your uncle in Busan. Totally up to you though, kiddo. Mark is already there with her."

"Yeah, I'll go. How long?" I wanted to get away from Seoul as long as I could, I knew when I moved here something like this would happen. But I tried everything in my power that it wouldn't yet it still broke me.

"Until Mark goes home, are you okay with that?" My mom answered. I simply nodded my head with a smile, they both kissed me on the head walking up to the bedroom. 

My phone buzzed once again, it was a group chat with my five idiots.


Disturbing The Silence (Jeon Jungkook Fanfic) ~COMPLETED~Where stories live. Discover now