19: I Release You

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*Patrick's pov* 

I didn't know what was going on. Ever since last night Bill has been acting strange. Every time he has seen me, he has glared at me. I wasn't given water at all like I usually was. My mouth was dry and my hands felt like they were being crushed. Bill had them tightened, and I was just staring at the ceiling by now. 

Something was going on, and I feared Bill was going to kill me. I couldn't let him do that. I had to get back to Missy and my children. I couldn't leave them behind. It I had to get out of here. 

Bill walked in with a knife in his hand. He was going to kill me, I thought closing my eyes. He was going to stab me to death, and I wouldn't be able to stop him. I was going to lie to Missy. I was going to die, and I was leaving a family behind. 

"Do you know what I plan to do with this knife?" he asked making me look up, eyeing the weapon in his hand. 

"I do," I answered. "Tell them I love them." 

"I figured you would say that," Bill laughed. He knelled next to me, and cut the rope on my left hand. I looked at it, and then he cut the right hand. "You can tell your family that you love them yourself. You are free to go Patrick. Missy no longer loves you." 

"What?" I asked, looking at him. 

"She has fallen for Matt." 

"No, she promised she wouldn't! I don't understand why you are letting me go?" 

"I don't know a greater pain than watching the one you love love someone else. So you are going to go and watch Missy leave you, and go into Matt's arm. I'll drive you to the park, but after that, you are on your own." 

"Alright," I said has I stood up. I followed him out, and into the car he transported me in. I didn't know what I was going into. Missy loved someone else? I didn't want to believe it. She promised me that her heart was always going to be in my hands. I did want her to be happy, but I wanted her to be happy in my arms, not someone else. What was I going to do when I got there? I had no home, I had nothing that wasn't Missy's also. I only had the job at the CBI, and I wasn't even sure I still had that. 

The Red Stars had left me helpless. If I didn't have Missy, then I didn't see any point in living. She was my rock, her and the kids. Without them, what was I going to do? I didn't have a point, and I might has well be staying with them. 

"Here we are," he said and pushed me out on the ground. I groaned in pain and watched him drive away. I stood up and saw a pond of water. I looked in it and gasped. I was a mess, with bruises and dirt all over my face. I looked like I was in a fight and lost very bad. I limped away from the place I was standing and people looked at me. I didn't say anything, and looked around the faces. They were no one I knew, and I just kept walking. I had to get to the hospital, but I couldn't walk all the way there. I had to find someone. 

"Patrick?" I heard someone ask, and I turned around. Standing there was a woman with black hair. Her dull greens haven't changed one bit, filled with wonder and joyfulness. Her pale skin was darkened by the shade of a tree. Her lips turned from the frown into a grin and she wrapped her arms around my neck. I didn't know what to say since what Bill told me. 

"Missy," I sighed, and she looked into my eyes. I saw tears form and she pressed her lips to mine. I kissed her back, and tears formed in my eyes also. 

"I missed you," she said against my lips wiping my tears. 

"I missed you too," I said laughing, then wiped her tears. She pulled away from me and looked me up and down. Then her smile faded. 

"You need to go to the hospital," she told me and I nodded. "Come on you missing person, let's go," she said laughing, and I wrapped my arm around her neck and placed some of the presser on her. We walked to our and she helped me in. She climbed in and I watched her drive away. 

I knew that Bill was lying. Missy was still in love with me. Her kissing someone else was an act, and that was all it was going to be. She was in love with me, and nothing was every going to change that. I smiled at her, and knew that my life was only going to get better from this moment and on. I don't know what could make this better. Nothing, I thought and closed my eyes for the ride. 

Yay, Patrick is back! Isn't that sweet? Too bad I have things planned for them. We have a few more chapters then Racked will start. I promise that Racked will be a nice ender for the series and would make Missy and Patrick smile if they were real. I will cry when Racked will be over, but that isn't for a while, so you can get a lot to sink your teeth in. Peace out my Stars! 

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