8: Fun House

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I sat waiting to talk to Matt again. I was about to set my plan into motion, and I knew that Matt was the perfect guy to help me with it. Yet I had to keep it hidden or else he won't go along with it. I had made the story up in my head for so long, it just sounded like I could mean it. 

"Hello Missy," he said walking in with a smile and coffee in his hand. I smiled back, once again running over the words in my head. 

"Hello Matt," I said standing up. He motioned for me to sit back down, and I do. He sits down also. 

"What can I do for you today?" he asked taking a sip of his coffee. 

"Well, I was thinking that since you said I need someone to stand in for Patrick till he came back, I was wondering if you wished to go to the fair that is in town. We used to go together every year with the kids, and sometimes just went to look back at our time at a circus and things like that. I haven't gone in two years, and maybe I should go this year. Yet I don't think it would be the same without someone. Would you like to go?" 

"I would love to go," he told me taking a sip of his coffee, "but are you sure you don't want to go with one of your friends? Maybe it would be better if you did." 

"I already asked them," I lie looking him straight in the eye. My father taught me this trick. Another thing I have learned that most likely come from the Red Stars. I didn't use this trick too often. 

"I see. Well, then I think you can go back to work, and that I will see you on Friday at seven," he told me taking my arms to make me stand. I do and walk out the door, and I look back. 

"See you then." 


"I hope you enjoy yourself," Matt tells me walking with me around the crowd that is looking at the man doing 'magic.' I smiled at the weak tricks and think about how Patrick or my father could up show him. Don't think about either of them, I think and smile at Matt. 

"I'm sure I will. Is there anything you want to do?" I ask. 

"How about the fun house?" 

"I love fun houses." 

"I enjoy them also." 

We walked into the building that was filled with laughing people. I look around and see the mirrors that change what you look like, making you fat or skinny. I stare at them and see Bill looking into on of them. I knew he would be here to see if I did come with Matt. He looks over and I turn my head. Out of the corner of my eye I see him in surprise, like he doesn't believe I would do it. I sigh and look around. I hear the song Fun House by Pink play all around me. 

It's right. This house is filled with evil clowns right now, at least mine is. I want to burn it down so much, but I know I can't, not until I get Patrick back. I sigh and walk with Matt, enjoying myself at the fair. 

We rode some of the rides, like those spinning berries that are supposed to be like the tea cups at amusement parks. My favorite was the swings that spin you into the air and you just have to laugh at the height and speed you are going. When I do these, I feel like I am a bird. All my trouble is on the ground and I'm higher then them see they can't bother me. I wish I was like that. 

We also played games, and Matt won me a giant tiger. I was carrying it to the car, and he was holding cotton candy in his hand. I also had a small wolf and hawk in my hand, all from him. I didn't win anything. I suck at fair games, and I don't know why. I saw Bill again, and I look at the lie I am living. I smile at Matt and tell him to wait for me in the car. He nods and walks away. I walk up to him. 

"I'm surprised to see you with him," Bill told me watching Matt walk away. "Have you forgotten Patrick?" 

"Of course not," I tell him and smile. "I only want to live my life, and if that is having fun with a friend, then I will do it." 

"I think Patrick might be hurt even more by that. Is there anything you like to give me?" 

"Give him this," I say handing Bill the small hawk in my hand I walk away. 

"You know you could save him right now," he calls to me, and I turn to him. 


"That is for you to figure out," he laughs and walks away, the toy in his pocket. I sigh and walk to where Matt is waiting. I climb in and he smiles at me. Then he sees the missing prize. 

"What happened to it?" he asked and I shrug. 

"A little girl couldn't win one, so I give her mine," I say, lying again. He smiles and tells me he is glad I am giving. We drive to my house in silence, and I get out with the two toys. Sitting at the table is Alexis, and when she looks up, she looks hurt. 

"How could you?" she asked me standing up, angry and pained all at the same time. 

"Could I what?" I asked looking at her. 

"Go out with him! What about Dad? Does he mean nothing to you anymore, or is this just a way to forget him?" 

"Alexis, I have not forgotten your father. It is just I want to be happy, and I thought this might do it." 

"Did it?" 

"A little, but it wasn't with being with Matt that made me happy. It was the things I did, and he was just there to do them with me." 

"That doesn't mean anything!" she cried and ran up the stairs. I sighed and placed everything down on the table. I knew that she was hurt, but she would need time. I wasn't betraying Patrick by having a little fun. I knew that. Alexis is too young to understand this. I would have to talk to her about it tomorrow. Just give her time. 

So that was an interesting chapter to write. Might be my favorite so far. On the side will be the song that inspired me to write this chapter. I don't know why, but I'm not big on Pink, but I love this song. I'm weird like that. So I hoped you enjoyed it, and I'll see you guys later. Peace out my Stars! 

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