The Mall (Short Chapter, sorry!)

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Mark made me breakfast as soon I walked up stairs and not even a half hour later all of my friends came over. A few of them were getting along with him, but Taehyung and Jungkook stayed to themselves.

"So Namjoon, Jin and I won't be able to accompany you guys today. Mianhae." Hoseok bowed to us.

I tilted my head. "Why?"

"We actually have a meeting with a music producer. We should be heading out now." Namjoon ruffled my hair, Hoseok pat my head then Jin gave me a small kiss.

"Good luck! Fighting!" I gave them a smile and they laughed closing the door. Jungkook trusted them clearly, he didn't get jealous that Jin gave me a kiss on the head. He was like my older brother so it was okay I guess.

Mark sat down next to me. "So, its just us six? Are we going to the mall today?"

"Yeah, figured it something to do to get to know our Ty's childhood friend." Yoongi answered. We all nodded in agreement.

After I got ready, we got to the mall. The last time I came here was with Tae and Jungkook, I bought them clothes and brought out their inner beasts. Jungkook went to grab my hand to show me something until Mark pulled me the other way by my wrist to go into the arcade.

"TyBear, remember how I'd always beat you a dance?" He laughed taking out quarters from his pocket and shoved them in.

"Aish, I can't dance anymore you know that. Can I tag someone in?" I pouted and he grinned ruffling my hair.

"Sure chose your pick."

Jungkook and Taehyung came in and I grabbed my boyfriends arm bring him to the dance game. "Him."

"Mwo? What are we doing?" Jungkook asked me.

I kissed him on the cheek. "I can't dance so Peaches said I could tag someone in. I chose you."

He blushed a little then nodded. "Alright, I'll win for you."

"Just so you know, I'm a really good dancer." Mark tried to brag to Jungkook, but he just looked at him stepping on the game.

They started with the song 'Fantastic Baby' by BigBang and it seemed like Jungkook was falling behind until Taehyung tapped my shoulder pointing at his feet. He wasn't even trying to keep up with him, once the song 'Hard Carry' by Got7 came on, he started to grin. Jungkook then started dancing incredibly fast that even Mark couldn't keep up and beat him.

He finished and he was all sweaty, he looked really hot while dancing. I jumped on him wrapping my legs around his waist kissing him all over. "That was amazing! My boyfriend beat my friend who is known to never been defeated."

Jungkook chuckled resting his head on my shoulder and glared at Mark with a sly smile. After we played a few games in the arcade we went to a few stores, Tae showed Mark something so Jungkook could take me away. It was cute how hard he was trying to get my attention, I love it knowing he was jealous. 

Third P.O.V

After a little bit of shopping they all decided to meet up in the food court to eat lunch. Jimin and Yoongi came back from the music stores and plopped down next to everyone else.

"So, Mark tell us about Ty when she was younger." Jimin poked her cheek and she glared at him hugging Jungkook.

Mark let out a chuckle. "Well, there's lots you don't know about her I bet. I pretty much know everything from her first celebrity crush to when she had her first kiss."

Tylie kicked his leg under the table. "Shut up, Peaches."

"So violent. Anyway, her first crush was the Japanese rock star, Hyde. She had posters and owned every CD of his." They all laughed at her and Jungkook kissed her temple.

"Come on, tell us about her first kiss." Yoongi nudged him.

"Min Yoongi, my boyfriend is with me. That's nothing to share in front of him, I can tell you it some other time." She complained.

But Jungkook shrugged. "Not a big deal, it was in the past. As long as you wouldn't kiss him now, I don't care."

"Really? Even if it was with me?" Mark asked. Everyone went silent and Tylie closed her eyes tight, she could feel Jungkook's arm tighten around her. 

Taehyung laughed awkwardly. "Oh, because you trust each other, right?"

"Nae, it was because we didn't want to be sloppy with our first boy/girl friend. So we practiced it with each other. Wasn't the only thing we practiced either." He mumbled the last part quiet enough for them to hear.

She went to get up to run away but Jungkook stood up punching him in the face. "You seriously can't stop hitting on my girl can you?" He scoffed walking off, she ignored Mark who was bleeding on the floor from his nose and ran after her boyfriend.

When she tried grabbing his sleeve he yanked it away. "Jungkook, you can't be mad at me that was years ago before I even met you!"

"I'm not made at that, I'm mad that you let him say shit like that." He snapped then walked off leaving her alone there. She watched him walk out and started to tear up slowly, the first couple spat they had. 

All she knew was she wanted to murder her best friend, Mark Tuan. 

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