15: Bipolar Disorder

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I pulled into the driveway, and Brayson didn't look ready at all. I sighed and took his hands in my own. He looked up at me and saw the smile on my face. 

"They will understand," I told him. "They are your sister and girlfriend. Nothing will change that, not even this. Okay?" 

"Okay," he answered taking a deep breath. "I don't know if it is the disorder, but I fell like I'm going to puke." 

"Come on," I said laugh and we got out of the car. I walked up the stairs with Brayson behind me. I had the butter in my hand and opened the door. Alexis and Kasey were watching Modern Family on the T.V. and looked up when we walked in the door. Kasey stood up and threw her arms around Brayson's neck. 

"I thought something happened to you!" she exclaimed. "What took you guys so long?" 

"Well- um..." Brayson said, looking at his hands. "Can we go to the living room? I have to tell you and Alexis something." 

"What is it bro?" Alexis asked him, and I sat down to watch how Brayson was going to handle this. He sat them both on the couch and tood a deep breath. He ran his hand threw his blond hair he got from his father. I smiled at him. 

"Well Mom thought something was wrong with me," he started. "Since I have been acting strange lately, I agreed to go with her to get some test down. Once there we found out that I have..." 

"Have what?" Kasey asked him, worry on her face. "Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine," he answered. "I have bipolar disorder." 

The girls sat there looking at Brayson for a long time. They didn't say anything, just looked at him. Then Kasey stood up and took both of his hands in her own. She placed her forehead on his, and the two looked at each other. 

"Are you mad?" Brayson asked her. 

"No," she answered. 

"But I'm different." 

"No you're not. You are still Brayson Lee Jane, the man I feel in love with. This doesn't change a thing." 

"Really?" he asked, a smile on his face. She kissed him, and I could tell he had his answer. I smiled and thought about Patrick and I. We used to do things like this to let the others know that whatever was the problem, we were okay with it. It was sweet to see that Brayson had someone who truly cared about him, and that would take good care of him. It's something every mother had to make sure was going to happen for her son, and I have for mine. 

"Brayson," Alexis said once he was done kissing Kasey, and he looked at Alexis. She was standing next to them, and Brayson let go of Kasey to go see what Alexis wanted. The girl only wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him. Brayson hugged back. 

"You're not upset?" he asked, and she smiled. 

"I can't be upset at you, only that we saw it sooner. You'll always be my brother, no matter what you have. This doesn't change you." 

"Mom told me that." 

"She's right." 

"Of course she is. She's Missy Jane." 

"You two are so sweet," I told them with a smile. I stood up and took them in my arms. and they smiled up at us. Kasey said aw and took a picture of us. Brayson made an upset face, then laughed, and went over and kissed her, taking the phone she had in her hand. 

"Brayson!" she cried out with laughter, and Brayson looked through the pictures. 

"Wonder what you have in here," he said, and she smiled. 

"Hope you don't find that picture that my dad took of him and Mom in bed." 

"Not doing that," he said giving it back. She laughed. 

"You have a nice family," she told us showing us the picture. It did look sweet, but something was missing from the picture. 

"It would be better if Dad was in it," Brayson replied looking at his feet. Alexis nodded and I just looked at the wall. 

"I understand," Kasey said. "Well has soon has Missy finds him, I'll take another one, how's that?" 

"I think it sounds wonderful dear," I told her. She smiled, then looked at the time. 

"Well I have to get back to my dorm before they close it for the night." She walked over and said good bye to Alexis who smiled up at her, then to me. She placed her arms around me, and looked in my eyes. "I know it is hard for you, but I just know you'll find Mr. Jane. I mean Patrick." 

"Thank you dear," I told her. "Now you take good care of Brayson Lee over there." 

"I will." 

"Bye Alexis," Brayson told her. "Bye Mom. I'll see you both later. Dinner was very good, and I can't wait for the next one." 

"I don't think it will be like this one," I laughed, and he agreed. They left, and I was alone with Alexis. 

"Mom?" she asked me. 

"Yes dear?" I asked back. She looked out the window. 

"I do want you to kill Bill now," she answered, "but under the reasons I said." 


"I'm tired of hearing that the Red Stars have hurt someone. And I want Dad back, for good. He missed Brayson's gradation and I want him to see mine. I'm tired of not having him here. Okay?" 

"I will Alexis," I said and I picked up a gun I had for work. "With this gun." 

"Okay. I love you Mom," Alexis said hugging me. "I don't think you get told that enough." 

"I love you too, Alexis." I said and just stood there. My family might not be complete at the moment, but it was still the best family I could ever want. 

So how was that? I don't have anything to say, besides I'm sick. That's all I have to say, wow. Peace out my Stars! 

Relearning to Love {Book Four} The MentalistWhere stories live. Discover now