24: Nitro

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It was a few months later. I was in the car waiting on Patrick to get in. Ever since I was in the hospital he never left my side just like he said he wouldn't. My leg was fine and so was the area the metal hit close to my heart. The only place that wasn't healing the way it should was my arm, just like Dr. Smith said. 

"You ready?" Patrick asked me. While I was healing the state pulled my licence saying that if I couldn't use both my hands and arms I shouldn't be driving. I sighed and looked up at him. 

"Yes," I told him and he smiled at me. 

"Hey, it's not the end of the world you can't drive home," he told me taking my hand in his. "I didn't drive home after I got out of a coma, and you didn't drive home after you got out of the hospital the first time." 

"Yet you were able to drive again and so was I. This time I'm not. I'll never be able to drive again." 


"I don't want to have to be dependent on others to drive me everywhere I need to go. I don't want to bother them." 

"It won't bother us one bit. I'm sure everyone understands." 

"I hope so." 

He smiled and pulled out of the parking lot. After a few minutes we arrived home, but I saw that Alexis' car wasn't in the drive way. I got out and looked at him. He didn't say a word and lead me up to the door and when he opened it, I saw that there was nothing on but the kitchen light. 

"Where's Alexis?" I asked him and his smile turned into a grin. 

"She is at a friends house," he told me, and turned to wrap me in a hug. "I plan on making a few things up to you." 

"Make what up for me?" 

"You didn't see the date, did you?" he asked me. I knew it was sometime in August, that was it. 

"I didn't. Why?" 

"It's the fourteenth." 

"Our anniversary." 

"I know. I missed two of them, and I missed three birthdays. I have a little catching up to do." 

"Patrick, you didn't have to do this." 

"I wanted to do this. Tonight it is just you and me. No kids, no work, nothing. Just the woman I love and a nice dinner, a few presents, and maybe a few other things." 

"Patrick," I said laughing when he winked at me. He was so corny at times it made me laugh. He took my hand and lead me to the couch and made me sit down. 

"Close your eyes," he told me. 

"Why?" I asked and he laughed. 

"Close them!" 

"Alright Mr. Bossy." I closed my eyes and heard him get something out of the closet. I didn't see what was so special that I had to close my eyes for him to get it. More then likely he forgot to wrap it. Wouldn't surprise me if he did. 

"Now open them," he told me and I did. In his hands was a box and a smile on his face. He placed the box on the couch and I opened it. In the box was a pile of fluff. I thought maybe it was a purse or a small blanket till it looked up at me. I saw a dog that looked about a year old looking at me. 

"Patrick, I thought you said you wouldn't get a dog," I told him looking up. He know I loved dogs, but since he wasn't too big on pets we didn't get one. Now I was looking at a golden retriever lying on my lap. 

"Well I thought that maybe we could use this little fellow right here," he told me stretching behind the dogs ear. "He is trained to fetch things for people who are disabled. I know you wanted one, and now that you could be in trouble when I'm not here and not be able to get help worries me. I know it is in selfish reasons, but I guess it is my concern coming out." 

"It still think that it is a wonderful gift," I told him has the dog licked my chin, making me laugh. "Does he have a name?" 

"Nitro," he answered and held up a collar. "They named him at the place I got him. He'll grow into a nice dog to help you out. I hope you don't mind." 

"Has long has he doesn't become my seeing eye dog, I'm fine with it." 

"Now let's get back to what else I had planned." 

We did a few more things. Nitro was the only gift Patrick got me, but he was the best gift I received in a long time. Patrick served me the dinner he owed me, and we talked about things since we had to get caught up. This was the first time Patrick and I had been home together after he was relised by the Red Stars. We also had cake, watched a movie, played with Nitro, and just sat on the couch talking. All without my right hand. It was close to eleven o'clock when Patrick said that we should go upstairs to go to bed. I followed him up the stairs. 

 I watched has he closed the door, looking at the muscles in his back move. His long legs walked over to me. I seemed to be picking out all the ways his body moved; the raising of his chest with every breath he took, the way his eyes held mine, the way his muscles relaxed when he placed his hands on my upper back.

“Are you sure you are okay?” he asked me, worry in his eyes. All I could do was nod. He smiled. “Alright, if you are sure.”

He placed his lips on my own, his hands sliding down to the bottom of my shirt. I felt the cold air has he slipped my shirt off my body, his hands now on my bare skin. I ran my hand through his air and then slowly took his shirt off also. I placed my good hand on his chest, feeling the scar from the wound of John’s gun. It was so small now, but it was there none the less.

Patrick pushed me to the edge of the bed, and in one movement I was lying on the bed, Patrick on top of me. I felt his bare skin on my own, and I could hear his heart racing with pleasure. I sighed against his lips and he pulled away to look at me.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked giving me one more chance. It wasn’t because he didn’t want to, but for the reason he was worried I was still hurt. I smiled at him.

“If I was still in pain I wouldn’t be here right now, would I?” I asked him and he laughed.

“If it hurts too much, let me know, alright?”

“I promise.”

He ran his hand through my hair, and started to kiss me again. I felt his strong hands on my sides and pull me closer to him. I felt pleasure run all over my body, replacing my blood with it. The spark I felt with Patrick was stronger than I remembered, and I smiled when he started to kiss my neck lightly. I couldn’t help but think that maybe this one night could help fill in some of the love I was missing for two years; two long years without him. It would take time for me to get used to being this way, to get back in a routine of him being back and my arm, but I know that I will love every second of it. I didn’t know how much I missed him until this moment. It was so much that I couldn’t even put words into it.

All I know is that he was back and I was never going to lose him again. 

ONLY ONE CHAPTER LEFT!!!!!! I don't know if I should be happy or sad about it! Oh well, I'm sure you guys are glad that Missy is finally back with Patrick, but she doesn't seem to be getting that full happy ending, does she? Her arm is still lame. Good thing there is one more book, right? Peace out my Stars! 

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