22: You Droll in Your Sleep

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I was sleeping on the chair, probably hunched over on Missy's bed. I heard someone laugh, and I opened my eyes to see Missy watching me sleep and I sat up quickly to look at her. She laughed even more. 

"You droll in your sleep," she laughed and I wiped my mouth, seeing she was right. She laughed harder and I took her hand in mine. 

"The first thing you do when you wake up from almost dying is make fun of me?" I asked her, a smile on my face. She nodded. "That doesn't surprise me for some reason." 

"I could have made it all sappy and made you cry instead." 

"I think I like laughing better." 

"I know you do. You always have liked to laugh, even when you shouldn't." 

"You like to run into danger head on and make me worried sick about you." 

"Patrick, I'm sorry. I just had to get rid of him. He was hurting too many people and killing him was the only way to stop him. What else was I going to do?" 

"You could have thought about it. You could have worn a vest. You could have killed him has soon has the people left you both alone. You could have done so many things." 

"I know," she told me looking out the window. I saw tears fall down her face, and I made little circles around her hand. I shouldn't have told her that. She is hurt, and she did what she told me she would do. She killed Bill and took down the Red Stars. Sure she could have done it better, but everyone does things that could have gone better. I should be thankful she didn't die. 

"I should be the one who is sorry Missy," I told her, pushing her over and lying in the bed next to her. I felt the heat she gave, and she could fell mine. She smiled and placed her head on my chest, just like she did before all of this happened. 

"I love you," she told me. 

"I love you," I told her, kissing the top of her head. 

"What was it like?" 

"What was what like?" 

"Being with them for two years?" 

"Like hell. What about me gone?" 

"I'm going to say the same thing, but not has worse." 

"I figured." 

"When I get out of here you owe me a dinner." 

"Really?" I asked laughing. "That is what you remember?" 

"Yep," she said snuggling more into my chest. "I don't forget when a handsome guy I love offers to make me dinner. No one does." 

"You have me there." 

"Didn't you miss me?"

"Like crazy. You know, I think you owe me something also," I said smiling at her. She looked up, confused. 

"I do?" she asked. "What?" 

"This," I said and pulled her up so her lips could meet mine. We laid there, kissing for what seemed like hours. Her lips were warm and soft. They were lips I missed on mine every single day. Her hand on my face was something I missed. She was just something I missed every single day I was gone. I would never get those two years back, but I could tell that we could forget that and keep loving each other like we did, never taking a break. No one was going to take me from her, and no one was going to take her from me. 

We stopped kissing when we heard an ew from the doorway, and then a laugh. We looked up to see Alexis and Brayson looking at us, smiled on there face. 

"Glad to see you back with the living Mom," Brayson told her, walking and sat down on the side of the bed that she was at. He placed his hand on her leg. Alexis came over and sat on the bed also, but on my side. 

"I didn't know this was a community bed," Missy laughed looking at all of us. 

"it is when we get someone in the family back and someone else doesn't die when all signs point to it," Alexis told her. Missy smiled. 

"We did get someone back," she said placing her good arm around me, and I smiled. "And he is not leaving us again." 

"I don't want to," I told them. "I won't, I promise. You are stuck with me." 

"That's a good thing," Brayson laughed. We all laughed with him until Missy groaned in pain and placed her hand on where the bullet hit her in the chest. I took her hand in mine. 

"Are you okay?" I asked, and she nodded. 

"Just a little pain," she told us, looking at our worried faces. "I'm fine, I promise." 

"Are you sure?" Alexis asked. 

"Maybe," she answered and sighed. "I'll be much better when I heal." 

"Then we can help Dad play catch up," Brayson said, winking at me. I smiled. 

"We can do that now if he wants," she told me, and I laughed. 

"Alright," I answered. "What did I miss? I know Brayson has bipolar disorder, that's it." 

"Lisa got married," Alexis told me, and I smiled. 

"To who?" 

"His name is Peter Blaze," Missy told me and I smiled. 

"I'm glad she is happy." 

The kids told me all about Brayson's graduation, about Alexis' first few years in high school, about so many things I missed. It made me happy they could tell me so many things, but sad since I missed them. I should have been there to tell Brayson he did a good job, I should of been there to help Alexis with her homework. I should have been there for everything. Missy took my hand and smiled at me. 

"You couldn't help it," she whispered in my ear when the kids were talking to each other. 

"I know, but still." 

"Pardon me, Mrs. Jane?" Dr. Smith asked from the door. 

"Yes?" Missy asked back. 

"I have some bad news for you." 

"How bad?" 

"I was looking over the charts and found something to do with your arm. When the bullet hit, it hit an artery. That caused the circulation in your arm to be cut off." 

"So?" Missy asked, taking my hand in her own. She was scared, and I could understand why. 

"You won't be able to use your right arm ever again. I'm very sorry." 

I'm so evil! Wow. So you guys got homework! You would be really nice if you went and looked up my new fanfic (X-men) Animal or Human. I would be really grateful if you did, but I understand if you don't. But you should! Alright end of whatever I was doing. Crap, I forget what it's called. 

Sparkles: Promoting 

Thanks. Peace out my Stars! 

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