Chapter 1- Stolen anger

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 Dear reader,

Welcome to the word of my creation! He he he, that was fun to say.  Anyway, this here is Kara's story for you to read and enjoy. Now please remember to respect her story, meaning this is Copy Righted All rights reserved. 

I also wanted to invite you to check out "Shadow's Edge" by @Linna1029 . She has been helping me by editing and giving me so helpful ideas.  

Shadow's Edge is about a 17 year old girl named Mara Collins who after a series of unexplainable accidents, in which fires are started and glass is shattered,  she is told she is a witch. She is then sent of to a institution for supernatural creatures in hopes to tame her growing abilities.

So what are you waiting for? Get reading! 



WARNING: violent fight scenes,  attempted sexual assault and frisky lovei dovie scenes will be present in this story. Deal with it.


They came in a cold night, hidden in the shadows, like they often did in her nightmares. It seemed that wherever she went danger followed and it was always the villagers around her that got hurt. The lucky ones died a quick death, but others specially the women were eaten alive by the worse creatures of all.


Unlike many other creatures vampires were savage, their thirst for blood always led them to kill their prey. They would leave piles of dismembered bodies wherever they went and like several times before, they found their way to her. Already four villages were dead, four villages she had lived on, four villages she abandoned. It seemed absurd to think that she had been the catalyst for so much death, but there was no other way to explain it.

Fear gripped her heart as the village's alarms when off. The bell resonated through the cold air. People rushed to the big barn in hopes they would find some kind of protection inside. Of course she knew better, wooden panels and locked doors would do nothing to protect them from these monsters. She cursed under her breath, and rushed against the stream of people that were going to the barn and headed for the small house.

She pushed her bed aside and began to tear up the floor boards. She paused for a minute and looked at The Legacy.

It was a sword. Not just any sword, it was The Legacy, a pure silver sword that could cut through any vampire. It was the only thing from her father that she had left. The sword was carved with Fae magic and whenever she held it, it seemed to vibrate to life like it was welcoming her home. It always felt like her magic focused and magnified when she held it.

The cool feel of the silver hilt spread over her and she knew her body was now coated in a silver armor. She stood up and left the house. She could hear screams coming from the barn and looked to it to find it crawling with Vampires.

She ran over with her sword at the ready and yelled for their attention. She got it. The Vampire's blood shot eyes focused on her, their heads turned sideways with curiosity regarding her with fang covered mouths and distorted faces that had lost all semblance of beauty they once had.

"Come on!" she yelled at them letting the blue fire of her power consume her. This time she would fight, she would not let her magic transport her away from her responsibility. No more running away.

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