3: Matt Wilson

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I woke up in a white room. There was no windows to see outside at all, but I saw machines all around me. I had IV's in and my head was on fire. I looked around and saw no one was in the room, but I saw Alexis and Brayson outside in the window that showed the hall. I sighed and remembered the car all too well. I was wearing a hospital gown, so that told me I was here for a good few hours. I sighed and placed my head on the pillow. 

"Mom!" I heard Alexis cry and she ran into the room. She sat down next to me and I smiled at her. 

"Hi sweetie," I said and she wiped a tear off her face. 

"You're okay," Brayson said standing over Alexis. 

"I guess," I answered. "What happened?" 

"Well someone pulled out in front of you and you must of moved out of the way. You hit a pole and then hit your head on the sun block that fell. The person called the ambulance and saw you passed out. You've been out for about three hours now." 


"Hey, you'll be fine," Alexis told me taking my hand. "You always are." 

"I know," I said and then I thought about what Brayson said. "Where is the man now?" I asked and I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up and saw a man with dark brown hair that was in a neat fashion. His skin was a mixture of pale and tan, and his eyes. They were a hazel color that looked at me with concern. The man acted like we knew each other, but I knew we hadn't. he was wearing a white cotton shirt with a leather jacket over it. He had on jeans and had a beard growing. 

"I'm sorry miss," he told me walking into the room a little more. "I'm the man, but I am truly sorry. I had a meeting with a client and I didn't' see you coming. If I had I wouldn't have pulled out like I had. I'll pay for your car to be repaired and for the medical bill." 

"You don't have to do all of that," I told him surprised about his actions. 

"It's no trouble at all ma'am. I want to make up about what I did." 

"Well, then thank you." 

"Like I said, it is no trouble at all. I'm Matt Wilson, by the way." 

"Missy Jane." 

"Well it is a pleasure to meet you Missy, but I still have the meeting with the client. I might see you around sometime." 

"Alright," I said and he smiled and left the room. I sat and watched him through the window has he made his way down the hall, but soon I couldn't see him. I sighed. What was that? I mean it was a nice jester, but the man? I felt my heart skip a beat just thinking about him. Oh no, I can't be in love with him! I'm married to Patrick! 

Patrick isn't here, my head told me. I didn't care, cause I still loved him and he was still my husband, no matter what anyone says. I have to be loyal to him no matter where he is. Besides, Patrick loved another woman for the first few years we were married. Doesn't that give me the right to like another man for just a bit until he is found? 

No Missy, it doesn't, I thought. It's not like you are going to see him again, right? It was probably just a one time thing, seeing him. Matt didn't even say goodbye when he left, so what does that tell me? That he didn't plan on coming back. I should just relax and take my mind off of it. 

"Hey Mom," Alexis said breaking my thoughts. 

"Yes dear?" I asked back. "What is it?" 

"The doctors said you could come home now if you want." 

"Alright. Did you bring your car?" 

"I did. I'll drive us home." 

"Don't think I can do it?" 

"No, but it might be best if I do it since they said you might faint while driving today." 

"I understand sweetie. I am just picking on you. Let's go," I said standing up. I changed into my clothes and followed my children to their cars. Brayson said he was going to come to my house and make sure I was okay, and Alexis was driving me there. I got in think that my children were over protective of me. 

Wouldn't you be if your mother was taken, and your father is missing? I asked myself. I did understand, but sometimes it just felt strange having them look out for me. I should be the one looking out for them. That thought brought out something Patrick said when we were together in the Red Stars place. I should be the one taking care of you. 

Maybe Lisbon was right saying I should talk to someone. I looked at the card and I looked at the name. Matt Wilson. Matt Wilson? The man who I just meant? No, no, no! This can't be happening? I was going in to be treated by the same man who might have stolen my heart? Oh boy. 

So how do you like them apples? I don't know what to say, haha. Um, on the side you can see Matt Wilson if you really wish to see him. Did you know that I might not have a summer if the snow keeps coming down? I might not, grr. So far, in February, we have only gone one/two days. Goodbye June, I'll miss you. Peace out my Stars, and my summer! 

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